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Trance Forum » » Forum  Australia & New Zealand - Danish DJ lost in Oz!
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Danish DJ lost in Oz!


Started Topics :  14
Posts :  274
Posted : Jan 6, 2004 11:35
Hey there!
Im a danish dj who woke up in sydney not too long ago. I would love a gig or just to meet some friendly fraggles. I like to play full on the best, but my music collection includes morning and start up if that tickles your fancy.
Send me a mail if you can help me, or if you just feel like meeting a friendly freak (and his not so friendly friend) at

Raquel Morbeck

Started Topics :  8
Posts :  71
Posted : Jan 6, 2004 16:30
Hello vonoom, I`m Raquel and I`m going to live in Sydney this saturday for sure i would love to meet some friends, and if is possible go to Rainbow Serpent Festival .lets go ? call me + 61299765863 boommm !!!

Started Topics :  14
Posts :  274
Posted : Jan 7, 2004 08:44
Hey raquel,
My friend and I are actually leaving sydney on friday, going to a party on saturday called D-Psyfa the code with CPU live... its 100 min from sydney, but I dont know the exact location. After that I will be heading down south to melbourne...
maybe its possible to pick you up if you want to go to the party, we have a car...
but keep me updated on where you are, maybe we can meet. you can call me on

see you
Trance Forum » » Forum  Australia & New Zealand - Danish DJ lost in Oz!
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