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Definition of 'psychedelic track'

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 1, 2011 22:46
I said it before on another part of the web and I will say it here, 'Psychedelia is in the mind of the beholder'

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Posted : Mar 2, 2011 00:28
For me personally strictly, a psychedelic track is one that is made for by person(s) who take psychedelics, for other people who take psychedelics to listen to whilst in a psychedelic state. Generally the newer releases in this category have a higher/better production level so sound better, but not always. 

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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 8, 2011 17:03
When you imagine a dancefloor whilst listening to it in your car.           missing plug-in
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 8, 2011 19:54           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.

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Posted : Mar 8, 2011 20:04

On 2011-03-08 19:54, Dogon wrote:

That imho that was good, well produced, catchy, almost pop'py enough for radio, but was it psychedelic?
IMHO, no it wasn't, because it didn't seem to amnifest my mind at all. Almost there was something like a vague resonance there, but the formulaic story, and concept just turned me off, rather than on, and I don't mean in sexual way either.
Almost but not quite. Reminds me of the old saying on psyforum, about being as "psychedelic as my gran's paisley pattern on her wallpaper".

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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 8, 2011 20:15
Its still not in fashion. Their myspace says that!

You listened all of the stuff TranceVisuals or just the 1st tune?

For me, this is psychedelic, a matter of taste for me. I also find most stuff from Parvati, Nano, Alchemy & the likes psychedelic, so again a matter of taste!           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.

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Posted : Mar 8, 2011 22:51
And that is where I would disagree with you.

The person who quoined the term "psychedelic" came up with it as a very specific term to mean precisely the "psychedelic" experience, that is to say the sacrament that causes the experience.
So for me "psychedelic" is precisely that which doesn't merely evoke the psychedelic experience, or state of mind (though that could be considered a misnomer, as there is no such thing it seems), but rather music designed and formulated to be listened to in a psychedelic state of mind.
It is a shame most people don't know the story of how the term was quoined, and how precise a meaning it is meant to have, that seems to have been hijacked by the "media" to sell a "product".
As to what constitutes a psychedelic, or rather a quantifiable psychedelic induced experience is a wholly more interesting topic in my mind, but that is me.

P.s. I do intend to listen to more of "their" produce, as an when I can, and thanks for the introdcution. As I said, I wasn't denying they weren't good, just probably not psychedelic.

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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 8, 2011 22:59
TV, when (if!) you find something (recent stuff) that you find psychedelic, please post it here.


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Posted : Mar 9, 2011 11:58
Call me yodhe, most people do.

Unfortunately I don't consider myself qualified to offer recent stuff that I find psychedelic, as I personally don't have any recent experience tbh.
For the last three years I have been a full time father, and the opportunity just hasn't arisen, and neither at this juncture in life am I concerned about pursuing it, though equally I look forward to my next journey to and thru hyperspace.
There is music that I find "evocative" of the psychedelic experience, and there is music that in the past I found fribbled the neurones of my CNS in a delightful and enlightening way. But I don't feel confident enough to point to anything recent, and go "I find that psychedelic." Unfortunately it seems far easier for my mind to go, "neti neti" (not this, not this) when it comes to psychedelic music, as per my previous posts. I just wish my mind would go "this music, this music is psychedelic". It just doesn't happen thesedays, for any number of reasons, but which I tend to put down to the cause I mentioned at the beginning of my post.

However I still do take cannabis, mostly in its raw form, and there is some discussion about, how psychedelic is cannabis? I would consider it a hinayana, as opposed to the mahayana of say magic mushrooms, or DMT. (Hinayana - lesser/slower vehicle, mahayana - greater/faster vehicle, not to be confused with one being better than the other or other such dualistic nonsense, but merely the relative speed they seem to "accelerate one's consciousness" to.)
When my mind/consciousness resides/finds itself in the cannabis high, in the last year or two I have found the material put out by artists such as Slackbaba, International Observer, and Liquid Stranger very pleasing on the ear-mind.

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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 9, 2011 18:47

          We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 10, 2011 23:07

          We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
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