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Dear Artist, do you ever make music with psychedelic trips in mind?

Wizack Twizack
Wizack Twizack

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Posted : Oct 13, 2009 01:35

On 2009-10-12 22:41, Freeflow wrote:
I think its impossible to know how a person on drugs will react to anything...
especially when you make mad music with distorted sounds..
if you make very harmonic music with uplifting sounds most probably everybody that feels good inside and hopefully those who dont as well will smile and have a good time....

i think crazy night music is for the mad side of the psyche and a opertunity to let out negative feelings and aggression through dance in high tempo.
I think people have own responsibility when they take hallucinogenic and psychedelic drugs. You cant blame a artist that lets out his dark feelings through music to be held responsible for someones bad trip.. if that was the case we would only have harmonic uplifting trance...

to be honest when i make mad psy i dont think about how people will trip to it...
even if i release a lot of negative or sad feelings in music its most often feels good to listen and dance to..

yea, and then u have this thing inbetween wich i would call psychedelic trance. not to crazy and fast, not to melodic and cheesy, Just psychedelic. Wich it should be imo

bOm..           For Contact & Bookings:
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Posted : Oct 13, 2009 07:16

On 2009-10-13 01:35, Wizack Twizack wrote:

On 2009-10-12 22:41, Freeflow wrote:
I think its impossible to know how a person on drugs will react to anything...
especially when you make mad music with distorted sounds..
if you make very harmonic music with uplifting sounds most probably everybody that feels good inside and hopefully those who dont as well will smile and have a good time....

i think crazy night music is for the mad side of the psyche and a opertunity to let out negative feelings and aggression through dance in high tempo.
I think people have own responsibility when they take hallucinogenic and psychedelic drugs. You cant blame a artist that lets out his dark feelings through music to be held responsible for someones bad trip.. if that was the case we would only have harmonic uplifting trance...

to be honest when i make mad psy i dont think about how people will trip to it...
even if i release a lot of negative or sad feelings in music its most often feels good to listen and dance to..

yea, and then u have this thing inbetween wich i would call psychedelic trance. not to crazy and fast, not to melodic and cheesy, Just psychedelic. Wich it should be imo

yea, and then u have this thing that doesn't care if it fits surfacial descriptions as "melodic" or "mad" and is simply psychedelic music. Which it should be imo           Most of my music for you to download at:
Inactive User

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Posted : Oct 13, 2009 09:55
for me when you make music you try to express with sounds and grooves emotions, images & landscapes, memories
this is what music was invented, the psychedelic trip involves everything inside, like a "small" life, its not something different, either you say it simple or complex the meaning is the same sometimes, its the way you say it, its a mirror of your soul and character
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 13, 2009 10:36

On 2009-10-12 22:41, Freeflow wrote:
i think crazy night music is for the mad side of the psyche and a opertunity to let out negative feelings and aggression through dance in high tempo.

I think you have the wrong idea about night music if you somehow relate it to anger, aggression and negativity. I have had some of the most peaceful and positive trips while hearing crazy night time music.


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Posted : Oct 13, 2009 12:30
Creation process is an altered state of consciousness. If you ever had psychedelics experiences in your life, it's one of the most powerfull and healthy way to keep connected.
Psychedelics open the doors, creation process keep them open...This is my personnal path, psychedelic experiences are not fundamental for being creative. This is just a part (a big one personnaly) of our global culture, like many other things who contribute to open the mind.
So to answer directly the main question, i think it's completly useless to work on psychedelics and you have many more chance to make a bad work than something really "psychedelic". No way to have the concentration needed to be focus under the psy influence. I think all artists here did something by getting stone one day, at the moment it looks amazing, then they listen or watch it sober the next day and it's just shit.


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Posted : Oct 13, 2009 12:50

On 2009-10-13 12:30, ayalien wrote:
I think all artists here did something by getting stone one day, at the moment it looks amazing, then they listen or watch it sober the next day and it's just shit.


Well, over two thirds of a million views of my videos, and feedback, made when I was stoned would be ancedotal evidence to the contrary. Of course I do visuals and not music, which maybe partly a factor, but I know a lot of musician/producers who are stoned when they create music. Of course cannabis is the "younger brother" in the psychedelic family.

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Posted : Oct 13, 2009 13:32
Do you really think this is a good evidence? Britney spears has millions fans too, the mass opinion doesn't mean your work is good dude...Be sure of it.
Anyway, you misunderstanded me. What i said was not absolute (but i'm am with the other substances). It was about a specific experience when you work on the influence of cannabis and the illusions it can generates: the "WOW" effect, and the "BEUH..."effect when you wake up. Off course i also did work i was happy with when i was stone, but i think there's a problem if you can't be creative without being stone...
Some people work stone, some are sober, some use both states. Make your choice, this is personnal feelings.


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Posted : Oct 13, 2009 13:41
I said ancedotal not good evidence, I was merely highlighting that my experience is different to yours.
I think the diversity of the world makes it "go around", and I welcome the day when people no longer make judgements based on merely another's choice of head-set.
More tolerance, and more of us grooving along making each other's existance more enjoyable.

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Posted : Oct 13, 2009 13:47
100% agree with you 

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Posted : Oct 13, 2009 13:57
No drugs just milk and cookies

Playing in an altered state is first a big lack of respect to the public IMO and usually you screw up (though your so high that you dont notice)

Concerning the actual creation of music i can agree that if your producing psychedelic music you should, at least once, experience the sound under its influence (as a listener only not wen your actually making the music). For me, i got to the conclusion that our emotions and perceptions get amplified differently (for some, sounds take them to one place and for others to one or many emotions), so i try to translate to music that amplification, it depends on what was your experience with psychedelics. The door will never shut again... so no need for any more.           -------------d(oO)b----------------

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Posted : Oct 13, 2009 15:02

On 2009-10-13 13:57, ZenMind wrote:
The door will never shut again... so no need for any more.

I concur with the sentiment of what you are saying. However I think it is a fallacy to say "will never", a bit too final for me. Personally I prefer the stream, than door analogy, and I think it is nice to dip a toe in, or take a swim once in a while, to remind oneself, and also to see what is new. It is seems that the "experience" contains an element of time-space, and that the "experience" evolves, that somehow reflects the mind of the participants. But of course all this depends on how one see the "experience", or rather transmutes it into language, expression and communication.

To use another analogy, and not to poke offence, or fingers at anyone...
What would you say to someone who has "snowboarded once" and then proclaimed that they have totally "grok'd it", and there is no further need to "snowboard" again.
The "experienced" snowboarder might smiČle at such a suggestion.
Wizack Twizack
Wizack Twizack

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Posted : Oct 13, 2009 17:51

On 2009-10-13 07:16, subconsciousmind wrote:
yea, and then u have this thing that doesn't care if it fits surfacial descriptions as "melodic" or "mad" and is simply psychedelic music. Which it should be imo

exactly =)

bOm..           For Contact & Bookings:
New Album Out: Wizack Twizack - IV (Ovnimoon Records 2011)

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Posted : Oct 13, 2009 19:28

On 2009-10-12 15:22, subconsciousmind wrote:

I would never release a song if I wouldn't be convinced that it does no harm, better gives the best possible experience to somebody who is under the influence of such substances. For me this is a very important point.

That is a nice attitude to have while producing psychedelic music

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Posted : Oct 13, 2009 20:26

On 2009-10-13 07:16, subconsciousmind wrote:

yea, and then u have this thing that doesn't care if it fits surfacial descriptions as "melodic" or "mad" and is simply psychedelic music. Which it should be imo

'nuff said. You can close this forum now           Anakoluth A Pebble in Your Eardrum's Shoe since 2001!

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Posted : Oct 14, 2009 02:43
@ TranceVisuals

Well i concur also that if it is your wish to go heavy on the thing you can by all means (as a listener or thrill seeker yeah sure...), but IMO, concerning music production, you wont gain much, i assure you that after the 1st experience the frequencies that make you fly will stay engraved in your mind and you will need all your awareness (meaning not being high on psychedelics) to work with technique and objectiveness to recreate them, being high gets in the way of this 2 basic needs for production.

Snowboarding and psychedelic experience how can you compare it? One gives you only satisfaction wile the moment is being lived the other is a life changing experience that leaves its mark forever, your mind opens up and is able to acquire deeper insights on various subjects and that is the door i said it wont shut again, its a permanent amplification of your perception about the universe, your surroundings, yourself... the continuous use of psychedelics its nothing more than a get away and a waste of brain power IMO of course.

Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - Dear Artist, do you ever make music with psychedelic trips in mind?
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