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Posted : Apr 11, 2005 19:48
Hi dudes, I want to wrote down what I think about the connection bewteen trance and dance and want to share my experiences and thoughts with you. This little essay is based on my own understanding of the human body and I would like to reflect it in front of an public eye to see how many of the concepts fit with the experiences of yourselfes made.
Getting into the rythm played from PA-System we are able to feel the beat in our ears and maybe in our stomach. When we start to dance we try to put our movements into the structure which the tunes directing to us. The Dj is trying to make this easy for us, depending on the atmosphere on the party and the crowd.
If we success to link our movements to the music, the body will fully resonating the accustics which are matching with the beat and we feel what we call trance, what the asians call chi or qi and what other people describe with the activation of chakras (I think so, I do not know much about chakras) or the movement from the mind out of the body to a higher state of itself.
I will try to describe how.
This "music-linked body-vibration" is our goal first, later we see what we do when we allready arrived this point. To success we need to have body first, or own body. If you want to have something swinging we have to see how a thing looks, when it is under the controll pure wave-vibrations. a rope for example. take a long rope in on hand and shake the arm up and down. tne rope will make movements liek a snake and after a few monets the hole rope is swinging like a big wave, if on end is up, the other edn is down, like a wip. the rope is able to absorp any power from our shaking arm into vibrations becaus of its flexibility. If you try the same with a long staff it is harder and the waves are smaller and if you try to swing a treetrunk its is impossible to do (I have only seen heavy winds making trees swinging).
We cant link our body to the music correctly if our muscles are uptight. We have to hold the bones and muscles very relaxed to expand our body-flexibility. We try to handle ourselfes like a rope, not a treetrunk. If our body is relaxed our arm is able to feel the vibration of the leg. The relaxed body-structure transfers the swinging of the leg like a whip into the fingers and from the fingers back into the feet. If there are muscles on the way which are strong tensed and overactivated the wave will not be able to get transfered trough them, because the muscle is stressed and static and absorps all resonance like our example of the hard treetrunk.
This means that our first goal is the relax our body and the msucles when we start to dance to our trancemusic. A relaxed body needs not much power to make any movements because there are no stressed-hard-muscles which interrupt the forceflow in our structure and all our movements flow like waves trough our body. Its like you through a stone into a pool of water and the rings glide to any point of the pool.
If you try to make dancing-movements with too many force, your muscles will be too much tensed to move with the music linked to the vibrations for hours. If you dance as relaxed as you can, your body will swing more and more. its like the rope-example: to start the rope swinging with our hand we need a lot of power from the arm and later (when its swinging allready) we just need to move our wrist with 1/10 of the starting-power.
When we succeed to link our body to the sound-vibration, we are able to do so many big movements and combinations with our arms and legs without much power. we are able to put more force on the wave with is flooding through our swinging body witn endless combinations of movements. its all linked or like producers like to say: synced (think sync )
There will be one point, where we are able to loose the control of our body because its swinging for hours and we need no more energy or coordination, everything is like a stream of shaking water inside of us. This is the point where our mind makes a movement. This is what I like to describe with trance. I dont know what is happening then exactly my knowledge is finished know.. Our body is not more a body it is like paralized and our mind is hooving above it. We sometimes try to use drugs to simulate this point, it is also much more easy to relax the own body with taking drugs to assist this way. But in my experiences you dont need to take them if you know how to use your body.
I made nearly out of body experiences for a few moments once or two in my life. And sometimes I see people on the floor moving like they feef the same...
If someone is able to share this or is able to explain how the mind works on the "trance-point" she/he is welcome to fill in here!
Cosmic Station
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Posted : Apr 11, 2005 21:31
the way that our brain preceives trance music is a crasy thing.. i agree with lots of thing you said man, although there was some other that i didnt quite understand..
i think defenitly ther's some resonance in our bodys and that can even start a chain quemical reaction inside us i don't make small idea but for shure some pleasure stimulants or hinibidors substances or even psychoactvive substances. ALl can enduce in a trance stage for shure.. with drugs u get this dopamine and endrophine stimules wich bombs your brain with pleasent substancies like dopamine wich are created by our own brain. so if u can make it work whaterver u want controling ur body and ur mind im shure u can enduce a trance state councioucly.. about the out of body xperiences, the relathion with trance state in my point of view is the capacity of reaching a altered counciousness frequency counsciously. is more than possible and happening lots of times without we preceive, like dreams. the way our energy body works is also affected with the sorrounding environement so u must be abole to preceive whats the best suroundings for what..
i liked this topic and this question.. this is my opinion. looking forward to see what u guys have to say..
Boom |
Cosmic Station
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Posted : Apr 11, 2005 21:35
btw. directly to the question:
i think dance is the one of the best rituals of human nature to reach this frequency. just listening and thinking in the sounds of music and creating a link to our own body. empty all things in the brain during these process. its like meditative moment. but counciouscly and even u can interact with your surrounding environement.
Boom |
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Posted : Apr 13, 2005 19:25
Very interesting subject. I agree with you in many things but you mix something up when you say "Trance" is the same as the asians call "Chi". Trance is a mental state (characterized through specific brain frequencies) while Chi is the (chinese) name of the energy which circulates in the meridians of your body.
IMO there are several things that cause this state you described:
1. When you move for hours, you get kind of high on natural body drugs (as Fingax said). This effect is also known as "runners high".
2. The repetitive Rhythms in Trance music induce a special mental state (known as trance). I think this has also something to do with a synchronisation of body functions (like heartbeat, breath frequencies) and brain waves to the music.
3. When you dance with moving arms and legs and move the whole body, you stretch your meridians. By this you get rid of energy blockades (caused by muscles tension) and the energy can float better through your body. This is the the same effect like yoga or qi gong practices have.
4. On the dancefloor your mind gets an overflow of stimuli due to acoustical and optical sensations. When a brain gets too much input it starts to block everything from the outside and focus to the inside. This is exactly how mind machines (light and sound machines) work (and some people report out of body experiences during a mind machine session too)
diepiggypiggydie on digene
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Posted : Apr 13, 2005 22:22
nice read.. very interesting.. dancing the whole concept for me seems al ittle different or maybe i'm juss failing at drawing parallels here.
i love energy whle dancing.. infact i use the music to provide me with energy and try and get into ta state of mind where there is a direct link...
lets start at the beginning..
close my eyes listen to the music.. basically just move aorund a little .. try and get with the beat.. and kapow soon.. its just me listenign to the music without really knowing to much about the body.. the body is just responding to the music.. its something i have control over .. but i surrender to the music for its the dance which gives the high .. the exilleration..the dance floor isl ike a spiders web.. tillyour outtside your ok.. just as soon as you feel the music and everyone elses energy while dancing yo ujust get stuck right there..
move my body to the beat.. so the base line pretty much sounds mute because its at the smae time your feet thump the ground.. and let the rest tickle your brains ...
anways trance is a state which you reach by these repititive movemts.. just the baselines alone.. thats the basic link between the indians and the africans.. thou their entire spirituality concept differs but the link is moving to a basic beat afor along duration or time..
the drugs simply amplify the sound one.. and nulify the brain to the rest which is flowing around
and by inducing yourself in a state of trance.. by just followin the music the need for drugs goes away! atleast untillyou get fatigued..
basic difference bieng the endless energy you achive thru the drugs which bascially numb whta the rest ofyou body is telling you about how tired it is.. or how alive it is..its a great feeliugn dont get me wrong.. but the key to releasting those chemicals naturally is the dance.. the movement.. and sooner or later youll rech a state of mind which is very close to that on lsd.. only natural!
right.. so this is ratehr arbid
boom bboom !! ..
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Posted : Apr 14, 2005 02:04
nice thread it makes me miss the little touch I had with the old Goa music...
nowadays is very rare (atleast to me) to hear to a trance that will put me in touch with the real trance good energy,
not that I don't like it the way it is now, but responding to 'trance dance' I would say:
- it is only a state of mind
- the first discription in this thread is very clear for any kind of music, almost.
-the difference with trance music is that it stimulate areas in the body/brain where most of the psychoativos are. It helps to release these areas in a sort of hipnoses. And this hipnoses are made of the consistent repetitive beats (rithm that the trance music has),... well that is my humble opinion. It can also change the natural brain waves and add some more in some cases.
It also has a healing state as when in hipnotised it will stimulate the brain molecules giving a sort of anesthesy, you can notice that when you really relexed (without taking drugs) you feel the sound really soft and the bass isn't there anymore. It can give a party a union of feelings, when the sound is powerful enough,... and everyone (atleast around you) will be sharing the similar thing, the frequencies.
The dance is only the expression of everything together.
And those who had done any sort of dance before, they will automatically put their skills into it. I see many people losing the plot at parties, and me also sometimes, that is to do with the lost of hearing to the base, the base is a fundamental thing for a true good dancer and to keep your body running as long as your brain like. Water is the best energetic and the music the best stimulant, *no need for drugs* .
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 14, 2005 03:40
Very interesting.
I dance depending on my mood. If my mood changes so does my way of dancing. When I try to meditate and concentrate on the tiny sounds, the way they are panned and melt from one ear to another, then I just move my head without moving my arms or legs. If I listen to the music as a whole-kicks and percussion and the rest of the sounds, then I'm able to dance my ass of.
"nowadays is very rare (atleast to me) to hear to a trance that will put me in touch with the real trance good energy, "
I agree with you. For some strange reason I can exibit dancing moves that come from my mind when I listen to chill out, and especially Shpongle.
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 14, 2005 11:04
i've seen in old movies and docus that tribals danced around someone ill to cure him just as they would dance on a Volcano to clam it down.
he he he
if all the energy is created and put to good use it would be beneficial.
i know it sounds far fetched but then imagination is our only limitation.
about the rope thing...
amazingly well discribed and this is the way i did the same long back.
Trance to dance to religion
Trinity – three gods – Creator, Destroyer and the keeper.
Trance as you know is made up of a lot of sounds… kicks, bass, flutes, chimes, bells what ever one finds.
You make any pattern which has a rhythm and it sounds good. Like 1234 1234 1234 1234 now try 12345 12345 then 123456 123456. if the Maker of the track left it here he is creating 5 and then 6… this is what morning music sounds like to me… bouncy when am happy as there is creation and I see the sun to add to it. I feel the loop has finished with an additional element in it.
Then there are loops which go 12 12 123 1234 1234 123 12 12. he is the keeper. He shows you stars, u see light and then come back to the ground for u have to find it again. The loop starts and finishes on the same strain.
And the last one 12 12 12 123 123 123 12345 12345 54321 54321 321 321 321 21 21 21.
This has to be the destroyer… just because it points backward… inward.
I’ve had trips where all night I have gone up to people and whispered in there ears- “I forgive you”. And by morning time I forgave myself… and then again went and whispered to all – “I forgive my self.”
it was a revelation
do drugs or dont do drugs
but u must meditate or just do Yoga and if u lathargic just get to a party and dance
  Dont thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously use your intelligence
Protons and Proteins |
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Posted : Apr 18, 2005 15:37
some interesting points all u gave here, thank u very much for your feedback. lets keep our knowlegde alive. the main-inspiration of my points was given by martial arts, while practicing this, i found out that there are many equal concepts between trance, meditation and movement.
what to say from myself at the end...:
its usefull to look into different thinks, finding out that the same fix rules of our small world express itself into different levels while the essence is equal. |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 18, 2005 19:27
a) Clear your stomping grounds (the area where you are intending to dance) of rocks and stuff like that. 1 minute of dragging your foot from side to side will save you a lot of discomfort and help you flow with the music.
b) Don't try and have a good time, have a good time. Easier said than done in some cases, but once you get a smile on your face, it tends to stay there. Smoke pot, drink alcohol, take acid, fry braincells, whatever - if you can't get into a positive state of mind you probably won't have fun dancing, which is just totally not the point.
c) Flow with the music (closed eyes help concentration sometimes), the body movements are an extension to that. Just like when you tap your feet to a beat without noticing you're doing it. It comes naturally. If you think you look silly, then you are obviously too concentrated on yourself to be properly flowing with the music. DO NOT focus on yourself or specific people, just let your senses wander (and wonder), and eventually you'll see that you're already with the beat and have been for a while now.
These steps are very simple. It usually takes me around 5 minutes from when I enter the party to when I'm already in the center of the dancefloor (first I always set up a spot with friends, see the chillout area, etc - just generally pick up the vibe of the place), so it's probably not too complex and shouldn't take more than a few minutes.
Excitingly enough, this 'system' for dancing has given me a lot of illumination for practicing Yoga, as Pranayama is to breath what dancing is to movement, a natural way to focus energy that requires less thinking to be more successful - and with surprisingly similar results on a spiritual level. |
Nomolos(Zenon Rec.)
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 19, 2005 13:15
On 2005-04-18 19:27, kaz wrote:
a) Clear your stomping grounds (the area where you are intending to dance) of rocks and stuff like that. 1 minute of dragging your foot from side to side will save you a lot of discomfort and help you flow with the music.
b) Don't try and have a good time, have a good time. Easier said than done in some cases, but once you get a smile on your face, it tends to stay there. Smoke pot, drink alcohol, take acid, fry braincells, whatever - if you can't get into a positive state of mind you probably won't have fun dancing, which is just totally not the point.
c) Flow with the music (closed eyes help concentration sometimes), the body movements are an extension to that. Just like when you tap your feet to a beat without noticing you're doing it. It comes naturally. If you think you look silly, then you are obviously too concentrated on yourself to be properly flowing with the music. DO NOT focus on yourself or specific people, just let your senses wander (and wonder), and eventually you'll see that you're already with the beat and have been for a while now.
These steps are very simple. It usually takes me around 5 minutes from when I enter the party to when I'm already in the center of the dancefloor (first I always set up a spot with friends, see the chillout area, etc - just generally pick up the vibe of the place), so it's probably not too complex and shouldn't take more than a few minutes.
Excitingly enough, this 'system' for dancing has given me a lot of illumination for practicing Yoga, as Pranayama is to breath what dancing is to movement, a natural way to focus energy that requires less thinking to be more successful - and with surprisingly similar results on a spiritual level.
Nice! agreed....
  "....or is it???" |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 19, 2005 16:32
for me the entire place transforms into my playground and i do my little hop skip and jump.
its amazing how one lets go of all his inhibitions as soon as he becomes one with the total organism...
when u just are the reason to celebrate.
u close your eyes just to open them to this beautiful paradox which never ceases to surprise u and u dance more to enjoy the joyous moment
its how when the music keeps gettting faster and faster, louder and louder more complicated u start getting smoother and smoother, with movements so complete in themselves and u smile for it is a truly happy moment.
  Dont thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously use your intelligence
Protons and Proteins |
diepiggypiggydie on digene
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Posted : Apr 19, 2005 20:20
dude sorcress.. need you to get some writing done.. this iss pfff.... nice!
" its amazing how one lets go of all his inhibitions just as soon as he becomes one with the total organism"
never thought about the total organism angle..nice nice .. keep em coming..
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Posted : Apr 20, 2005 09:53
For myself and my friends alike the trance dance experience is one of the most holy of experiences. It is the realisation and then actualisation of the Divine Spirit.
When we dance to psytrance we are dancing in union with spirit, we are bringing forth the world of spirit into the world of matter.
The relentless driving bass lines ground us to the earth and connect us into the collective consciousness of our planet while the high frequency psychedlia brings about the most revelatory divine experiences, raising our consciousness higher and higher into a state of Divine Union with the Cosmic Spirit, connecting us with the Cosmic Consciousness and revealing our true selves. Also known as opening your third eye.
It is this experience, this realisation and actualisation of the Divine Cosmic Spirit that guides us to this music because this music is merely a reflection of our own consciousness.
Love and Light Always |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 20, 2005 10:22
On 2005-04-20 09:53, egad wrote:
The relentless driving bass lines ground us to the earth and connect us into the collective consciousness of our planet while the high frequency psychedlia brings about the most revelatory divine experiences, raising our consciousness higher and higher into a state of Divine Union with the Cosmic Spirit, connecting us with the Cosmic Consciousness and revealing our true selves. Also known as opening your third eye.
It is this experience, this realisation and actualisation of the Divine Cosmic Spirit that guides us to this music because this music is merely a reflection of our own consciousness.
Love and Light Always
what he makes me wonder about what GOPENDRA had to say about music having an effect on us???
the third eye would be the kundalini awakening...
@ Gopi where art thy
@ egad very well said
  Dont thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously use your intelligence
Protons and Proteins |