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DAW Controllers

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  80
Posts :  3207
Posted : Mar 1, 2015 19:28:55
What would you recommend? Looking for a nice DAW controller. Should take controll of essential functions to record and mix. Would be great if it can support Cubase and Logic or even a few more. So far I mixed on) :


very cool but too expensive for me.

and Icon Qcon Pro
One I more think of. Sometimes the audio fader seem to be unstable. Sometimes I work on a 2 pairs of this with its extension that has a mouse wheel and a few nice things in one of the studios I work at. It could offer more though.

Steinberg Controllers

or any other of Steinberg are decent but looks very tiny and I like to have a bit of a size when it comes to DAW controller.


Really a flagship and a monster. Used this while I studied at SAE.
Too expensive for my pockets It's a shame how overpriced it is though.

this one :

Is nice but supports only sonar I think.

Any kind of other nice ones? They can be a bit unknown and don't need to be expensive.

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  18
Posts :  729
Posted : Mar 2, 2015 12:09
I use a Kenton Killamix Mini, 9 encoder/switches, nine actual switches, and a joystick, but it can also transmit on every channel giving you 144 encoders, 144 switches and 16 joysticks, if needed, at a click. Well built, looks nice, small and light, not too pricey.

For around the same price check out the Machinewerks CS X51. Not had a play but heard a lot of good reports.  : :
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  123
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Posted : Mar 3, 2015 16:51
i just got a 2nd hand steinberg cc121, its mostly for zooming in-and out, play pause, scroll but also eq-ing is very fast and handy and also the e button to go directly to the instrument is cool. you can scroll up and down tracklanes for volume/solo/mute. comes by every week on ebay.

i like that its clear what the functions are. like in cubase, same buttons. with a free assignable controller i still would have to remember which is what function.

but i still am using the mouse also. i do not manage to set the loop locaters with it. the cc has only four assignable buttons that you set up in the preferences in cubase. there is a limited menu. small box, nothing compared to what you are used to work with, probably much cheaper also. 150 - 200 euro might get you one.

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  80
Posts :  3207
Posted : Mar 4, 2015 18:22
Thanks for the input! The Steinberg cc121 on ebay for a nice price would be a must have, I need to observe ebay a bit more but what I'm really looking for is a controller of a bigger size. Something of a size of a mackie controller atleast, but I like to have a better price via some less known company.
So far still I tend to the Icon Qcon, since it looks great and does the job and is affordable but waiting a bit, maybe something better appears soon on my horizont. The video with machine looks great and the Kenton Killamix has a lot to offer but is also somehow small. 

Started Topics :  91
Posts :  1153
Posted : Mar 4, 2015 21:49
i also use the cc121 with cubase.
mouse on the right side, cc121 on the left..
with this navigating is twice as fast, channel strip and instrument window with click, fader to control volume, and with an alternative mode you have access to the quick controls in cubase via the eq knobs.. nice!
this and a midi keaybord is all i need..

the next step would defo be a dedicated 24 or 32 channel "mixing console" as you have posted examples of.. but thats on the money and i am not sure wether it makes it that much faster.. mouse you´ll always need to toggle through synth or fx menus and stuff..
but it would give a more studio kind of look. 
"I've always been a believer in musical repetition to draw in the listener and make the music hypnotic. Another thing I believe in is repetition." Alan Parsons
Grapes Of Wrath

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  454
Posted : Mar 8, 2015 21:35
I am quite the fan of the AVID transport (no more euphonics) I had a go at it and it felt much more solid to work with than it´s bigger brothers. If it´s just for basic functions (and a bit beyond if you know euphonics) the Transport would be a good unobtrusive option at a not insane price point. If you want to ride a bank of 8 faders during a mix down, then it´s going to cost a bit more than that if it has to work.
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