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Crossing Mind - Inner shift (Suntrip records 2012 )

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  200
Posts :  5057
Posted : Aug 15, 2012 12:41:05
I must say this is one heck of a unique album , initially it sounded boring and distant , nothing too much that felt great , but as i kept listening to bits and pieces which tingled and touched but never really hitting the spot, today it just hit me out of no where..booom!! Thats what i love about Goa and the power of its melodies and its secret treasure of joy only revealing so much every time and concealing the rest for later. Everything comes together so well , the production sits really tight on every corner , sweet and rich melodies take their own easy time to develop and to register as the main component of the track,. there is so much going on in each track along with the main melody which switches character , tone and tempo every 30 to fourty seconds its not funny, correct me if im wrong but is this what everybody else is hearing too?? for eg in elastic harmonies and no way wrong 2011 rmx.. the main melody is like a chameleon changing forms , really psychedelic twisted stuff this .

I would like to add here that this album is genius and a really different sort of a progressive goa album very different in character from anything i have ever heard (also probably even better but i still want to give it some time..

This is not just any ordinary album but an amalgamation of sounds , an entire spectrum of notes and frequencies put together in a fashion that pushes the envelop of this genre forward without adopting or even closely borrow from anything that you heard before, drowning you the listener in its whirlwind of high frequency dreamy introspective melodies. Its twisted in its very core , a shining beacon in this still resurgent genre. Its in the same style as Jekkentekis disjointed form of story telling in "A long walk home" but only much more powerful and structured with better production.

My favorite here is Modulated self reminders , what a ride from beginning to end , its like a romantic story that you wished went on forever without an end . .

A real thumbs up to Stephen Beze the genius and Sun-trip for this bundle of joy.

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Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - Crossing Mind - Inner shift (Suntrip records 2012 )
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