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Definitive proof Psytrance isn't dead!!!!

Undertaker/Mr Ponce

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Posted : Dec 30, 2009 19:20

On 2009-12-30 18:51, hip wrote:
Interesting combination.
Music that sounds like 1999, and video that looks like... what? 1993?


really funny 
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  63
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Posted : Dec 31, 2009 06:10

In 2000 I've seen SUN project live in a castle and it was probably the best trance live act I have ever listened it was just powerfull and amazing!

Now uhmm it sounds like not so good

Started Topics :  23
Posts :  743
Posted : Jan 2, 2010 13:47
Thanks for the feedback.

They certainly made me smi²le, and laugh...

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IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Jan 2, 2010 18:53

not dead for sure its still breathing heavy for sure           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 2, 2010 21:59
Psytrance is spreading like a fire spreads through a dry wood

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Posted : Jan 3, 2010 14:20

On 2009-12-29 09:39, kahn wrote:

Screw the haters. Psytrance is alive, and better than ever!


People who say its dead are prolly dead themselves from doing too many drugs and no work.
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 3, 2010 14:57

On 2010-01-03 14:20, toogoodforyou wrote:

On 2009-12-29 09:39, kahn wrote:

Screw the haters. Psytrance is alive, and better than ever!


People who say its dead are prolly dead themselves from doing too many drugs and no work.

That is an assumption based on stereotypes and bad argumentation.
The reason why some people think psytrance is dead is because the psytrance they were "brought" up with does not exist anymore. Psytrance today has very little to do with what psytrance used to be like.
I do not say the psytrance today is less quality for those who love today’s psytrance. But it’s certainly very different and IMO it got very little to do with "Trance".
Here is an explanation to the term "Trance". This is the "vision" psytrance was built upon. A Vision that is lost in today’s scene with music mostly done to entertain the masses (too many stops in the music, big hands in the air buildups etc.).
The usage of repetitive rhythms to induce trance states is an ancient phenomenon. Throughout the world, shamanistic practitioners have been employing this method for millennia. Anthropologists and other researchers have documented the similarity of shamanistic auditory driving rituals among different cultures.
Said simply, entrainment is the synchronization of different rhythmic cycles. Breathing and heart rate have been shown to be affected by auditory stimulus, along with brain wave activity. The ability of rhythmic sound to affect human brain wave activity, especially theta brain waves, is the essence of auditory driving, and is the cause of the altered states of consciousness that it can induce.
The music genre of Trance music is supposed to have the same effect on the human mind as military drums, causing listeners to dance in unison with simple movements including head bobs, light bouncing/jumping and humming
All is good and the music keeps playing. But some people have moved on and do not relate much to today’s psytrance. It’s got nothing to do with drugs. 
Cardinals Cartel
Black Machine

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Posted : Jan 6, 2010 08:21


On 2009-12-31 06:10, Stregone wrote:

In 2000 I've seen SUN project live
it was probably the best trance live act I have ever
listened it was just powerfull and amazing!

Now it sounds not so good

Here is some one that got and understand my point .

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 28, 2010 00:35

On 2010-01-06 08:21, Cardinals Cartel wrote:


On 2009-12-31 06:10, Stregone wrote:

In 2000 I've seen SUN project live
it was probably the best trance live act I have ever
listened it was just powerfull and amazing!

Now it sounds not so good

Here is some one that got and understand my point .

On your point...

I will give you that back in 2000 (and before, plus a bit after), SUN PROJECT was one of the most innovative and catchy morning psytrance acts around. I used to listen to their music, long before I even realized it was "psytrance."

At this point in the game, their music is definitely NOT what I would call fresh, exciting, or revolutionary. I've heard some of their new stuff that is trying to sound like an updated version of their old sound (such as this track posted in the thread). To me, this stuff isn't terrible, but it isn't great either. It sounds like tired out, old ideas, with only a somewhat shiny somewhat new wrapper. On the other hand, I've also heard some new SUN PROJECT stuff going in newer directions. I've heard them produce some stuff on the slower side (140 and below), with more progressive based beats and structures. This stuff reminds me a lot of what other artists such as Neelix are doing. Personally, of their new tracks, I find this stuff to be higher quality and more novel than their faster more oldschool sounding stuff.

Still, none of their new music is nearly as revolutionary today, as their old music was back in 2000. Back then they were outstanding musicians. Now they are only slightly better than average.

Maybe on this note you should realize that back in 2000 it was much much harder to produce electronic music, and there was a lot less of it coming out. There are a lot more amateur producers these days that are putting out tracks that are on par or even better than some of the bigger names. This even stands on the technical/audio engineering level. But also important to realize is that back in 2000, the music was much much simpler. The "trance" of 2000 did not have to be even half as complex as today's music to pass as "professional quality music." The bar has been raised across the board, in terms of the quality level that is considered acceptable. Sure there is still good and bad quality music. And music writing is a whole other issue. But I will say that even some of the badly written music today is much much more technical and complicated than some REALLY GOOD tracks from 10 years ago. Such is electronic music, always moving forward with the technology. As producers, the hard part is to continue progressing our song writing to match the new technology. I think as it stands, a lot of the older producers came into the trance and electronica world (not just psytrance) in much simpler times. The music they are making today, had it come out several years ago may have been considered outstanding. But as the technology as progressed, so have the sounds, the audio engineering, and to a lesser extent the song writing. I think SUN PROJECT is one of these acts, that came about in a simpler time (when you could take a psy bassline + guitar and that was considered acceptable as a "track"), but has not updated their audio engineering and other aspects of their production as much as they should have as time has progressed.

But as we all know, an artist can always change their sound. So who knows, maybe SUN PROJECT will start producing some killer stuff again.

That is not to say that I agree with you that this new stuff is terrible though. Because I still think their music is always at least decent.

Either way, I think this thread is just a troll thread to (again) bash psytrance, full-on, or whatever you want to call it today. Or maybe some people here are just jealous that some of us are still happy and enjoying this music everyday. All in all, it's not accomplishing anything except bringing out negative energy, complaints, and unhappy thoughts in each other.


Started Topics :  23
Posts :  743
Posted : Jan 28, 2010 18:20

On 2010-01-28 00:35, kahn wrote:

Either way, I think this thread is just a troll thread to (again) bash psytrance, full-on, or whatever you want to call it today.

Actually this thread (and video which I made) was purely an exercise in promotion. I got sick of videos being ignored on forum in obsure parts of the forum where they would get 20-50 hits. So on my last thread, I called it "this will make you shit fractals" and got over 200+ hits before the Mods effectively "killed" it by moving it over to promotional videos.

So I thought I would be more cunning, and take the "piss" out of one of the more common threads I have seen on Isra in the past year, and use it to get you all to see what I do as a living.

1,000+ view nice, thanks for taking part in this social engineering experiment.
I really didn't think I would get away with it for so long, before the Mods cottoned on.

I wish I didn't have to resort to these slightly underhand tactics, but it works, and I got sick of being ignored for my art.

Oh yeah, and I will pass on all your comments to lads at SUN Project, as I am sure they will be interested to read them. 

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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 3, 2010 06:36
You should tell them that my friend David (DJ Aveon) from LA, USA, who is a club trance DJ/Producer (not psy) has been in love with their music for over 10 years, and still tries to sneak it into sets. 
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