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[Darkpsy] VA - Spore Destruction (Badger Recs)

~ Sonic Tantra Recs ~
Sonic Tantra Records

Started Topics :  40
Posts :  111
Posted : Sep 19, 2013 06:50:31
Badgers Records presents

V/A Spore destruction


01.Namek - Space Port
02.Romeodark meets Nasgul - Hypnotic Level
03.Murukhan - HumAnimal
04.Drak phaser - spore destruction
05.Mad Scientist - Primatter
06.Fasteria - Fast impressions
07.Pupsidelic - Extreme game
08.Junxpunx - Super mental dimension
09.aGh0Ri TanTriK - Serpents of Shani


Compiled: Hora Project (Greece)
Mastering: Nik Mar at Pupsidelic Studio (Greece)
Cover design: JIMACIDO Digital Art (Greece)


Could it be that a civilization more advanced than ours ever existed on Earth? Is it possible that, by fault, it was destroyed by its own self?

History has shown that when the system faces collapse, it tries to restart itself. This is what might have happened in the previous World Wars.
Could the economic crisis of today lead to a ‘restart’ of the system? Could such an event trigger a nuclear holocaust, destroying everything down to the last spore?

‘VA – Spore Destruction’ is a psychedelic transition from the dark age we’re entering today, to the imminent final war of tomorrow. Rapid fire, laser guns, ion beams and nukes will teleport you into the most aggressive battlefield.

But remember:
In this War, no one wins!


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Trance Forum » » Forum  Free Music & Netlabels - [Darkpsy] VA - Spore Destruction (Badger Recs)
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