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Definitive proof Psytrance isn't dead!!!!


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Posted : Dec 23, 2009 09:50:23

2,000,000+ views and counting.

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Posted : Dec 23, 2009 12:19
Well it is now.
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Posted : Dec 23, 2009 13:09
Cardinals Cartel
Black Machine

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Posted : Dec 23, 2009 18:57

This is Sun Project 2010 ? What happend to them ? They had a better sound , Vibes and energys at the 90's . Btw .. This is not a real 'Psytrance' , Shis style is different , But as its heard by now seems even great Sun Project (At the time) are breaking down to pieces . That is realy sad .

Forever young .. ? .. Not always ..

IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Dec 23, 2009 19:14

On 2009-12-23 18:57, Cardinals Cartel wrote:

This is Sun Project 2010 ? What happend to them ? They had a better sound , Vibes and energys at the 90's . Btw .. This is not a real 'Psytrance' , Shis style is different , But as its heard by now seems even great Sun Project (At the time) are breaking down to pieces . That is realy sad .

Forever young .. ? .. Not always ..

See this is the problem with psytrance.

You are so in love with the old sound that any change at all is bad, to you. The only way you are satisfied is for artists to keep making the same music over and over again without changing it at all.

As soon as they create a slightly new style it's "not real psytrance".

On topic: I don't usually like guitar in psytrance but in this track it's actually done not too bad.
Cardinals Cartel
Black Machine

Started Topics :  191
Posts :  3097
Posted : Dec 23, 2009 23:14

Shiranui .. I understand your point in here but no .. Im not in love with any music or sound anymore - Not old or new (Even not with my music) And trust me man (With all the honor) What u say in here maybe can be true for peoples that hearing trance 2-3 years so they are just "Open there eyes" and being excited about this music and that . Today i judge sounds and music in a realy different way by looking those tunes from outside , Peoples that involved emotion (In everything in life and so in music) Cant see the all picture , This is the nature of the human being , This is the way we built , Very hard catch them both in the same hand , Thats happen few times in life . Now if we back to this topic - I buy the first Cd of Sun project , This Cd was somthing realy big and good at this time (90's) , Massive tunes , More deep and streming music , Today as im hearing them here Sound realy lame (As u can hear) So i realy think (And i realy like them at the time) That Sun Project didt developt at the years but they do an inverse way , And i tell u why its happen .. Because the fast and the meteoric exposure they had that time bring them today to mockery they thousands admirers over the world . They dont care now , Thats the all idea , So i hope you understand the real point . This is not about love this or that , This is somthing you hear in your ears . And as i said , Yes .. This is not real psytrance , Sun project is Sun Project (Sun Project Style) And yes .. New tunes of them and what they trying to do now (They just wake up now from a very big long dream of a years) Are realy bad compare the music they done before . But man .. We can write and write and write .. But in the end (Same as life ..) Each one of us think , See and hear all different .

Happy evening .. ! . Yoko

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Posted : Dec 24, 2009 01:39
meh as far as I'm concerned it's pretty good electronic music edging to a the commercial side... I"m so over the whole "it's not psy enough" thing... if it sounds good it's good and that's all there is to music!           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!

Started Topics :  19
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Posted : Dec 24, 2009 13:59
Oh holy jumpin fuckin science Can someone shot the guy who sings....

Edit: Id much rather enjoy listening to brazilian fart porn rather than annoying vocoder-vocals

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IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Dec 24, 2009 14:06
each to their own...i would dance to anything thats over 150bpm ...give me the hit of everything that you have and i will build up a tornado and swirl like a cyclone
          When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive

Started Topics :  82
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Posted : Dec 27, 2009 21:37

On 2009-12-23 19:14, Shiranui wrote:
See this is the problem with psytrance.

You are so in love with the old sound that any change at all is bad, to you. The only way you are satisfied is for artists to keep making the same music over and over again without changing it at all.

As soon as they create a slightly new style it's "not real psytrance".

On topic: I don't usually like guitar in psytrance but in this track it's actually done not too bad.

If you really listened to the track can you please elaborate what's exactly slightly new and what's pay in it?;)  
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 27, 2009 23:07
I am more curious to know what's "new" in this track? To me it's the same old same.

The day someone post something really new I'll buy him/her a bottle of Champagne

IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Dec 28, 2009 06:14

On 2009-12-23 23:14, Cardinals Cartel wrote:

Peoples that involved emotion (In everything in life and so in music) Cant see the all picture

Are you sure it's not the other way around?           ---------------------------------------------
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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 29, 2009 09:39
I'm also not a really big fan of guitar or vocals in my trance music. However, this track is actually pretty good. I'm not sure if I'd play it myself in a set, but I'd definitely be happy to hear it played at a party I was dancing at.

Screw the haters. Psytrance is alive, and better than ever! 
MorNinG MaGiC

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Posted : Dec 30, 2009 17:54
sOmethingZ missing.. do not know what.. but sOmething is.. !
sOunds are Not liKe what thEy UsEd tOo be ..!

Started Topics :  12
Posts :  404
Posted : Dec 30, 2009 18:51
Interesting combination.
Music that sounds like 1999, and video that looks like... what? 1993?

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