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Dear Artist, do you ever make music with psychedelic trips in mind?

Grapes Of Wrath

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Posted : Oct 14, 2009 06:27
My end goal is to make music that can induce altered states in most humans without them indulging in substances (now that would be grand)
I still have not gained enough data to properly do what i want yet, but i have time to learn and improve. As for now i use myself as a guinea pig while making it.
Apart from the odd cone shaped cigar i dont indulge while producing as i find it blurs perception rather than enhances it. If i manage to get off my rocker while listening back what i make, then i have a feeling it might just work on more than one (has been proven often in the past) i keep all my past experiences with me in whatever i do, although i rarely go to them consciously for inspiration. I guess i am mostly just a sort of editor of my own subconscious streams of thought, selecting the best fragments and putting them in a somewhat coherent order.           Mastering available here:

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Posted : Oct 14, 2009 08:28

On 2009-10-14 02:43, ZenMind wrote:
@ TranceVisuals
....the continuous use of psychedelics its nothing more than a get away and a waste of brain power IMO of course.

That has not been my experience, although it could be experienced that way.
And to say "it's nothing more..."; well that makes this "snowboarder" smi²le very broadly.
Indeed it would make me question quite sincerely your whole "proclamation" regarding the door.
Anyone who says "it is this way or that", seems not to have grok'd the zen/non dual state of contemplation/silencing the internal dialogue state of mind.
But I bet it makes you sound cool infront of the girlies.

P.s. That sounded a bit harsh to my own ears, and I want to apologise as it was meant more tongue in cheek, than sharp stick across the back. Soz, very early morning, with a little one, doesn't help my communication skills.

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Posted : Oct 14, 2009 08:49

On 2009-10-13 13:57, ZenMind wrote:

Playing in an altered state is first a big lack of respect to the public IMO and usually you screw up (though your so high that you dont notice)

Yea, I think Jimi Hendrix didn't get your memo. And neither Keith Richards.           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 14, 2009 09:07

On 2009-10-14 02:43, ZenMind wrote:
the continuous use of psychedelics its nothing more than a get away and a waste of brain power IMO of course.

so you think shamans have been wasting their brain power? I understand what your saying but the context is very important here. these have been around before humans were walkin on this planet, a lot of studies have been done regarding the usage in different cultures. I just believe there is much more to psychedelics than we can comprehend right now so all or nothin judgements are useless. you would be saying rituals where psychedelics are consumed are a waste of brain power etc which would be disrespectful.

Its always cool when you think the artist playin has been able to capture the vibe,energy,frequency of the surroundings, atmosphere,people etc. then it starts gettin really interesting, but I dont think no additional helper is needed for this
          `Bottomless wonders spring from simple rules, which are repeated without end` Mandelbrot
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 14, 2009 09:11

On 2009-10-14 08:49, Pavel wrote:

On 2009-10-13 13:57, ZenMind wrote:

Playing in an altered state is first a big lack of respect to the public IMO and usually you screw up (though your so high that you dont notice)

Yea, I think Jimi Hendrix didn't get your memo. And neither Keith Richards.

+ Syd Barrett           `Bottomless wonders spring from simple rules, which are repeated without end` Mandelbrot
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

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Posted : Oct 14, 2009 11:48

On 2009-10-14 09:07, -Abatwa- wrote:

On 2009-10-14 02:43, ZenMind wrote:
the continuous use of psychedelics its nothing more than a get away and a waste of brain power IMO of course.

so you think shamans have been wasting their brain power? I understand what your saying but the context is very important here. these have been around before humans were walkin on this planet, a lot of studies have been done regarding the usage in different cultures. I just believe there is much more to psychedelics than we can comprehend right now so all or nothin judgements are useless. you would be saying rituals where psychedelics are consumed are a waste of brain power etc which would be disrespectful.

Its always cool when you think the artist playin has been able to capture the vibe,energy,frequency of the surroundings, atmosphere,people etc. then it starts gettin really interesting, but I dont think no additional helper is needed for this

Not all shamans use psychedelics continuously.

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Posts :  251
Posted : Oct 14, 2009 14:24
Heeeeeh Jimmy Hendrix, ok you got me there but yeah end result was a quick trip to the grave, a waste of talent... But as i said its just my opinion, there's plenty of examples in this forum about artists playing high and spoiling the trip for every one else, if you can cope with that then all good by me.

TranceVisuals what are you on about? What makes me look good in front of girlie's and why? Whats this about dual yada yada? Read the posts again, im talking about music production vs psychedelics trips, witch is the subject of this tread. And my takes about what is or isn't are so global that i fail to see were did i put limitations to the experience with psychedelics (besides the fact that its common sense that the continuous use of it will kill your brain) but ok, oh lord of the psychedelic experience give us your take of the 17th dimension you found by using it heavily, since universe, surroundings, yourself, awareness and amplification dont fit you.           -------------d(oO)b----------------
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 14, 2009 15:04
Axis mundi yeah true of course, I was mentioning the ones who do.

Some info thats not well supported being mentioned, but here is not the place to discuss such issues. But I do suggest you use the term abuse if you are making such "common sense" statements.
On Hendrix, a lot of people now actually believe he was murdered...

          `Bottomless wonders spring from simple rules, which are repeated without end` Mandelbrot
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Oct 14, 2009 16:59
Hi people, very interesting and fun to read your replies. I think I have found an analogy that might work for everyone to understand what I mean about making music suited and arranged for that special psychedelic experience. Please bear with me because even though the following is just my personal view and opinion, I think I got some universal points at hand, and I apologize if I am unable to make it as short (concrete) and easily understood as I wish it to become.

Have you ever seen a 3D movie with 3D-glasses on the cinema? I watched ‘Up’ yesterday and I would recommend it to everyone, it’s a wonderful movie with a lot of smiles and warmth + it feels exiting and engaging!

What I like about <<psychedelic>> trance and other levels of speed (minimal, freestyle, downbeat, ambient etc) is that it has a 3D (and beyond) feeling. That a sound, a voice, an emotion, a layer of effect manages to stick out of the track, making it almost possible to see around the ‘sound’ as if it was floating in mid-air in front, above and/or around you. There are a lot of techniques for this and ways of making something ‘pop’ out of the speakers into something ,,touchable” and very much dimensional. Some producers through natural gifts, years of experience etc got immense skills when it comes to this (lucky bastards eh-he). How it comes out is merely a reflection of their inner self and what they wish to achieve, sometimes it just happens like cosmic coincidences in and out of our possibility to understand and create.

So here goes. When a moviemaker of 3Dflicks sets out to make a visual film for you and me to experience they have to filter and make special methods to achieve this special effect. They need special glasses that has been adjusted and tested so that they know how to make the movie (it’s a tool to view). And they need to twist/blur the actual movies visual so that when you watch it with these glasses on, then, and only then will you truly see the 3-Dimensional effect that they have set out to make for your entertainment. Seen without glasses will only make the visual seem blurry and blend (most of the times, there is a good reason for those ,,boring” moments of so called uninspired lengths in many psy-trance tracks *blink*).

So if we say that the glasses are Mushrooms, LSD or Ayahuasca, and we imagine that the music provided by an artist like SubConsciousMind or Grapes Of Wrath is the actual movie itself, then I think most will relate and understand. You can watch the movie without the 3D-glasses, but you will miss the awesome 3D effects that the makers of the movie has worked so hard to achieve, and you’ll miss out on a lot of amazing trix because you’re not wearing the glasses (or maybe your eyesight aren’t perfect enough to really get the whole experience, even with the glasses on your nose .. ).

When I asked my initial thread question I didn’t ask if you made music while being under the influence. That’s a fun thing to sometimes do I guess but I can’t imagine it working for long because it will take away a lot of focus on the actual music making/producing at hand, except for some occasions when everything works and flows really good. I doubt the 3D moviemaker’s sits with the 3D glasses on constantly while making the layers for the movie on their computers. I think after they can watch it with the glasses on to see how well it worked (and remember, a trip lasts for hours (unless we’re talking about Salvia Divinorum or DMT – Though I’ve never tried DMT in it's smoking form, I see no connection to music and Salvia D), to put on glasses can last for seconds hehe). In my experience LSD is better for focus, while mushrooms on most trips makes it harder to really concentrate and focus on a certain task unless you’re in some sort of heavy trance or smth making it possible for you to dive deep deep inside your work with absolute concentration..

In my opinion you can’t have real psychedelic music without real psychedelic drugs. Sorry, to be toasted on multiple E’s or to be stuck in a K-hole isn’t my idea of a real psychedelic experience, more like an abstract/surreal and weird situation with hallucinations. Though much fun may come out of such ! ..

.. On that note, OF COURSE someone can be born with some of the vital doors open with an extra sensitivity and open mind to actually be able to create what we perceive as psychedelic music without ever having to explore those realms through substances. It’s rare, but luckily not That rare, especially since a lot of straight people like Anakoluth enjoys and loves psychedelic tones out of all of their heart without ever testing the ,,shortcut” by them self (kudos on your honesty, brother). But let it be known, even how much I love and adore Anakoluth's second EP (Dwelling in Light), I am willing to bet a lot that it would and could have been much better and much more psychedelic if he would have had an authentic trip-exerience in his life to be inspired and reflected on.

Maybe you’re (many of you) naturally sensitive and unsane by birth and growth (except for the party, there must be a reason of why we are attracted to the weirdness and beauty of mind bending music), but you don’t know what you’re missing out on if you choose to not even try it once when you're an adult and ready for it. You know how the old saying goes, to live your life without ever encountering a psychedelic experience is like living your life without ever having sex. It’s almost called a waste of life.

Call it door openers, window openers or whatever suits, but the facts remain that druqs in all forms will and may open up doors in your mind/brain. What trouble me is the peoples lust of misusing the druqs not seeing that too much will go beyond opening doors, it may and will lead to doors being confused, closed and or distorted - you’ll forget how to use the doorways/doorknobs and get lost in a psychological maze, which I promise you, will haunt you for the rest of your life if you don't slow down and accept that you haved had your piece of the pie for a while.

Nothing in this world is bad for you, abuse and misuse IS bad for you. This is a land of confusion (Genesis ref =)., you don’t want to be the confusement, at least I know I don’t want to be the confusion (We need You to have a good head on your shoulders). Take any experience or druq and heighten it to a level of abuse and you will get burned feeling lost, confused and mentally and maybe physically unstable and ill. LSD might not fry the brain, but for sure to go overboard with usage will harm. Be sure that you are living on planet earth now, never has it been ment to become a tool to escape reality, live here and now with one feet on the ground, you can fly as much as you want when you pass on to another life of sort - we need you.

It’s mainly about respect. Respect towards the substance, respect towards yourself to not let your pride or ego get in the way of your own growth and wellbeing, and of course respect towards others. So if you’re going to make psychedelic trance music, fine, don’t care how others might react to it, maybe your sounds serves for a purpose, but it would be highly appreciated if you would give the listener something out of the ordinary with some brainz aka intelligence involved.

Back to the glasses, not only do I think glasses are necessary to truly understand, feel and see the effect that this magical music scene of ours can provide, but I also believe some people have the gift and talent to provide musical landscapes fitted best for certain substances. When I first entered this world I was convinced the music I liked was tailored for the experienced one can have under the mushroom sun. And that other style was more intended towards the Lucid in the Sky with Dimensions around (as an example).

I know this opinion was and is in the pit of a kind of close-mindedness, but I still hold on to this notion because of romantic ideals, I guess.


On 2009-10-14 06:27, monno wrote:
My end goal is to make music that can induce altered states in most humans without them indulging in substances (now that would be grand)

yes please.

PS. The Up movie was great and the glasses enhanced the 3D effect better than I have ever seen in my life. Though, compared to a acid trip, its peanuts I mean, pff, those wonderful 3D effects are nothing compared to what sort of 3D effects one would see if they would give drops to the visitors hehe be sure of that

IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 14, 2009 19:20
I am not usually a fan of darkpsy, but when I am on a really strong acid trip and listening to it through a large soundsystem, the synaesthesia is absolutely amazing.

Unfortunately it's not usually worth it because when in such a state I get very nervous around large groups of people to the point of freaking out

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Posted : Oct 14, 2009 19:25

On 2009-10-14 16:59, psytones wrote:

Maybe you’re (many of you) naturally sensitive and unsane by birth and growth (except for the party, there must be a reason of why we are attracted to the weirdness and beauty of mind bending music), but you don’t know what you’re missing out on if you choose to not even try it once when you're an adult and ready for it. You know how the old saying goes, to live your life without ever encountering a psychedelic experience is like living your life without ever having sex. It’s almost called a waste of life.

Bro, you know jeg elsker deg, but with all due respect: If this is the sort of enlightment you're talking about, I'd rather not have it, thank you. I really didn't know there was so much bullshit at the bottom of the rabbit hole; now that opened my eyes.           Anakoluth A Pebble in Your Eardrum's Shoe since 2001!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 14, 2009 19:28
real artist dont give a fuck and play like gods on full - blast -- amigos.

I hope each one can have its own opinion.Only good feelings for the militant sober ones.

Im also with ya - sometimes.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 14, 2009 19:32

On 2009-10-14 19:25, Anak wrote:

On 2009-10-14 16:59, psytones wrote:

Maybe you’re (many of you) naturally sensitive and unsane by birth and growth (except for the party, there must be a reason of why we are attracted to the weirdness and beauty of mind bending music), but you don’t know what you’re missing out on if you choose to not even try it once when you're an adult and ready for it. You know how the old saying goes, to live your life without ever encountering a psychedelic experience is like living your life without ever having sex. It’s almost called a waste of life.

Bro, you know jeg elsker deg, but with all due respect: If this is the sort of enlightment you're talking about, I'd rather not have it, thank you. I really didn't know there was so much bullshit at the bottom of the rabbit hole; now that opened my eyes.

I suppose it depends how one is referring to a psychedelic trip.
If referred to as hallucination, then maybe psychedelics are a unique experience. Maybe.
If it's referred to as a spiritual experience, nothing compares to the depth of a pure experience without any external enhancement.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 14, 2009 19:36
I guess you mean a higher clear lightfull state of peaceful and secure meditation or itself.That is the most beautyful state but a shamanic state can be also some"thing" spiritual imo of course only. 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 14, 2009 23:23

On 2009-10-13 10:36, AumShantiAum wrote:

On 2009-10-12 22:41, Freeflow wrote:
i think crazy night music is for the mad side of the psyche and a opertunity to let out negative feelings and aggression through dance in high tempo.

I think you have the wrong idea about night music if you somehow relate it to anger, aggression and negativity. I have had some of the most peaceful and positive trips while hearing crazy night time music.

Of course you can...
and of course you will..
that is maybe the paradox
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - Dear Artist, do you ever make music with psychedelic trips in mind?
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