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Trance Forum » » Forum  Mexico - Dark Prisma Label party by Biomechanix. Friday 1/12/06 Mexico City
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Dark Prisma Label party by Biomechanix. Friday 1/12/06 Mexico City

Shadai / Devil's Rejects

Started Topics :  17
Posts :  453
Posted : Nov 20, 2006 23:56
Dark Prisma Label party by Biomechanix.
Friday 1/12/06 Mexico City
Starts 7:00Pm

Dark Prisma Records has it base in Argentina on the city of Buenos aires under the command of two of most biggest exponents of darktrance on argentina(Megalopsy and Frantic Noise), this live acts come to mexico for the first time.

Live acts:

(Dark Prisma Recs/Trishula Recs.)Arg.
Megalopsy its Matias Benamo aka Zip and Nicolas Di Bernardo aka Filter, an argentine live act dedicated to produce a psychedelic deep and intense style for the night hours.

Frantic Noise
(Dark Prisma Recs)Arg
Frantic Noise is Matias Benamo aka Zip, born in Buenos Aires Argentina on the 24 of may of 1984.Since little he started to develop a high interest on technology, computers and music.

(Biomechanix/Shaman Films Recs./Caffix)Mx
This proyect is conformed by Israel Cuevas(Dj avizz 21) and Alejandro Gonzalez(Dj Janue 22),from 2005 to 2006 they make their first track “seven sense” witch started to show their focus and style to fast leads and acid melodies, with high dark atmospheres, together decided to start the label BioMechanix focused on show the hidden talents of Mexico and the world .

(Biomechanix/Doof Recs./Evil Knivel Recs.)Mx
Pablo is the character behind the proyect kashyyyk , borne in mexico city, with a style focused into the dark hours, from a long 5 years he has been working on his production, releasing for doof records the track “Mind games”, stay tuned for more of this awesome proyect.

Alejandro Gonzalez is the mind behind ViceFlow, with a several years on music production he presents his new project with a fresh and unique sound, deep groves and deep basslines, he has many surprises for this years, we will start working on his debut album on 2007, pure progressive trance.

Israel Suarez Gonzalez aka Dj yeak, starts his taste for electronic music on the year 1999, he has collaborated with international live acts such as System Nippel, and now he presents for the first time his new project totally hi-tech.

(Biomechanix/Twisted minds Recs.)Mx
Project integrated by Said aka chai and Axel, with a full aggressive style they will show us what they are made of. They are part of BioMechanix label , withc in a few months will release their first compilation of Mexican dark trance, wait to hears this guys on this compilation.

Alan Bobadilla of 20 years old aka Dj e-an from mexico city, starts this project in 2003 having in mind always the perfection of his own sound day by day, today he is working on the production of his new material, with no doubts Biotec with his energetic NeoFullon will gonna make something to talk on the Mexican electronic scene

Dj set's:

(Dark Prisma Recs)Arg

Avizz & Janue
(Biomechanix/Ismerai/Sin Recs./Shaman Films)Mx



Pygmess groove vs Strong beats

Vj set:


Drink bar
Food bar
Professional Audio
Clean Bathrooms
Cd stands of Dark prisma Records

Salvador Diaz Miron St Num 80
Col. Santa Maria la Rivera
Betwen Insurgentes and Eje 1.

$150 pesos(With Frantic Noise CD Album)
$50 pesos
Chicks enter free from 8 to 10 pm(after 10pm 30 pesos)

More info on :           Avizz Biomechanix Records
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  10
Posts :  375
Posted : Nov 21, 2006 01:17
Yeah will be a hell of a party, good luck 3ctick, killem all bro... Good luck to the rest of the biomechanix crew, blast them modofocas ...           Memento Mori

Started Topics :  87
Posts :  703
Posted : Nov 21, 2006 23:38
hey there

it will be very nice to share the stage with the biomechanix crew, im very interested in seeing kashyyyk live, amazing music.

thanks a lot avizz/shadai for making this happen           Psychedelic Trance from Argentina

Megalopsy Travel Blog

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  239
Posted : Nov 23, 2006 02:38
Hey! will be a pleasure and an honor to share the stage with such a professional artists.

All the best filter and zip! and thank you my good friend Avizz for the invitation.

See yaaa aaaall at the heeeell!!!!


Started Topics :  28
Posts :  535
Posted : Nov 23, 2006 18:33
hey there brothers! thanks Avizz for pulling this one out and inviting us, we will see in a couple of weeks!
Take it easy Maniakos!

b00m           (www) ~ ~ ~
providing shamanic euphoria until the end of the days!
Mind-Expansion Records

Started Topics :  37
Posts :  233
Posted : Nov 23, 2006 18:34
this goes out
to all the people in mexico city:

dont miss the live set of Kashyyyk... he will give you some new impressions, you will never forget..guaranteed:-))
praise the teonanacatl...
love space and fun,Oli           Music`s an attitude - not a business!!!
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  19
Posts :  514
Posted : Nov 23, 2006 20:48
Hey hey hey hey

Great party soon!!! With the ches's on scene and of course mr kashyyyk live act, pretty blasting music

Hope to see good people there

Soon BioMechanix site will be online so stay tune jeje           If u are Something, Dont ask for nothing
If u are Nothing, Dont ask for something

Started Topics :  8
Posts :  316
Posted : Nov 25, 2006 03:19
Damn... i'd sell my pants to be there ... seems it's gonna be a damn good party i'm sure...all the best to all involved specially kashyyyk and avizz and 3ctick... rock it, guys!

Shadai / Devil's Rejects

Started Topics :  17
Posts :  453
Posted : Nov 27, 2006 18:45

On 2006-11-20 23:56, AVIZZ wrote:
Dark Prisma Label party by Biomechanix.
Friday 1/12/06 Mexico City
Starts 7:00Pm

Dark Prisma Records has it base in Argentina on the city of Buenos aires under the command of two of most biggest exponents of darktrance on argentina(Megalopsy and Frantic Noise), this live acts come to mexico for the first time.

Live acts:

(Dark Prisma Recs/Trishula Recs.)Arg.
Megalopsy its Matias Benamo aka Zip and Nicolas Di Bernardo aka Filter, an argentine live act dedicated to produce a psychedelic deep and intense style for the night hours.

Frantic Noise
(Dark Prisma Recs)Arg
Frantic Noise is Matias Benamo aka Zip, born in Buenos Aires Argentina on the 24 of may of 1984.Since little he started to develop a high interest on technology, computers and music.

(Biomechanix/Shaman Films Recs./Caffix)Mx
This proyect is conformed by Israel Cuevas(Dj avizz 21) and Alejandro Gonzalez(Dj Janue 22),from 2005 to 2006 they make their first track “seven sense” witch started to show their focus and style to fast leads and acid melodies, with high dark atmospheres, together decided to start the label BioMechanix focused on show the hidden talents of Mexico and the world .

(Biomechanix/Doof Recs./Evil Knivel Recs.)Mx
Pablo is the character behind the proyect kashyyyk , borne in mexico city, with a style focused into the dark hours, from a long 5 years he has been working on his production, releasing for doof records the track “Mind games”, stay tuned for more of this awesome proyect.

Alejandro Gonzalez is the mind behind ViceFlow, with a several years on music production he presents his new project with a fresh and unique sound, deep groves and deep basslines, he has many surprises for this years, we will start working on his debut album on 2007, pure progressive trance.

Israel Suarez Gonzalez aka Dj yeak, starts his taste for electronic music on the year 1999, he has collaborated with international live acts such as System Nippel, and now he presents for the first time his new project totally hi-tech.

(Biomechanix/Twisted minds Recs.)Mx
Project integrated by Said aka chai and Axel, with a full aggressive style they will show us what they are made of. They are part of BioMechanix label , withc in a few months will release their first compilation of Mexican dark trance, wait to hears this guys on this compilation.

Alan Bobadilla of 20 years old aka Dj e-an from mexico city, starts this project in 2003 having in mind always the perfection of his own sound day by day, today he is working on the production of his new material, with no doubts Biotec with his energetic NeoFullon will gonna make something to talk on the Mexican electronic scene

Dj set's:

(Dark Prisma Recs)Arg

Avizz & Janue
(Biomechanix/Ismerai/Sin Recs./Shaman Films)Mx



Pygmess groove vs Strong beats

Vj set:


Drink bar
Food bar
Professional Audio
Clean Bathrooms
Cd stands of Dark prisma Records

Salvador Diaz Miron St Num 80
Col. Santa Maria la Rivera
Betwen Insurgentes and Eje 1.

$150 pesos(With Frantic Noise CD Album)
$50 pesos
Chicks enter free from 8 to 10 pm(after 10pm 30 pesos)

More info on :

hi everybody it was a change on the party day it will be december 8th the cause was some goberment bussines here in mexico and that day we cant sale alcohol, i hope you can understand it see you at the party, a big hugh everyone.           Avizz Biomechanix Records

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  32
Posted : Nov 27, 2006 21:18
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh my....Dark Prisma blast Mexico...All the best friends, Filter and Zip...

Keep Music Evil!           Arteria Deco Team

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  239
Posted : Dec 9, 2006 22:14
HEy! just wanted to thank ALLL my friends Avizz especialy for his support and profesionalism, Zip and Filter, we had a killer time doing some crazy sounds! and all the people who went to the party to trip my songs, thank you all bros!!!

I had the best time of my life!
Keep rocking like that folks!

peace and love!


Started Topics :  2
Posts :  33
Posted : Dec 12, 2006 00:48
hey, congrats to Kashyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyk!! I heard he really blasted all the party upside down, he was the kIng of the night!!! go man!!! goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...

          melt your brain!!! otherwise is not psychedelic experience...
Trance Forum » » Forum  Mexico - Dark Prisma Label party by Biomechanix. Friday 1/12/06 Mexico City
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