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Started Topics :  2
Posts :  20
Posted : May 8, 2002 17:27
for all the ideas

nps           music is magic!
tom anteater
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  56
Posts :  1637
Posted : May 9, 2002 14:27
i suppose you've already considered a psychedelic uv wool cobweb...
i personally rather like these..especially if they have a giant spider in the middle           >>love will tear us apart...<<

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  20
Posted : May 9, 2002 18:59
tom: where can i get those psychedlic uv wool cobweb?

i already have a paper but i need someone to paint for me

nps           music is magic!
tom anteater
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  56
Posts :  1637
Posted : May 9, 2002 20:01
to make a uv cobweb u will need (depending on space to be webbed) approx two balls uv wool, a pair of scissors, various things in party area to attach wool too (generally trees)

so what you do is above the dancefloor wind lots of wool back and forth from attachment points to make a 'web'. if you like spiders you then find someone with a fluffy spider or something to hang from the middle (actually i usually use a big fluffy sunflower but hey).

by changing colours of wool etc you can make it pretty cool - also if you have time you can make it very structured...
then looks really good in uv light etc

to get wool just go to a knitting shop or something

you can also make up screens to put around a dancefloor this way

have fun           >>love will tear us apart...<<
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  14
Posts :  309
Posted : May 10, 2002 09:40
I went to an outdoor party that had a big central UV web 3-D structure. Radiating from the structure were a few very long, suspended, elasticated UV strings. You could play with the strings and make them do trippy wavey type things. Very fun. But I can't remember if the yarn itself was elastic or if it was just wrapped around separate elastic cord.

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  6
Posted : Mar 25, 2010 11:29
Before you could start decorating your space, it is very important to exercise imagination and zero in on an idea that best describes you. Your age, family background, personal interests, hobbies, holiday destinations visited and any other factor which describes the real you should be manifested through your decor.Paint your room: White can be the best color that can make the room bright and beautiful. Any color furnishings would look great with white. However. If your favorite color is red or orange, it's best to paint the most prominent wall with your favorite shade and keeping the curtains
the same hue.

IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  241
Posts :  2848
Posted : Mar 25, 2010 13:33
Defecate to Decorate!
one thing is sure that people
wont deny it was SHITTY Party           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
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