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Dear Artist, do you ever make music with psychedelic trips in mind?

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Oct 12, 2009 10:52:47
Please, artists and other imaginative makers / producers of ,,PsyTrance" out there, give us reliable and honest feedback about how you’re taking a psychedelic experience into your music (to what extent?). I am not here to judge (I’ll try), I am here to read and think.

PS.: the "Dear Artist" topic starter is a trademark copyrighted by full_on on Jul 29, 2007, all rights reserved. If you want to use it please contact the copyright owner to negotiate its use by a fair amount of coffee.

O’Yeah? Sue me!

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Oct 12, 2009 11:09
trip switch
trip itch
trip trick
trip talk
trip drip
trip trip candy flip
trip to the moon
trip to ibiza
trip to goa
trip to ciggarette shop
trip to the hills
trip to the beach

Can everybody feel like i do
Can everybody feel like i do

Can't you can't you trip like i do
Can't you can't you trip like i do
Can't you trip can't you think can't you feel like i do           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Oct 12, 2009 11:38

On 2009-10-12 11:09, Xolvexs wrote:
Can't you can't you trip like i do

Spawn OST is soopa'good!

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Posts :  1033
Posted : Oct 12, 2009 15:22
After having perceived music under the influence of certain (at that time in switzerland legal) psychedelic substances I have trained myself over years to perceive music the same way in normal states of lifes. I have never succeeded for other artists music but today I can to a very high degree predict how my own music sounds under influence of psychedelic substances.

I would never release a song if I wouldn't be convinced that it does no harm, better gives the best possible experience to somebody who is under the influence of such substances. For me this is a very important point.

Also expressing some thought on that here:
more refering to the kind of psychedelic music I'm into.

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IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Oct 12, 2009 16:25

On 2009-10-12 15:22, subconsciousmind wrote:
After having perceived music under the influence of certain (at that time in switzerland legal) psychedelic substances I have trained myself over years to perceive music the same way in normal states of lifes.

Solid Snake

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Posted : Oct 12, 2009 17:01
I don't trip (chemicaly), but I do music

It's easier to recieve inspiration while in a sober state of mind, atleast for me.

I get very inspired by the actual physical trips I do, I was recently in Mexico and that has influenced me a lot lately.


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Posted : Oct 12, 2009 18:16
For the first four years I performed as a VJ, I would only perform under the influence of acid or mushrooms. Well it made sense to me, I made psychedelic graphics for psychedelic parties, where people partook psychedelics and played psychedelic music.
It took a lot of convincing by some "VERY BIG" names in the scene that not only did they not perform under the influence, but infact mosbunal stayed straight till after they played.
It certainly made me stop taking it as a "performance enhancing substance". And infact once that bit of innocence was lost, and I realised how psychedelics had "fallen out of fashion" I tended not to perform under the influence anymore.

My graphics, especially the abstracts ones are very heavily influenced by what I have seen in psychedelic states. Infact one of the things that got me about DMT was the fact that comparatively the imagery was so geometrically simple, though incredibly vivid.
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

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Posted : Oct 12, 2009 18:58
I never perform or seriously try to create music under the effects.

I've tried before but there are too many colors, buttons, or knobs for me to concentrate on for the most part, although recently in Switzerland I did have a very nice all-night ableton and synth jam session with a good friend of mine who also produces.

I never take anything beyond a few puffs of a joint before performing in front of a crowd. I just can't handle it. I think I do a much better job "sober". There were a couple of times in my past that confirm this for me. One was just plain weird, and the other was scary.

Although when I do make music at home, I think a lot about the feelings I had during certain things I was going through under the stars at Deerfields, North Carolina, and a few other places in my life. I kind of equate it to dream recollection.

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Posted : Oct 12, 2009 19:23

On 2009-10-12 16:25, Djones wrote:

On 2009-10-12 15:22, subconsciousmind wrote:
After having perceived music under the influence of certain (at that time in switzerland legal) psychedelic substances I have trained myself over years to perceive music the same way in normal states of lifes.


Really what? Did you continue reading after the part you quoted


On 2009-10-12 15:22, subconsciousmind wrote:
I have never succeeded for other artists music but today I can to a very high degree predict how my own music sounds under influence of psychedelic substances.

Axis, I'm with you, as for creating music under influence.

I have written down some thought on that too:
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Started Topics :  108
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Posted : Oct 12, 2009 19:57
Simple answer: No. I have never taken any substances, so I don't have an idea how it feels like. I don't care what influence my music has on tripping people; to me it's only important what people think of my music when sober. I don't feel responsible for anything regarding this matter.
          Anakoluth A Pebble in Your Eardrum's Shoe since 2001!
Mike A

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Posted : Oct 12, 2009 20:29

On 2009-10-12 19:57, Anak wrote:
Simple answer: No. I have never taken any substances, so I don't have an idea how it feels like. I don't care what influence my music has on tripping people; to me it's only important what people think of my music when sober. I don't feel responsible for anything regarding this matter.

Well, it depends. Sometimes it just needs more cowbell.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 12, 2009 21:09

On 2009-10-12 19:57, Anak wrote:
Simple answer: No. I have never taken any substances, so I don't have an idea how it feels like. I don't care what influence my music has on tripping people; to me it's only important what people think of my music when sober. I don't feel responsible for anything regarding this matter.

Knowing that makes me appreciate your music and you as a person that much more.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 12, 2009 21:38
I got a fever, and the only prescription... is more cowbell!           `Bottomless wonders spring from simple rules, which are repeated without end` Mandelbrot

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Posted : Oct 12, 2009 21:53
Well you know me, I put the pants the same as you do. One leg at a time.
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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 12, 2009 22:41
I think its impossible to know how a person on drugs will react to anything...
especially when you make mad music with distorted sounds..
if you make very harmonic music with uplifting sounds most probably everybody that feels good inside and hopefully those who dont as well will smile and have a good time....

i think crazy night music is for the mad side of the psyche and a opertunity to let out negative feelings and aggression through dance in high tempo.
I think people have own responsibility when they take hallucinogenic and psychedelic drugs. You cant blame a artist that lets out his dark feelings through music to be held responsible for someones bad trip.. if that was the case we would only have harmonic uplifting trance...

to be honest when i make mad psy i dont think about how people will trip to it...
even if i release a lot of negative or sad feelings in music its most often feels good to listen and dance to..
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - Dear Artist, do you ever make music with psychedelic trips in mind?

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