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Dear Artist, what is your other job ?

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 18, 2007 20:43

ooh, many fancy titles popping up here and there.
got to get some balance into this thread. nobody has yet mentioned two classic artist jobs that i've had too: post man and that annoying video rental dude. at the moment i'm working at a sematary as a degreeless gardener           "no one ever sweats on a plug-in" -moby

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Posted : Aug 18, 2007 22:15

On 2007-08-18 15:33, antic wrote:

Why are you hosting links to pirated psy-trance mp3 and music software?!
Is that your idea of supporting the scene?

Well i'm glad you asked.. you may have noticed that we put a Poll on our torrents page to aske people what they think about this... Many artists are actually using the P2P file sharing networks to publicise their new music.. You yourself may have downloaded a track before that is cut up or speeds up half way through.. this kind of widescale free distribution of music can help artists to get their tracks known which can then lead to people buying their music or paying to see them play live at a festival. I would hate to do anyhthing that is harmful to the trance scene but i must admit that out of 6 or 7 psy producers that i know i dont know 1 that doesn't download music...! I must add aswell that any torrent link that is requested to be removed... we will remove immediately.

what does everyone else think...???

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  117
Posted : Aug 18, 2007 22:41

On 2007-08-18 22:15, Will_PSYTUNES.COM wrote:
I must add aswell that any torrent link that is requested to be removed... we will remove immediately.

You can be sure that no label wants to be in that list. How about YOU making a request if they want to be on your site?
Addictive Elements
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  26
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Posted : Aug 19, 2007 11:12
Back to was turnin out to be quite interesting till ANTIC poked his nose in....take the argument outta here !!!           ----- Hippies...they wanna save the earth....but all they ever do is smoke pot ----
Splinter / Kode Six

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Posted : Aug 19, 2007 21:00
Student/Gas Station Employee           SPLINTER
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Aug 19, 2007 23:57
Please avoid parallel discussions and focus on the topic.
Respect!           .
...Be gentle with the earth...
...Dance like nobody's watching...
...I don't mind not going to Heaven, as long as they've got Coffee in Hell...
Ghost Host
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 20, 2007 00:45
furniture delivery...heavy stuff hhhhhhh

Started Topics :  9
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Posted : Aug 20, 2007 02:31
I'm a computer programmer -- video processing software. Its lucky cause I can do my work where-ever on my laptop! Schweeet!
Run Lola
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  16
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Posted : Aug 20, 2007 09:37
good to see that many artist have a back up plan .. you know just in case
Soul Kontakt
Soul Kontakt

Started Topics :  40
Posts :  632
Posted : Aug 20, 2007 15:19
I am an accountant part time and my partner is a chef part time...both of us are broke all the time hhehehehe but we very happy to make the music work!           Boom :)

SOUL KONTAKT - 12th Planet new track on
Soul Kontakt Live for demo or booking email
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  36
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Posted : Aug 20, 2007 23:43

On 2007-08-18 13:57, coSmiIic r080t0n3 wrote:

On 2007-08-17 23:59, xfalabella wrote:

in university i do Civil Engineering & Production Engineering...

dude dats like 8yrs of study

'm finishing my mechanical engineering next year ....

hehehe a couple years of study indeed

i'm making the 2 ones at the same the curricular grade its pretty much similar

dont need to make some classes again..

it will tooks about 6 years of study

2011 i'll finish


Inactive User

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Posted : Aug 21, 2007 09:05
just 1 request to all posters , please this thread was not intended to know what all u boring folk do to make a living .. theres another thread where all the johnny nobodys can talk about ur job etc .. here :

this thread is for `artists` aka people who released music on cds etc .. keep it that way pls , more interesting that way ..

thnx .. ciao
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  23
Posts :  293
Posted : Aug 21, 2007 19:12
im getting some money from the dutch goverment to support what im doing as an artist
So im trying to get in to the commercial scene a bit more (electro house) to be able to support myself out of making music for a 100%

For the rest some freelance webdesign           SQL:
Coming up: Releases
Planned: make tracks
Vibe Tribe
Vibe Tribe

Started Topics :  82
Posts :  713
Posted : Aug 26, 2007 04:23
most of the producers i know focus 110% on the music, so they wont need other job.

Mike A

Started Topics :  185
Posts :  3954
Posted : Aug 26, 2007 14:26
Israeli Air Force
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - Dear Artist, what is your other job ?
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