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Cydonia - April Fools EP [Atomic 2000] 12"

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 1, 2005 20:03
Cydonia - April Fools EP [Atomic 2000] 12"

A: Anaconda [Remix]
AA: April Fools

This excellent record comes from the late period in Cydonia's history, and is in fact the group's last solo release. They've continued to release singles infrequently, but they've essentially disbanded since the fall of Atomic Records. It is released with the standard Atomic sleeve and look, which remains some of the slickest design work in the history of psytrance.

April Fools has a heavy bottom-end beat that pumps along with excellent drumwork and thick layers of dark atmosphere. Creepy sound textures are evident at every transition, and the hook after the break at the two minute mark is rich in sinister qualities. Going into the three minute mark the song takes an abstract jump out of the standard 4x4 template to fiddle around with filtered beats, chopped and dropped with more grim-faced intention. Sublimely, the song returns to the groove with more surprises in store as the big breakdown comes barrelling in. Beats and melodies twist around in tortured agony and reach a peak with another curious noise that is rapidly replaced by heavy guitars and a totally rocking return. The devilish tricks do not cease, as the artist continues to wreak havoc with bizarre drops and transitions, eventually reaching an abrupt finale. This piece isn't entirely serious, as the name suggests - there is no subtlety to the approach, which is exactly the point. It's an old favourite of mine, and I have some fond memories of seeing mayhem unleashed on the dancefloor with this blasting out of the speaker stacks. I would even make some tentative comparisons to Quirk, in retrospect. Excellent material.

The remix to Anaconda is contrastingly linear, though it still pumps away with a black groove. The key feature is the grinding bass line from the original, reprocessed into a mid-range lead that coils around the beat. There is a hypnotic focus to the approach with this mix - elements never quite take off, but cycle with grace in looped segments that come and go. There's definatly a techno feel to this one, though it still retains the distinct Cydonia sound. Back in the day this rocked as much as the flipside, but it hasn't aged quite so well. The initial appeal was partially due to the sound quality, which was rather incredible for the time, as I recall. Decent, but it doesn't stand out quite as much as the opposing track.

Overall, this is another great record from Atomic that is well worth owning. Though there is a clear dancefloor design to the songs here, they do hold a definate appeal beyond that thanks to the unique and memorable style that Cydonia is known for. If you enjoy artists like Tim Schuldt / Four Carry Nuts, Semsis, and Psychaos then this EP should certainly make it to your listening list. It isn't the best release in this style but it is certainly noteworthy.

Rating: 4/5


Note, dusted this oldie off on a whim

Started Topics :  71
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Posted : Apr 1, 2005 20:44
I still love this LP... I remember playing it till my record scratched... Only after a month of having it... Did April Fools ever get released on CD?           An Eagle may soar, but Weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 1, 2005 21:10
Some digging on discogs reveals: Guitars on Mushrooms vol 1 [Psysolation] and A Voyage Into Trance 4: Atomic Records [GTN/Nova-Tekk]...

Started Topics :  7
Posts :  501
Posted : Apr 2, 2005 01:42
i wish that dino will make more stuff like this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!but....

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Posted : Jun 7, 2005 11:08
One of the best tracks ever!           See you on the Trancefloor!!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 7, 2005 12:33
Cydonia "In Fear of a Red Planet" was the first ever psytrance cd I've bought, because Cydonia was the first live act I saw when I went to my first trance party Since then my taste in music has changed and I started to enjoy more other stuff, but it is always with pleasure that I listen to Cydonia, Dino or Steve Ronan's music.

These two are great tracks, being April Fools my favourite. It has that repeting sound of what seems to be a really big beast breathing Like a Bufallo ready to ram and cause mayhem on the dance floor A real "animal" tune...
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 12, 2005 13:32
April's Fool was one of my fav back then, raaaaavving track that always got the dance-floor go mad!!!! Rather dark, totally twisted! I'm still thinking of making a "Remember GOA" party where DJ's would only play music from the 1992-2000 period... Don't you miss the good old days? ;-)           V/A Floating Mirror - OUT NOW - with Celles, Midimal, Electrypnose, Melodix, Troll Scientists, Yab Yum, Gaspard, Ajja, Cradle of Beats! Info on
The Journey Man Project
Inactive User

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Posted : Jun 13, 2005 05:02
This is an excellent track I first heard it when I saw Joti Sidhu dj way back in the day... I then went a-hunting and bought Distance To Goa Volume 8 with a cd mixed by Joti (THE BEST mix cd ever!!) but I culdn't find this track except on vinyl until years laters I found A Voyage Into Trance 4... to this one of the most memorable 2 disc compilations out there. Cydonia are amazing, only bested for me by Tim Schuldt's early works...
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  63
Posts :  948
Posted : Jun 14, 2005 17:42
back in 2000 (and tripping hard on 'cid) i remembered this track as the star wars tune (coz of the swosh sounds at the beginning). still feel these guitar strings ripping me up, ehehe.

ahhh, this is one of the tracks that want me go back in time just to experience the first time again and again and again.....

fraka is a state of mind
Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - Cydonia - April Fools EP [Atomic 2000] 12"
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