Dancing with closed eyes
The Green Channel
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 23, 2005 10:19
You probably all know the old psychedelic “saying”: “Dance like know one is watching”. I have a tendency to dance with my eyes closed, for three obvious reasons:
1. I’m more concentrated and focused on the music, which makes it easier to meditate while dancing.
2. In-order to induce a state of “trance” you have to let go and dance without thinking you have to move without thought.
3. If you are surrounded by people, it’s easy to get distracted and you often tend to loose focus and you start to focus on what other people are doing and or thinking (which I couldn’t care less about:)).
The apparent problem is the amount of available space, in the room or dance floor. However I have found that when you’re whole body is starting to vibrate and your legs are moving like the legs of a robot, you suddenly have an intuitive way of avoiding “accidents”, it almost like you can feel the people and or the obstacles around you. Sometimes when I’m dancing in an apartment people are amazed by the fact that I don’t break anything, even though I’m dancing like crazy shaman.
My question is,
Can anyone relate to what I wrote and or do you know the feeling and do you prefer dancing with your eyes closed?
Love and light sisters and brother from different mothers.
  "Love is a way of life"
(Gaia, Love, Nature, Shamanism (, Terence McKenna) |
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Sep 23, 2005 13:43
I only dance with close eyes at the strongest parts of the Tracks. I mean in the climaxes where the feelings are so strong that I just want to explode. Usually I dance with a smile.. Good party is a party where ppl are being infected one from another by a smile..
  -=The Meaning Of Life Is To Give Life A Meaning= |
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Posted : Sep 23, 2005 13:44
I prefer to dance with closed eyes. But not the whole party.
It also depends on the women -
sometimes it is impossible to close the eyes
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Posted : Sep 23, 2005 14:03
On 2005-09-23 13:44, EYB wrote:
It also depends on the women -
sometimes it is impossible to close the eyes
hehe very true
well for me it depend on the lighting, the music, the mood to have shades on or not ahem... | Raving beyond borders |
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Posted : Sep 23, 2005 14:14
I really enjoy dancing with my eyes closed, you can really lose yourself to the music that way! But, like others have said, not for the whole night. I like to see people around me enjoying the music and it can be great to watch the lights |
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Sep 23, 2005 14:23
When I trance-dance I also prefer to close my eyes and become one with the music, and the vibes surrounding me. To close ones eyes while dancing makes it a whole lot easier to dance as noone is watching. Sometimes it's hard, for me at least, because I'm not a person who likes attention and eyes staring. But if I'm dancing with eyes closed I can drift off. Forget about potencial eyes watching. See different world like the destert, rain forest, and other fun senarios going on in my tripped out mind. Sometime while dancing with your eyes closed you will be forced to open them up. It can be a beautiful woman that you would like to make eye contact with or as simple as you watching where you are so you wount bump into items or other trippers dancing. because you dont wanna fuck up the other dancers trip by smahing into them. ... I rarly dance in appartments ect. Because I dont like to be watcjhed and "graded". I belive my self that I am a good dancer with a nice body language. But I still dont like to be in the "spotlight".
To your answer Green.. Yes, I prefer dancing with eyes closed. I would rather be blind then deaf. Music is the soundtrack to our life.
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Posted : Sep 23, 2005 15:03
@ The Green Channel
totally agree with you,when you start trancing you automaticaly close your eyes and sure you aware of whats in your path and where your moving.and i second the fact that it helps increase concentration and also helps with better halucination
  "Cause we're living in a world of RULES breaking us down when they all should let us be." |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 23, 2005 15:06
i'd Trance dance with my eyes closed and a biiiiiig smile.
anytime, anywhere.
i dont think like a pegion who would believe that if i cannot see the cat the cat does not see me too.
so... closed eyes would be to feel the music, the melodies, the bass, the drifts.
plus i wear specs otherwise and dont do it while i dance so i even with eyes open cant see much.
i would like to look around pass on the smiles once to often, meet frens... after all it is a party
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Posted : Sep 23, 2005 15:41
It was enough to suggest that his condition was psychological, not physical...
I have to believe in a world outside my mind. I have to believe that my actions still have meaning,even if I can't remember them.
I have to believe that when my eyes are closed, the world's still here. Do I believe the world's still here? Is it still out there?
We all need mirrors to remind ourselves who we are.
I'm no different.
Every time I close my eyes I have visions...
When I closed my eyes I dwelt in a delicious land of dreams.
On the wings of a speechless music I floated through the air and in the cloud valleys played hide-and-seek with meteors
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IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Sep 23, 2005 15:59
Thats beautiful psychedelia
. I mean your thoughts. The mirror. The trips. The spectral dimention. The imagination of a human beeing.
Does anyone remember that video that was all over the net with this "kid" of 18-19 years old. This guy is dancing his ass off. Really living within the music. Using his body as a instrument in the music. A power tool if I might say so. This video was sendt around everywhere, also here on of cource. I just wanted to say that I love that kids dancing. So much energie, so true to him self, so non fake. But still, people disses the video instead of seeing it with respect. Does anyone remember that videoclip? Post the link. |
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Posted : Sep 23, 2005 16:13
On 2005-09-23 15:59, Kire-naj wrote:
This guy is dancing his ass off. Really living within the music. Using his body as a instrument in the music. A power tool if I might say so.
just like me...
but not in teens hehe
where's the link @ c@m
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The Green Channel
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 23, 2005 17:33
Off-corse you have to open you're eyes... The world is still there (or maybe it isn't) ... I often also dance alone...
  "Love is a way of life"
(Gaia, Love, Nature, Shamanism (, Terence McKenna) |
volvox box
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Posted : Sep 23, 2005 17:38
you are feeling sleepy at parties? |
The Green Channel
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 23, 2005 17:43
On 2005-09-23 17:38, volvox box wrote:
you are feeling sleepy at parties?
Yes, that’s why i’m dancing in the first place, i’m afraid of falling asleep.
  "Love is a way of life"
(Gaia, Love, Nature, Shamanism (, Terence McKenna) |
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Posted : Sep 23, 2005 17:55
On 2005-09-23 17:43, The Green Channel wrote:
Yes, that’s why i’m dancing in the first place, i’m afraid of falling asleep.
Very true !!!!!!!!!
  "Cause we're living in a world of RULES breaking us down when they all should let us be." |