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Trance Forum » » Forum  DJs & Artists - Curious as to how the artists fit in?
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Curious as to how the artists fit in?


Started Topics :  7
Posts :  38
Posted : Feb 15, 2005 19:00
Hello, just curious as to what artist feel about organizers not pulling their weight..etc. It happens far too often here in NYC, where organizers advertize parties with certain artists and we(fans) are seldom informed of a change in performers until reading posts the next day, only to find out the artist wasnt even on stage!!! is this entirely the fault of the artist being unprofessional? do these artists even know they are being advertised to play? or are the organizers just out to make money and scam unsuspecting party-goers? I know many times people fly in from Florida etc to come to NYC just to see famous artists, and waiting all night to see/ only to find out some lame story about someone going to airport to pick up...blah, blah, blah!! yes, I understand because of security reasons etc sometimes artists run into difficulty, but just curious as to the artists view on this, how do they feel if fans on the dancefloor think they are listening to a certain artist(who has been replaced with someone else) and listening to the music thinking???? what the hell happened, this artist used to be good? you know what I mean? anyway, I am babbling on and on, but to be quite honest I am sick of NYC organizers advertising 3-4 big name dj's and only getting half (if you are lucky) of what is on the flyer!! without an explaination or reduction in price. believe me if I had the money I would bring over one really good artist and have him/her play for an extended set/ both live and dj, followed/preceeded by local dj's??!! anyhow, sorry but just fed up with how people can get away with this!!!
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  29
Posts :  1330
Posted : Feb 17, 2005 15:26
sumtimes it the organisers fault but sumtimes artists dont get their visa etc on time which isint the organisers fault
but if i read correctly u mentioned that this happens often then it definately is the organisers fault
always check for which organiser is making the party before landing up for it
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  61
Posts :  1484
Posted : Feb 17, 2005 15:30
I think no matter what the excuse is the public has to be duely informed.
Only like that does the public have a choice.

Trance Forum » » Forum  DJs & Artists - Curious as to how the artists fit in?
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