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Trance Forum » » Forum  Mexico - Darkpsy Question ¿? :)
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Darkpsy Question ¿? :)

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  127
Posts :  1644
Posted : Oct 25, 2007 03:22
Hola hermanos:

"I hope you don't erase my post I simply want to learn more"

For the darkpsy artists or whatever they call their looks or the look of their myspace or official websites, they use satanic images, with heavy vibes and low frequences, I hope you don't erase my post I simply want to learn more, and I can see that here there are many darkpsy lovers and I would like someone to explain why if GOA GIL who is a very spiritual person doesn't use negative stuff and he plays darkpsy.
As I said, I would like to learn more, so why do they use violent images? do they live with hate?
So what they try to express with their music is: LIVE IN HATE?

Mis Respetos para todos

Started Topics :  68
Posts :  397
Posted : Oct 25, 2007 04:12
I'm not gonna delete it but I'm gonna lock it mayo, I'm sorry but I'll tell you why.

This post would be more appropiate for the Trance forum, this is the Mexico forum so the things discussed here should be related to Mexico in some way.

Also it was really hard for me to understand what you wanted to express if I understood at all

if you are gonna post it again in the trance section at least try to make yourself more clear

          Peace, Love, Light and Harmony
Trance Forum » » Forum  Mexico - Darkpsy Question ¿? :)
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