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Posted : Jun 18, 2007 18:52
Artist: Cosmosis
Title: Psychedelica Melodica
Cat. No: PTMCD163
Label: Phantasm Records UK
Released: 08 June 2007
Bill "Cosmosis" Halsey is one of 3 artists responsible for ruining my life. Together with Hallucinogen and Koxbox he made me realise how pathetic and worthless was the music I listened before 1997 (MTV / VIVA trance and techno). How can this be bad? Well, if you would've lived in Poland at the time you'd understand how painful it was to purchase any goa / psy-trance releases back then. Anyway, his classic albums "Cosmology" and "Synergy" became for me a sort of point of reference for every other release. And to this day only few have matched that quality and none has exceeded it. Even his own next releases were always missing that something - either they were heading towards completely different and unexpected territories ("Intergalactic"), too mellow and controversial ("Contact") or lacking in a distinct theme / character ("Trancendance"). They were all good or even very good at their own, but for me knowing they came from the man that released "Howling at The Moon" and "Moonshine" kind of decreased their relative value. I've developed some kind of double standard for judging music, but I guess most of us have those for Hallucinogen, Koxbox, Transwave, Etnica / Pleiadians or in fact any other of those old-timer classic groups. We expect much more of them - I know this is stupid, but I can't help it.
Having that in mind, you'll understand why I HAD TO be disappointed at first. The CD was announced as a back-to-the-roots kind of thing; that Billy has revisited his old tunes and found out that what he liked about them the most were the melodies and musical structures. While I can't argue with that, I silently hoped that what will come back with the melodies will be the complexity and mind-boggling quality of his old stuff ("Cosmology" / "Synergy" era). To my initial disappointment, the new tunes did seem more melodic, but at the expense of complexity. The grooves (basslines) seemed much simpler, the percussions less rich and the lead sounds more basic. There was less layers, less sections, less of everything really...
More about this later, though.
The review:
The album comes in a standard jewel case box, with non-transparent inside tray which means that there's no artwork behind the CD. While this might seem like a drawback for some, it is in my opinion more than made up for with the extensive info about each tune (3 pages!) fit inside the unfolding front cover. The cover itself is beautiful - this has become a sort of tradition for Cosmosis to put a hand made backdrops on their cover and this time we have a painting called "Medicine Buddhas" by Paul Heussenstamm ( All other graphical elements use the same colours and theme, so it really looks good.
"No Such Thing (Throb Factor Five Mix)" - the album starts with a morning floating tune, with Allan Watts explaining why there's no such thing as "things". You can immediately recognise it is Cosmosis - the pads, those little acid lines and quasi random effects, the break beat percussion loop and chopped up synth lines made me realise how much I missed Cosmosis music! It develops seamlessly towards more grooving and pushing territories, adding some dreamy pads and spiralling, 6-note melody. Few key changes and breaks later, around 3:00 mark, my favourite part appears - a true funky riff played by psy-trance equivalent of slap bass guitar, revealing Billy's roots in jazz / funk music. I love it!!! When you think you heard it all, next break sweeps you of your feet with unexpected Eskimo-like trickery (you know, when there is nothing more but kick and bass playing, processed through multitude of effects, stretched, chopped and pitched). But damn, he pulls this out perfectly! The end of the tune is a come back of those funky sounds with a melody from the beginning. An almost perfect tune - so musical and funky!
"Creature From Outer Space" - starts with a clean classic guitar riffs. Sounds a bit strange for a sci-fi themed tune? Well, that's not all surprise there is for you here. The tune takes its time to build, adding layers and layers of melodic and acidic effects over a fairly standard full-on bassline. It gets harder and harder with each minute and really sounds like aliens talking to each other. Then at 3:48 a relaxed, floaty melody comes and receives more and more filter modulation as the tune goes by. The guitar is re-introduced after 5:10 and it does sound strange at first having a blasting psytrance beat playing over a melancholic guitar. You know what it's like when you mix two totally opposite things and most of the times it looks / sounds / tastes tacky? Well, this is one of those times when it makes perfect sense! Besides, it reminds me one of early Infected Mushroom songs from "Classical Mushroom". The real bomb however, is the way that the main melody returns – it is the same patch, but modulated in some sort of alien and spooky way! Great effect, just too bad it lasts so short. Another wicked tune!
"Metaphysical World" - from the first seconds I felt this is different. This time Billy decided to explore a darker, harder side of his music. In a vein of his older tracks like "Visitors" or "Stormy Monday", this one relies on acidic distorted leads that cut through the mix like a surgeon's scalpel through the butter. The effect is devastating - at places there is like 2 - 4 acid lines at once, complementing and "talking" to each other, screaming to gain their deserved place in the mix. Add to that few matching samples about human's mind and you've got a corker of a tune!
"Dance of The Cosmic Serpent" - just first few seconds of it make you think "This is going to be huge!". The delicate acid line and melodic riffs sound like the tune was created sometime between release of "Cosmology" and "Synergy", but soon enough an up to date production makes you realize it is 2007! The main, Eastern-scale inspired melody develops from few simple sounds to a multi layered, up-and-down spiralling crescendo of sounds, travelling harmonically over a key-changing full-on bassline. And then, when you're already crying of joy that Goa-trance was revived, Billy gives you that part at 3:30 which simply and literally sends the shivers down my spine - the crackling and twisting acid line that splits the head open! Incredible moment!!! Sadly, seems like Eskimo decided to pay the visit and "help" with the tune and after the chilly part decided to put his boot in with "We got to keep it rocking...!" sample and ...yeah - an Eskimo break. WTF?! Gladly, Billy soon enough had realised what's going on and took back the sequencer. The last two minutes are one of the best and most beautiful melodic goa-trance you could dream of hearing! The track would be simply perfect, if it wasn't for that Eskimo intrusion.
"The Other Side" - the metaphysical dispute continues in this track, wandering about what's going on after the death. This track starts a bit similar to #2, meaning that it takes its time to develop from basic beat & bass structures to full-speed psy-trance monster. This time however, things get much more melodic and euphoric - the first few notes around 2:00 announce the main theme, without revealing too much too early. But when it finally enters around 2:55 it feels like a hurricane with its insane power and complicated harmonic structure. Granted, it does sound a bit clubby, but Billy proved numerous times that he can successfully balance on the border without ever falling into cheesiness. And this is a fine example. Then, after a break he re-introduces the main melodic theme, backed up with highly resonant and screaming acid line (a'la Synergy's "Higher Access") in background. Damn, yet another marvellous tune!
"Martian Blues" - I feel this one will divide the listeners due to its heavy use of guitars. It starts with incredible blues riffs and then - who'd have thought - drops into 4/4 beat. What I really liked about it, is that it uses guitars more as an effect than an instrument - there's a lot of guitars there, but most of the time they're so processed and modulated you'll have hard time deciding if it isn't a synth. Also, this is one of better arranged tracks on the album, taking the listener through different sections - some are hard and powerful, some smooth and even dreamy. But the cherry on the cake has to be the final section, where Billy pulls a dusted TB-303 from his closet and squeezes a mad, twisted and deranged acid line of it! The sample "Oh my God, who was this?! It sounded like someone from Mars playing the blues!" sums it up pretty accurately. Smashing tune!
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Posted : Jun 18, 2007 18:52
"Journey of The Soul" - again, we're coming back on the familiar territory explored in #2 and #5. The recipe is similar - dreamy pads, acidic lines a plenty and delicate melodic lines. This time however, the tune is more melancholic than euphoric. It is almost sad at places, especially when that 4-note riff at around 3:50 is introduced. I love the way it asynchronously echoes in the mix! For the next couple of minutes it develops towards a full-speed kicking tune, with re-introduction of all the sounds we've heard in the beginning. Then we have a dreamy break and when you think the track should have ended, it sadly doesn't. The final melody simply doesn't go with the flow of the rest of the tune. It is too happy, sounds rushed and not developed enough with occasional missed notes. It could have been one of the best tracks here, but due to this is probably my least favourite.
"Spanish Gypsy" - ever wondered how Gypsy trance could sound like? You don't have to anymore. Billy has combined elements of flamenco, Indian folk music, Spanish dance Pasa Doble and galloping psy-trance rhythm and this is the result. I have no words to describe it, though. It is packed with melodic scales characteristic for the above mentioned styles, but somehow it doesn't sound out of place - on the contrary, it feels like those styles complement each other perfectly. Somehow, the psy-trance beat fits right in with that flamenco guitar licks, the squelchy acid lines underline the melodic structures and so on. Another wicked tune, though I do realise that it might be perceived as cheesy by some.
The bottom line:
Comparing the introduction of this review and track descriptions you've probably noticed something has changed, right?
When I forgot about my expectations and preconception of how exactly the album should sound like, I suddenly found myself appreciating it more and more and grooving to each and every tune like crazy! Especially in my car, which is about the only place I can play music loud. Finally I was able to realise how wrong I was - this is a perfect party music, destined to move people on the dancefloor! The levels of euphoria reached in some of the tunes (especially #3, 4, 5, 6 and 8) are unbelievably high and the melodies he pulls out are so sublime and emotional, yet far away from cheesy. You can tell there's years of real-life musician experience behind this, that he just doesn't tap randomly on the keyboard but that he tries - and manages - to put a message across with the music (read the booklet - it's all there!). Also the qualms about it lacking in complexity were missed. With repeated playing it reveals that there is a lot of detail and thought in what seems very basic at first. Most of the sounds and structures are crafted with such a mastership that only few posses in this scene.
Of course, I would have preferred there were less of the aforementioned Eskimo-breaks and basslines, some musical ideas were developed further or in other direction, some samples left outside etc. But all this is just nitpicking - this is possibly the most complete Cosmosis release since "Cosmology" and "Synergy". It perfectly captures that old goa / psy-trance vibe I felt in love with almost 10 years ago and delivers it in a form that people are expecting today.
Go and buy it before it becomes another out-of-print classic!
4.5 / 5
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 19, 2007 18:31
first of all many thanks for the in depth review. there are very few people nowerdays who actually bother to sit down and give an artist or fellow music listener such an elaborate description of an album.
On 2007-06-18 18:52, antic wrote:
To my initial disappointment, the new tunes did seem more melodic, but at the expense of complexity. The grooves (basslines) seemed much simpler, the percussions less rich and the lead sounds more basic. There was less layers, less sections, less of everything really...
these were my thoughts excactly as i listened to the album. cosmosis was always one of the groovers and seeing (or rather hearing) him using full-on bass and rhythm structures in his tracks was certainly a turn off. you got me although convinced to give it another shot with fresh ears, without the weight of the past. let's see what happens...
"no one ever sweats on a plug-in" -moby
Amaris Records
Amaris Records
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Posted : Jun 23, 2007 08:13
This is an absolutely wonderful album, brings back a lot of memories, truly cosmic music and would be killer to hear on the dancefloor.
I have enjoyed listening to this album again and again, but i have really never had anything to bad to say about billy from early days, he has been dishing out super tunes and albums.
Killer album a must have in one's personal trance bible!!
VA LUNIK > 2007
VA PSYENTOLOGY - Coming Soon!!
Amaris Records--
Scratch 22
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Posted : Jun 24, 2007 20:50
well. this is the best produced album i`ve heard in a long time.
as for the music.... the first 3 tracks are great . especially that 3rd amazing groovy track. the 4th and 5th tracks realy remind me of the old goa trance days. they also reminded me i do not like those "exotic scales" even though billy manages to some how come off not too cheesy with those "middle eastren" melodies. realy has that all going back to the roots feeling but i didnt realy like those. the rest of the album in not bad at all.
i liked the 7th and 8yh tracks but i gotta to say i liked trancendance alot more...
but as usuall this is a good album from cosmosis certeinly better than most releases i`ve heard recently (and not so recently) . amazing production and i`m sure its gonna wreck havoc on the dancefloors.
the 9th track has some great moments with the guitar parts but the rest of the track isnt quite as exciting.
if u dig deep enough u just might reach the sky...
guy cohen
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Jun 25, 2007 11:07
Cosmosis is need no introduction. After so many magical releases beyond, Bill Halsey is releasing brand new album called "Psychedelica Melodica". The album is present Bill's latest materials influenced by the modern full-on style, but still keeps Cosmosis rare touch. It's out in Phantasm Records on June 07.
Now is the time to taste some psychedelica melodica...
01. No Such Thing (Throb Factor Five mix) It's start with a morning twister, don't look for pleasant begining or something because you won't find it here. I'm really impressed from Bill's ability to combine between his old style and the modern line of nowadyas and tell you the truth - it's sound amazing ! like always, the melodies is the main issue - floating and lovely. The track has some secret power to hypnotize the listener to it. "No Such Thing" track is remind me how much I miss Cosmosis music...
02. Creature From Outer Space This time, the track has a chilly intro featuring acoutic guitar and soft melodies and go on with sophisticated groove. It's sound a bit messy on the first part of it , but when the melody is on, everything is just perfect. The glactic playing on 04:40 is add a convenient feeling to the track and later the guitar riff from the begining is come back and create a wonderful journey. Simply a delicate madness.
03. Metaphysical Worlds The vocals & samples have a serious job on Bill's music and here you can find them again and again. On the second of the kick's enterace, I immediately thought about Astrix old stlye...kind of short flashback. Actually, I did not recognize a special moment on the track, same formula all the time without refreshes or suprises.
04. Dance of The Cosmic Serpent The first 30 seconds gave me the impression maybe Bill is going to present us some old school tune, but ten seconds later I'm understood that this is just a fantasy . The goa melodies together with full-onish baseline is sound good just when it's combined well and thats exactly the case here. "Dance of The Cosmic Serpent" track has the feeling of the old style of Cosmosis with the unique atmosphere and thats why the brake on 04:30 really suprised me - after one minute of developing goa melody, come from no where a stretched kick (really similar to the Phantasm line) and lead the track to another place. I'm really appricate Bill for his courage to mix two different style and do it well.
05. The Other Side The same thing from the previous track is happening on track number five. Bill is actually show us a new style - upgrade goa trance music by nowadays rules. It's has some hallucinate vibes on it with special parts like the "strong" up on 05:02, but generally "The Other Side" is not an unforgettable material, just avarage stuff with some highlight moments.
06. Martian Blues This track is a gem ! it is start with Blues guitar playing and developing smartly. The Bluesy atmosphere is really special and the whole concept of "Martian Blues" track is simply one of a kind. People, prepare your self for an enjoyable tune, full of guitar riffs and amazing flow. The hit of the album IMHO.
07. Journey Of The Soul "Journey Of The Soul" track is full on track on soft version. It's going up gradually, step by step, like a long journey with up's & down's. The general atmosphere is confusing a bit - sometimes it sound like we are going to bomb together with the track but it's not happen, just the opposite - the track is going down suddenly. I guess it's the journey of the soul.
08. Spanish Gypsy Last but surely not least is "Spanish Gypsy" track. This one is melodic track with special delightful ability to make the listener fly high to a smiley trip. It's include all the necessary elements - story, beautiful melodies, magical atmosphere, exciting guitar riffs, danceable kick and positive vibes. What a lovely end to this journey....
To sum it up - "Psychedelica Melodica" is the prove for Bill's mature developing and his diversity to try different directions, which in my opinion he did it successfuly. This album has a lot of influences from Cosmosis past music and I'm sure every one who still did not hear it, is very curious to understand what I'm talk about.
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Posted : Jun 27, 2007 21:14
cosmosis...even the name brings bak memories of the good old times,the early dayz of my shamianism.each and every trak remains me some or the other trak from a older album but with the neo-tranceism attached to it in a very twisty melodic keeping the bassline simple they r showing their fans that things still can b done with simple bass and more with melody...jus like the real goa trance was done.mastered amicably to crystal clear perfomance.this album is surely a eyeopener to a new wave of trance.
love and peace
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Posted : Jun 29, 2007 02:17
Cosmosis TOTALLY rocked last reveillon`s Universo Paralello, nuff said.
Hearing this album, it reminded me that it sounds superb @ killer and massive Sound system.
Really braindissolving crystal synthlines.
Dance of the Cosmic Dragon was the first one i recall from that festival, a truely mind blowing goa track... until the Eskino part... :[p
Shit , we need a Dub (Eskimo free) version of that track, plain sinister and creepy Goa.
ps: Cosmosis, if you are reading this, consider bouncing that unmastered version to me hehehehe
Otherwise i`ll DIY @ Soundforge anyway.
Great album.
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 1, 2007 21:13
totaly amazing cd!!
trance is back!
Mat N
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Jul 4, 2007 15:28
Haven't listened to the whole album yet, but Dance of The Cosmic Serpent is the best track i've heard so far in 2007! amazing, make you almost shed a tear...
Adam H
Para Halu
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Posted : Jul 4, 2007 21:45
goa-trance is back!!
yeah thats an excellent album, cheers to Billy!!
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 6, 2007 00:14
just love martian blues... it reminds me of the party he played here in october in the desert... fucking wicked vibes this guy spreads... highly reccomended live
Edward X
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Posted : Dec 26, 2009 20:35
On 2007-06-18 18:52, antic wrote:
"Spanish Gypsy" - ever wondered how Gypsy trance could sound like? You don't have to anymore. Billy has combined elements of flamenco, Indian folk music, Spanish dance Pasa Doble and galloping psy-trance rhythm and this is the result. I have no words to describe it, though. It is packed with melodic scales characteristic for the above mentioned styles, but somehow it doesn't sound out of place - on the contrary, it feels like those styles complement each other perfectly. Somehow, the psy-trance beat fits right in with that flamenco guitar licks, the squelchy acid lines underline the melodic structures and so on. Another wicked tune, though I do realise that it might be perceived as cheesy by some.
4.5 / 5
On 2007-06-25 11:07, guy cohen wrote:
08. Spanish Gypsy Last but surely not least is "Spanish Gypsy" track. This one is melodic track with special delightful ability to make the listener fly high to a smiley trip. It's include all the necessary elements - story, beautiful melodies, magical atmosphere, exciting guitar riffs, danceable kick and positive vibes. What a lovely end to this journey....