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Dark Moons - Devils Rejects (thoughts, commnets..)


Started Topics :  100
Posts :  1123
Posted : Oct 19, 2009 14:22:04
Did anyone else go there? Nice party overall. Location was Trabrennbahn in Hamburg. Dark floor was upstairs, prog floor was downstairs. Line up was a mix of Hamburg and Berlin based artists alongside Cosmo.
I spent the first 2 hours on the darkfloor dancing to Alpha and Bombax. Good crowd. Darkfloor deco was a bit lame, could have done much more here. Only had a projector screen behind the stage + a bit of stuff on the walls. Behind the dark floor was a huge area (where 1 bar was + corridor to the toilets) which could have been used for a lot of stuff but was just like a dead zone. Some more deco, extra couches, bean bagsm chairs and stuff would have been nice.
Meanwhile downstais veteran Tamahuka delivered a solid prog set. Downstairs deco was much nicer, and because of the small area atmosphere was really nice.
Was there with my girlfriend and she wanted to dance to some prog so we stayed downstairs long enough to catch some of the Pardauz set which was a pleaseant suprise, quite fat and groovy.
Wanted to get shredered on the darkfloor some more where Cannibal Crow had stepped up the pace even more...very experimental sound to say the least, very fast splatter sound. Not "moderate" darkpsy to say the least, more psycore style I would say, building up to the kind of intensity to be expected from Cosmo. A lot of people I talked to said they couldnt handle it. Best way to enjoy it is stand somewhere close to the speakers and feel the music directly, feeling the music rather then hearing it, direct infusion. Sure, not everyones taste but if you manage to trance yourself through that wall of sound you become aware of the immense energy that is generated here.
Cosmo set was as to be expected, extremely fast, crazy, confusing and psychedlic, needs a lot of power to get through but rewards you with more power at the same time.
Downstairs Magical was playing a nice set with alot of Riktam and Bansi tracks inside...many people who could not handle the slaughter upstairs took refuge here.
I kind of missed a real chill, a place to sit down for 5 minutes to smoke a peaceful spliff. There were some sofas and stuff at the entrance but no extra music and too packed. I guess it would have been impossible to provide seperate music in this area because it would have gotten obliterated by the darkpsy assault next door.
As a consequence of not sitting down I danced 8 hours and came out feeling invigorated, except some damn cramps in the legs.
Darkpsy massacre continue with Dark Whisper, also really high energy crazy stuff. Sound downstairs didnt keep me intersted after Magical, J and B live act was a bit boring and uneventful, getting sound-disected upstairs was more fun at this stage.
I left after Antagon. Overall great event, great energy. Keep this Hamburg Berlin collab stuff going and get us some more nice special guests to Hamburg pls. Some suggestions? Kdd, Psykovsky, Audiopathik, Quasar pls! And some more sofas and deco on mainfloor.
Price was very fair at 15 euro.
Horrordelic Records

Started Topics :  25
Posts :  1247
Posted : Oct 25, 2009 05:26
seemed like a nice party            3o~ kriz aka krize 3o~ ....Horrordelic Records....
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Trance Forum » » Forum  Germany - Dark Moons - Devils Rejects (thoughts, commnets..)
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