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Cubase 7

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  46
Posts :  204
Posted : Sep 2, 2014 15:18:07

Wow what a great release, it blew my mind when I saw it's capabilities. Started using it and all my previous DAW's looked like poofters. Now don't get me wrong- I love Ableton 9 and FL 11, but Cubase 7 brings a studio environment closer to home,,,,, for home producers.

I am very impressed with the creators.

          " We are together in this matter you and I, closer to death, yes, closer than i'd like. How do you feel? - There can be no division in our actions, or everything is lost. What affects you affects me. "
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  46
Posts :  204
Posted : Sep 2, 2014 16:36

          " We are together in this matter you and I, closer to death, yes, closer than i'd like. How do you feel? - There can be no division in our actions, or everything is lost. What affects you affects me. "
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  11
Posts :  73
Posted : Sep 3, 2014 05:21
Its actually on 7.5 now and has been for almost a year! It is an awesome version tho. Lots of people complain about the mix console but I really like it. If I had the time I would use it all day every day!! Ive tried logic and ableton and always come back to cubase. Just feels a lot better to me.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  46
Posts :  204
Posted : Sep 3, 2014 10:33

Yeah it is a bit trickier, but i kinda like the new mix console- much better than the one in Cubase 5. Another problem for me in 5 was the windows was so loose, all over the place or in the way. Now everything is more integrated.

It is a challenge to figure out everything, but if you get used to the workflow you'll have a very powerful tool under the belt.

          " We are together in this matter you and I, closer to death, yes, closer than i'd like. How do you feel? - There can be no division in our actions, or everything is lost. What affects you affects me. "
Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Software - Cubase 7
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