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Darkest /Intense / Borderline Psychotic Tracks

Inactive User

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Posted : Feb 12, 2010 16:24
gerotos de goa

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Posts :  233
Posted : Feb 12, 2010 22:16

On 2010-02-12 07:54, Addictive Elements wrote:
Doesnt take a genius to be (Or appear) funny
with youtube links....I mean have ur laffs but dont totally hijack the thread people !!

meh, chill out..that Mark Gormley is one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Quite a genius post haha.
Especially considering he must have spent some money to make that video, truely psychotic..Even more psychotic he has a whole video collection on youtube, haha.

Only slightly off topic is no darkpsy artist have anything on skinny puppy in this area..We need less stupid black metal/satan influence in this genre, and more SP...2:42 into this video is just insane.

Silent Horror

Started Topics :  67
Posts :  1983
Posted : Feb 15, 2010 15:00
procs - aghast

wow           ------------------------------

Started Topics :  0
Posts :  59
Posted : Feb 15, 2010 20:57

On 2010-02-12 07:54, Addictive Elements wrote:
Man wtf...cant url guys get a lil serious? how old r url ?
Doesnt take a genius to be (Or appear) funny
with youtube links....I mean have ur laffs but dont totally hijack the thread people !!

Post something concrete nd informative rather than f'sake spamming....

Hmm.. you're right but i think that for all these guys it's their little
ray of sunlight..

If in real nobody's listens to your EXTREMELY FUNNY JOKES (WHAHAHA!) then you just repetitively post them on some forum.. and feel very good and funny in doing so.

Interesting thread in the beginning though.. I must know of one also.. at least personally.. . (can't think of one... all these funny guys are very funny and distracting.... and funny)

I personally missed the whole Skinny Puppy thing.. only thing creepy to me is the Vid.
Very good 'n dark actually ! ( and i don't mean dark as in the whoooole damn discussion about darkpsy/psychedelic darrrrk whatever... i just mean dark as in grimm, osbcure. )
mmm but the music itself sounds like German Autobahn Pop.. TO ME ! ( no offence intended )

Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  12
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Posted : Apr 7, 2010 21:20

mmm but the music itself sounds like German Autobahn Pop.. TO ME ! ( no offence intended )

That's exactly what I commented on in the Uplifting thread: some songs (or whole styles, actually) may seem cheezy or irrrelevant now but they were fresh when they appeared. A lot of Goth sounds almost pop today - yet it was revolutionary underground when it was written.

Also, many things depend on the context. You need to be there and then to understand completely. For example, these songs may seem like not much to you, if you did not live in the USSR around the time of its demise. Yet they probably changed your life forever if you did.

Viktor Tsoi – 1989 – “Peremen!” (“For the change!”) –
a revolutionary rock anthem:

Nautilus Pompilius - 1988 - "Goodbye, America!"
The song was 20 years ahead of its time!
"...I grew out of your washed-out jeans;
We were taught for too long to love your forbidden fruits.
Goodbye, America,
Where I will never be.
Will I hear your song,
Which I will remember forever?.."

And if you want dark - here it is. If you understand the words - it's even darker.
Nautilus Pompilius - 1988 - "Bound by the same chain":

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