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Crop Circles - Tetrahedron (Dat Records)

Jon Cocco
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  17
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Posted : Dec 22, 2008 19:49:23

Track list

1. Lunar Civilization (Pleiadians rmx)
2. Antonomasia (Lotus Omega rmx)
3. Daffy Duck (On the Comet)
4. Cerealogy
5. Pentagon
6. Classic Process (Hale-Bop)
7. Full Mental Jackpot (Etnica rmx II)
8. No more Single

Dat Records has officially released one of the most wanted albums in Psytrance ever. Finally after 10 years, cult classic and rare Pleiadian side project Crop Circles - Tetrahedron gets an official release! Re-Mastered by Tim Schuldt in 2008 and produced by 6 members: Andrea Rizzo, Carlo Paternò, Filippo Scrimizzi, Francesco D'Amato, Maurizio Begotti, Max Lanfranconi. These are the artists from Etnica, Pleiadians, and Lotus Omega in their prime, and they produced one of the sickest, most elaborate forms of psychedelic trance ever. Yes this is it. Tetrahedron has a cult following throughout the world. This is an album for those who love old school Pleiadian’s and maximal and/or high octane Psy/Goa trance/dance music in general. For those who like Pleiadian's and never heard this, you are in for a surprise, as samples seldom give justice to the whole peaces of the tasty pie that makes up Tetrahedron. The album appears more abstract than I.F.O., though less elegant and harmonious; it's more abrasive and appears just as layered. Actually, the album is aggressive, chaotic, bombastic, adrenaline inducing, and at times over-the-top. The following includes tracks I’ve never even heard before until this official release. The question is: How golden is the long awaited album from the golden days of Goa? A track-per-track review analysis ensues.

1. Lunar Civilization (Pleiadians rmx) launches the album with a strong remix of a famous psytrance super song. I’ve heard the original including Filteria’s fierce remix in 2006. This rare remix by the Pleiadian’s is excellent. Psy details are often in the background to the melody leads. They're creatively pulled to the front here, splashing around the melody leads like enhanced lights on a magical trip to wonderland. The main melody is great; it runs through numerous sections of development like a ninja cutting through bodies with an impenetrable sword. From an altered sound variation around 2:45 to key changes into the third minute, to a voice bit around 4:50, the song comes equipped with the classic Pleiadian influenced machine gun spinning melody from 5:42 into the sixth minute as well. The song is continuously involving. An interesting interlude takes place around 6:50 followed by a strong, echoing female voice. This is my favorite part of the song. I love the combination of the music along with the mysterious, echoed female voice. I think the voice part should have been extended, as it’s quite catchy. Loaded with climax and intensity, the drums climb over a music vanishing moment in the final third, opening the door to streaming melodies that carry the vehicle to the closing finish. Monster track. A

2. Antonomasia (Lotus Omega rmx) introduces a deeper bass line and percussion than before; the melody/sound work is present behind the beat. Around 2:30, an infectious melody stream develops. Hi hats change up, echo and clatter, pan shifting across the speakers as fresh sounds emerge; the effect is startling, like cars moving out of the way for a more dynamic vehicle. A strong, non intense stream of euphoric sound compliments the atmosphere around 4:32. What’s great about this track is its ability to remain strong and catchy, without being chaotic and intense. Antonomasia is more elegant Goa/Psytrance than the previous fireball. I don’t find its leads or synth work as infectious. But the song’s structure and direction is innovative, interesting. More elaborate sound paragraphs are spotlighted over the sixth minute; the song becomes richer, more textured and layered as it progresses. By the seventh minute, several songs appear to be playing simultaneously, through innovative correlation; they’re all connected. They flow together extremely well. While the track isn’t as high octane, dance rocket as the previous number, it’s groovy, complex, intellectual, articulative, and a strong follow up to the previous, more ADD-styled number. Excellent track. A-

3. Daffy Duck (On the Comet) is a breather after the previous two weapons of destruction. The song isn’t bad but overall one of the less compelling colors of paint here. I find it missing a strong, infectious melody/sound rhythm or lead(s) to capture the senses. It starts out interesting, spacey and atmospheric, with altered/alien voices. It sounds like an ET ship is undergoing maintenance, attempting to charge up. The beginning is most certainly curious, and as the beat arrives into the first minute, things are pretty good. A streaming melody and various other sounds support relatively dance friendly beat. As the track progresses however, with a monotonous beat, percussion, and bass line, the melody alterations just don’t seem to do any cool tricks; they remain rather bland, as if they’re going through the motions as opposed to reinventing them, as previous tracks did. Several interludes drop the beat, lasting seconds before the general sound from before returns. Occasional melodies arrive. I must have heard this track at least ten times, when driving, exercising, home listening and more. It’s isn’t bad. It just doesn’t seem to have a star moment to win my enjoyment in its 10.00 minute quest. Sure there’s some build up from 6:45 to 6:55. But the delivery doesn’t lift the music to new heights. Overall a decent track, my least favorite here so far. B-

4. Cerealogy is less intense than the first two numbers. It is however brooding, moody and strong, danceable. Beginning with an abundance of atmospheric psy sounds. The beat kicks in around 1:07. Within this upcoming jungle, a strong and deep melody carries the vehicle across numerous soundscapes as various sound bits trail the main melody lead. I find this number far more delectable, interesting, and gripping than the previous track. Loaded with sound sentences developing paragraphs so to speak. They come and go, often overlapping each other at times. The song’s only weakness may be its inability to climax. Nonetheless, I find the track more effective and roaming, groovy this way. Around 6:00 is the first major change up in sound; it’s as if a new track has begun. Sounds come into view more clear than before; the tempo seems to pick up. The rhythm feels more charged, aggressive as a loud booming sound rumbles through the noise via 6:57. By now several melody leads, none too loaded nor heavy lead the path through sn intriguing interlude, and an additional evolution around 7:35. Cerealogy becomes more driving, energetic, and absorbing as it progresses. It’s like a slow wind in the beginning that develops into a debree wielding tornado, consuming everything in its path. The gradual development of this song is strong. While the execution isn’t spectacular to me, the end result is imaginative and catchy nonetheless. This is arguably the best not super intense track on the album. Great work! B+

5. Pentagon is one of, if not the most favored track here by general consensus. Personally I find it the best here along with the opening. But other tracks are growing one me and it will be interesting to see what others think. The original (non-mastered) version is no different here with exception to what appears to be improved mastering. The entire song has had a face lift so to speak. Taking place in a stormy, dystopian, though eclectic future, the craft rides into the darker, more atmospheric reaches of space or whatever mysterious world and/or environment this appears to take place on. The song takes a minute to dissolve its intro into groovy textures and bass lines. Hi hats are activated around 1:25. But this vehicle is just warming up. A rumbling, vibrating sound permeates throughout the land, a unique enhancement, like engines firing up. The first two minutes create build up. By 2:40 an infectious and powerful, driving sound rhythm begins. The vehicle's moving at a healthy speed; then suddely decides to acquire a power pack around 3:22. Here, listeners are introduced to a super, cybernetic melody lead. It’s not ultra fast, but strong, screamingly infectious, quite literally, and abrasive! This pissed off, electrical current is soon joined by a more delightful melody lead, quite bubbly and colorful via 3:45. Both leads play off each other incredibly well until the more euphoric sound disappears in order to enhance the cybernetic capital. From 4:17 to 6:20 is quite possibly my favorite part of the song and the album. The abundance of Pleiadian melodies support the razor edge melody as it cuts through the atmosphere like a blade of death. The rest of the song is great, excellent. The atmospheric, melody/sound work and direction is refreshing throughout the entire song. This is my favorite track here if I had to pick one. It’s dark, innovative, and exciting, catchy. A

6. Classic Process (Hale-Bop) is a less intense driver after the previous beast. It’s interesting to hear a richly layered song that isn’t climax driven by these artists. The track takes some time to pick up; the organic, gargling voice effects I never found appealing or catchy. They become less present by 2:20 as the first strong melody lead and rhythm lifts off the track at around 3:30. The song isn’t overloaded with ideas, executions. A sweet tempo change up around 4:20 instigates a less linear structure; the song remains danceable. By 5:28 a fusion of melodies returns with additional Goa support, key changes, and more. Classic Process is less risky and over the top than super songs before it. However it maintains a strong, healthy boost of adrenaline without over stimulating the senses. Great track. B+

7. Full Mental Jackpot (Etnica rmx II) is another track with a history of remixes. The Pleiadian’s remix is stronger in my opinion, beginning very emotive and ethereal before engaging into a heavy and intense number; it's really the same track with more sounds, intensity. The Etnica remix begins interesting enough; many elements appear remixed and in some ways the song is more building, less intense and over-the-top climax dependent than the Pleiadian remix. This version gradually develops, evolving quite well and picking up some serious energy into the third minute, especially around 3:42. Here the vehicle shifts into high gear; it’s excellent. The song becomes a strong and fierce, driving rhythm, as little alien and/or animalistic sounds fly by and chirp past the beat like a conscious missile passing through a psychedelic rainforest. Both the fourth and fifth minute nail the build/climax petal after sustaining buildup. Energy is gained around 5:05. These parts are catchy; they're a pleasure to listen to. Past 5:30 however, numerous musical segment’s take place that are less rocket boosting. Sure there’s a sweet build up from 6:28 to 6:40, but the end result leaves a lot to be desired when compared to the Pleiadian remix. Nonetheless, those who appreciate less intense and/or climax driven songs may appreciate this remix more. Furthermore, the version here was remixed in Etnica's prime; a group known for producing some of the best electronic music of all time, at least around the time they produced two Pleiadian albums, this one, the cult classic Alien Protein release, and a little super something/album called The Juggling Alchemist Under the Blacklight. While this isn't my favorite Full Mental Jackpot version, I feel that is one of the better Crop Circles remixes and an overall strong, dance friendly track. Great work. A-

8. No more Singles is my second to least favorite track on the album after Daffy Duck. But this is far more interesting and unique in architecture, design. It’s a relatively slow, non-intense mid-tempo number. Produced with a different, mechanical sound than previous songs. I initially found that it lacked a hook, a stand out element to carry it strong. The more I listened, and over time, the more I began to feel less uptight with the experimental style and approach that had me feeling uncertain. By focusing on that emotion I simply amplified it, thus remaining in a confused, self-absorbed and unclear state. For starters, the spiraling melody and rhythm around 1:31 is catchy. A second strength is the evolution from 4:01 forward, and the new moves acquired as the vehicle moves into its fifth minute. Eventually the high pitched melody approach is a hit-and-miss for me; sometimes I find it too much as the track progresses, other times it's alright. But the driving rhythm and speed, especially up into the eighth minute forward is pretty sweet. The song could have used some real atmosphere to give it more of a surreal, planetary identity; Crop Circles seemed intent on making a real unemotional and futuristic when producing No More Singles. Currently I prefer Celeano and Seven Sisters, the closing tracks on both old school Pleiadian albums over the closing track here. But it will be interesting to see what others think. B

In conclusion, Tetrahedron is the rare and re-mastered, finally released side project by the artists behind one of the greatest album’s ever produced in psytrance by general consensus: I.F.O. Those who’ve heard I.F.O. and/or F.O.L. will be familiar with the crazy, psychedelic style of Crop Circles. The album takes time to process and absorb due to its heavy amount of details and layers. Tetrahedron is extremely psychedelic, intricate, developed, atmospheric, powerful, and more or less dark and/or intense depending on the track. Super songs include Lunar Civilization, Pentagon, and more. This is quite possibly the biggest and overall most nostalgic surprise of Psy/Goa-Trance, 2008. If I were to compare it to Pleiadian’s I.F.O., I’d say that I.F.O. was more elegant and fluid in transitions, for starters; this is more rough and chaotic overall. Personally I like I.F.O. more. Nonetheless, this is a super extension from two landmarks albums in electronica: I.F.O. and F.O.L respectively. I don’t care for Daffy Duck very much, a breather in a sense before stronger track Cerealogy. I prefer Cerealogy and Classic Process in that regard. Naturally it will be interesting to see what other people think of every track here, who favors what, etc.

Tetrahedron is one of the most labyrinthine, maximal Psytrance album’s ever produced. It took six members to complete and has won a plethora of praise and desire to attain over the years for its distinct sound/style and intermediate sound engineering, production and imagination. Furthermore, it’s extremely danceable. I’m surprised that this album was never officially released before. If I were to note two weaknesses, I’d say the album has its non superb tracks and after hearing I.F.O., I thought that anything these artists touched would turn to gold, though this album is considered golden, classic by many listeners. Second, a remix or two here I find very entertaining, but I don’t love them as much as other variations, i.e: Full Mental Jackpot (Etnica Remix II) for instance. But that’s me. Fortunately, the remixes are strong, and remixed by the same artists who created the originals, Pleiadian’s and Etnica respectively. Tetrahedron has been one of the most wanted album in Psytrance; if we were to say “never released” it would probably be number one. Overall this is a great album with several of the best Psytrance songs ever made on it. I want to add that this is a nighttime album; it’s good to dance, drive, and exercise too, or just listen to on good head phones, etc, shutting the eyes and getting lost in, visualizing, whatever; I prfer to get up and move around, as it’s super energetic. I want to thank Dat Records, DJ Draeke and everyone else involved for giving this a proper release, and finally, after all these years.

Favorite tracks - 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7.

Score / Grade ... A-

Sample / Order






IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  60
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Posted : Dec 22, 2008 20:45
frikkin incredible release... this brings up ALOT of beautiful memories... from the first tracks i ever heard and its still crazy... i do agree some remixes are not as good as the originals/have a better remix out there... but still this is a classic album and as a big fan of the old goa trance this release is a must have... altho for the people who love melodies this is less appropriate as its a very aggressive acidic album - but in the best way possible... id die to hear it played live!

thanks DAT records for doing well... just DAT

o ya and a very nice review too!

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  16
Posted : Dec 23, 2008 00:41
just giving my $.02 here... frankly, I am disappointed that all the new pleiadians/crop circles/etnica releases have the same new washed out low intensity and overly produced sound.

In my early days Pleiadians and Etnica were among my favorites. It really saddens me to hear their new direction, and it especially saddens me to hear the lackluster remix of the song 'Full Mental Jackpot'. The original Pleiadians remix is and will continue to be my favorite version.

I'd like to hope this is because they are becoming 'mature', but alas, I think that this is just the same growing commercial trend which has invaded this music. I always hoped when it happened there would be no catering to the lower common denominator...
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  89
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Posted : Dec 23, 2008 04:55
Madjester, these tracks are all _old_.
None of these are new.
Nothing on here was written recently.

This is all old music that never got released 10 years ago.           nlm - v4.2
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
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Posted : Dec 23, 2008 17:46
The production wasn't that great back then, but fucking hell the music was mind blowing!
Excellent release!  
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 23, 2008 19:02
thanks to everyone for the very nice and positive feedback, and yes madjester the music is OLD , nothing new here, and it sounds exactly as 10 years ago just polished and improved, mastering is great and brought the tracks to life

DAT Records
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  89
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Posted : Dec 24, 2008 04:30
Full review:

Short review:
Tetrahedron is intelligent, well produced, psychedelic music that sounds like a spaceship transported you out of your tent and onto some planet across the universe to dance with hundreds of crazy looking alien groovers whose bodies are made out of colors you have never seen before.

-A'damn           nlm - v4.2
Faxi Nadu / Elmooht

Started Topics :  282
Posts :  3394
Posted : Dec 25, 2008 03:14
its amazing, just amazing
pleiadians <3 <3

if you are into maia, asterop all those and you don't know the crop circles tracks you are in for a treat.

full mental jackpot is the bomb


( + just ordered it yaaaaaaay )
The Way Back
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  60
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Posted : Dec 28, 2008 12:46
god... this album made me dig out pleiadians - IFO ... why dont they make them like this anymore?! pure psychedelia without the bullshit and 200bpm crap
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  69
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Posted : Dec 28, 2008 18:58

On 2008-12-25 03:14, faxinadu wrote:
its amazing, just amazing
pleiadians <3 <3

if you are into maia, asterop all those and you don't know the crop circles tracks you are in for a treat.

full mental jackpot is the bomb


( + just ordered it yaaaaaaay )

I like a lot more Pleiadians than Crop Circles. Tetrahderon is a good album, but in my opinion not as good as IFO.
And comparing IFO and Tetrahedron is bad idea. 2 different albums in style ):
Faxi Nadu / Elmooht

Started Topics :  282
Posts :  3394
Posted : Dec 28, 2008 20:24
i don't think they are that different... you can tell its them. and of course, ifo is a high standard to reach for sure...           
The Way Back
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  60
Posts :  1151
Posted : Dec 28, 2008 22:27
comparing many albums to IFO is a bad idea... IFO is very unique in its heavy aggressive psychedelia and sounds... i still cant believe i forgot about that album... its been playing nonstop 18 hours a day here this whole weekend... now im back to tetrahedron
Faxi Nadu / Elmooht

Started Topics :  282
Posts :  3394
Posted : Jan 4, 2009 14:45
finally got it in the mail today

at first impression, the tim shuldt masters really enhance this material, crisp and powerful as it should be, props!

hope to give a full review soon           
The Way Back
Faxi Nadu / Elmooht

Started Topics :  282
Posts :  3394
Posted : Jan 4, 2009 15:44
ok here goes some gonzo attempt to review the album:

as stated this album is very rough, straightforward pumping loud. to me it gives off a vibe i can only describe as "pleiadians with a german twist", and the powerful shuldt mastering seems to bode well with this.

the rough, no nonsense breaks (usually just a straight drop to the kick/bass and such) remind me a lot of four carry nuts for some reason, but the melodic and chaotic vibe is distinctly pleiadianed, goacore all the way.

this gives the album firstmost a very unique sound and vibe. the tracks are relentless and very grunge-like, not offering a second to breath, but in a robotic sort of way, not in the sense of never-ending-breaks way. the tracks are always driving, hypnotic in an always goa, always layered sense - by up front crisp sections drowned in spacey ambiance.

this is machine music, ever running synth lines and drum loops, without much use of sampled material or quirky high tech manipulations, spoken words, movies etc etc, none of that - just machine-core-goa-core to your face.

the sounds used themselves are all very big and overwhelming, especially the leads and melody lines. (i can see how some might consider it over the top, but i think its just big and awsome ).

i like the whole album as a complete work, if i had to chose just two tracks they would be:

5, pentagon - very spacy, very big sound, masterfully flowing and arranged with some amazingly HUGE melodic sounds. For me this is the best one on the album simply because its just not possible to ignore no matter what genre you are into.

7, full mental jackpot - yah there are other cool remixes for this, but the etnica take is more than solid and the tim shuldt mastering make this a great treat on the album.

all in all this is an amazing effort and a classic. i think ever since ifo some of these guys have been judged unfairly, expecting them to turn out ifos with everything they do. Nevertheless, for me this one stands right next to ifo and is true magic.

definite overall "A" fro me !

The Way Back
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  43
Posts :  136
Posted : Nov 29, 2012 19:08
Faxinadu thanks a lot for your review
I am very happy this album brought a lot of smiles and positive vibes around! Prepare for a blast with the new retrodelic CD of etnica, released next week!

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