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Critical Choice "One Zero One" (Iboga Records)

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  104
Posts :  1047
Posted : Nov 27, 2014 22:31:57
Critical Choice “One Zero One” (@Iboga Records)

Critical Choice is the project of Ticon + Emok. No need to introduce them.

First I´d like to say that I really enjoyed the album![ Progressive*(Acid Trance + Psy Trance)]. So, do not expecte negative views here.

Well, trance is back! Haldolium, Ticon, Son Kite, Atmos.... Now Critical Choice!

The album has 12 tracks, ranging from 134 to 138 bpm. Overall length of tracks are kind of longer than psy trance tracks, which is good for a trance journey. And Critical Choice did it.

The vibe is more introspective than Ticon´s music, but with melodies (great arppegios sounds) all around. For those who are used to psy trance albuns (that sounds almost the same throught the tracks), this album has diverse styles.

I will not analyze the production skills, but the overall sound: it´s a mix between the digital-likes (Ace/Zen/Neelix/Liquid/….) and analog-likes (Ticon/ Son Kite/ Haldolium/…), and the result fits my ears perfectly. Not so aggressive, but without losing the tightness.

1- Roots: the album starts on a soft way. An atmospheric offbeat track, with a nice buildup/melodies at the second part of tracks. For the samples freak, theres an sample that says “Awake Me”… Great!

2- Culture Vulture: when the bassline starts you could wonder if its really from the album. Rolling and tigh bassline. The TB-like riffs + Deedrah-like bassline patters make it very hypnotic. Great one!!! ps: Culture Vulture at bassline?

3- Wavetable (vs Atmos): don´t know why, but this tracks reminds some south african´s music. Its more trance (u can find a very Protoculture´s like trance melody buildup) and twisted. Honestly not my fav.

4- Redemptiom (vs Liquid Soul): here u can listen that overall kick-bass sound. Tight offbeat kick/bass with typical Liquid Soul evolving leads. It has somewhat a progressive house drive for me (maybe cause of the offbeat lead), and for me I would prefer a faster tempo here.

5- Animals: here u can listen another bass pattern (the typical Liquid Sould´s) with tb riffs and big break at the middle of track (remind me some Miss Kitten vibes). A cool groovy track!!!

6- Shores of Titan: remix for Loud´s track it´s the less trance track. It has a great moment with a highly distorted break, but after that if comes back to that “not so trance” style. Maybe the only one that I would skip.

7- Tribute: starts with a vocoded sample, offbeat bass, and…. an one shot lead that I cant fuc*ing remember from where is it. The main theme is a transposed arpegiated melody, but when the kicks comes in the transpose is no more there. Serious music.

8- Spy vs Spy: darker track, kind of “Sub6zed”. Its more minimal music with touch of little melodies phrases. Perfectly fits the album.

9- Hiding Place: Antix´s orginals, this track blend old Spiral Traxx´s styles with more modern tricks like the strutter. Another stomper!!

10- Out of Orbit: my fav from the album. Its like “Hale Bopp”@ Der Dritte Raum. If u like it take a listen. Beautiful arpegiated melody with smooth rolling bassline. Even the “blured” snare sounds like Hale Bop.

11- Roulette: back to fullonish/minkmal style. Probably the less melodic track here (I would say its not melodic at all). Remember some Cosma´s. Lots of one shots and nice drums work.

12- Nylon: the album ends with a trippy track. Groovy bass pattern with soft highly delayed melodies. This one closes the album on a great mood! No need for a downtempo track.

(sorry for the lame english)

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  610
Posted : Dec 19, 2014 10:21

Great album,old skool proper Melogic morning progressive.i think its been 4-5 years something like this has been released.need more like this for the 30+ psy music lovers : ) ..................
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  52
Posts :  189
Posted : Jan 24, 2015 02:00

On 2014-11-27 22:31:57, ThiagoNAKA wrote:

7- Tribute: starts with a vocoded sample, offbeat bass, and…. an one shot lead that I cant fuc*ing remember from where is it. The main theme is a transposed arpegiated melody, but when the kicks comes in the transpose is no more there. Serious music.

Lead is from Atmos - Klein Aber Doctor, it's tribute to that track
Great album, finnaly some decent and real progressive tunes, not "full-on" on 135bpm

Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - Critical Choice "One Zero One" (Iboga Records)
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