cosmo 10 hours live act?
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 6, 2011 11:55
for sure there is no real live act in psytrance, except some bands like Hilight Tribe, Peaking Goddess Collective and some more, all the rest is just sets, promotoers want to call it live because they are afraid nobody would come to a party with only dj's (sets). I always enjoyed more a good dj set then most of the so called live acts anyway.
and there are some dj's that create more power on the dance floor then most of the live acts will ever do.
  to use your head you have to go out of your mind |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 7, 2011 02:53
so off topic guys!!!!! anyway does anybody knows about this party???? The line up changed... Cosmo + Kindzadza, Psykovsky, OSOM and Paraforce!! But just want to know if its for real, would be great to stop by...
  Memento Mori |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 7, 2011 09:40
is diferent party but same place and yes the new line up is MASSIVE |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 7, 2011 09:43
so it is actually happening??? cuz im buying my plane ticket anyday now... just wanna make sure !!!!
  Memento Mori |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 7, 2011 11:22
no they two partys the one is coming , is he one u mention ...gogogo i can the place is just amasing far from city and line up is massive this one is april is second time cosmo play ....
this is the line up + local suport
LINE UP international :
OSOM (Kindzadza & Psykovsky)(Osom Music/Russia)
Kindzadza (Osom Music/Russia)
Psykovsky (Tantrumm Records , Osom Music/Russia)
Cosmo (Noise Poison Records/Slovakia)
Kashyyyk (Kamino / Noise Poison Records/Mexico)
Arcek (Kamino / Noise Poison Records/Mexico)
Paraforce (Shiva Squad Records/ India)
Vensker (D-A-R-K Records/ Mexico)
hope u can make it |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 7, 2011 13:46
i am buying my ticket anyday now.... just waiting 2 confirm the whole thing u from there? are you attending the party??? could use some friends u know
  Memento Mori |
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Posted : Apr 8, 2011 22:44
oh and going back to the original intention of the discussion
i still think that saying its 'live' to refer to a 'dj set' is ok, but only when the person 'djing' is playing his own music. so my answer would be 'yes i think its ok to announce cosmo live'. its better than putting dj set.
there are NO live acts in the dark psy scene, there are different ways of mixing tracks and adding stuff, but no one 'creates tracks' on their performance. its simply not possible.
when gil plays they dont put live or dj set, they just put gil, i think cosmo and psykovsky are heading for that direction. he is the MC of the night to borrow a term from hip hop or shaman to use a more familar term. and i like the idea and i think its much better like this than to have a thousand acts playing 1 hour each. i agree with this way of doing this and i support it when there is interesting music being played.
  Psychedelic Trance from Argentina
Megalopsy Travel Blog |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 8, 2011 23:12
okokokok but at the end... the party its actually happening??? cuz i need to buy my plane ticket, but i need confirmation asap guys... please
  Memento Mori |
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi
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Posted : Apr 8, 2011 23:29
@ Megalopsy
That is true. If only we had more than two hands, and the ability to partition off parts of our minds to focus 100% on completely separate tasks.
Maybe if we keep doing it, our bodies and minds will eventually evolve in that direction
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 9, 2011 00:18
I am unwilling to accept the excuse that integrating a live element into psytrance is next to impossible. The standard mode of performance today, namely a producer DJing their own tracks, simply demonstrates lack of initiative or sheer laziness. No one is saying you need to be forming whole tracks on the fly but you sure as hell can be tweaking track structure and twiddling knobs to affect how the sounds are coming out. With all the software and hardware tools available to producers today there is absolutely no excuse to line up a bunch of pre-made tracks in Ableton, hit play, and call it a "live" performance.
The really twisted thing is that my style of DJing these days (laptop/controllers, completely improvised track selection, harmonic mixing, and near constant sound manipulation) is way more live than what I hear a lot of big name producers doing when they perform (line 'em up and press play). Moreover, with the tendency for producers to write a lot of same sounding stuff we're sometimes stuck with second-rate DJs playing a very narrow range of music. However awesome their music might be, even great producers disappoint me when it's the same basic beat, same bass line, same sounds, and zero creative mixing for 2+ hours.
Yeah, this sounds harsh... but I feel as if psytrance culture does not benefit from having such low standards. As listeners and fans we should not be so complacent; we should demand more of the musicians whose work we value. Where is the creative and innovative spirit in all of this? I think that psytrance artists can be doing so much more to bring a live element into their shows... and I'm not about to take "it's too difficult" for an answer. At the very least, if artists can't bother to integrate a live element into their performances let's just call it what it is: DJing. |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 9, 2011 01:00
^i agree with basilik,maybe laziness or maybe lack of motivation.goin to quote my self from another post "my understandings for a live set goes something like this,the synthesis of the sounds is done on the spot, the artist first must have his own music to make for example a 2 hour live set, that means he must have about 15-20 tracks of his own, now since he has made these tracks, he knows the ins and out of the different sounds used,he will produce or synthesize the sounds or tracks there and then,on the spot(through experience and knowledge),using his equpiment, in a live set he will improvise ( maybe or should according to the floor response he gets and adjust accordingly) for example, that particular night the crowd set/vibe induces a particular bass response, so he can take cues from the floor, or he can do his own thing, genrealy a live set consists of well rehearsed minute changes in his tracks, by adding prompto sounds on impulse,by using his different gadgets, like a sampler, or a synth, or a midi etc but he can also do a complete improvised set there and then ( that can only happen when he has lots of experience with his equipment and various sounds he can produce at any instant,his openess to responses from his surroundings, or any setup) he may use other artists equpiment(ofcourse he must know how to use it, the proper artists know all the latest gadgets available in the market), using the other artists setup to create his own synthesis on the spot like a freestlye remix, either through experience, or complete transformational break through there and then generally through channelling from the rich source. dj sets r mostly well rehearsed, and prepared well in advance,but there is no sound synthesis on the spot,the tracks r just mixed live, but some ppl do improvise, some just do their own thing which they have planned well in advance."
People have stopped performing live, and the new generation knows nothing about it,they all come from the same home studio , with the same setup and same triks.they should be motivated to be more spontaneous,by the elders who should take the lead and do some nice live sets and record them , and make everyone watch, what it means do do alive set.
playing live is it man,it dont get any better than that for the artist,its his freedom of expression,if nothing else, i think a good start for any upcommer would be, to start by testing the floor response with basslines, keep switching basslines, and find the pulse of the crowd, in old times they used to send in their girfriends to get the floor on the same vibe,freq as them. and genreally there r certain individuals on the floor who have the reins of the whole floor, they will set the pace and genreally control it, so best is to get the bounce these 'fishes' r on, and take it from there, starting with bass responses, then the artist can shuffle and find new bounces within this bounce.similarly he can test and find the perc work , the leads etc which seem to catch and connect with the floor that night/day/time. ofcourse this will only happen with about 10 years of experience under ur belt, when u have mastered ur craft to a certain degree, and with experience and knowledge as helpers,the artist breaks it down there and then. its all about making magic. i forgot the rest
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 9, 2011 18:27
Wow. Especially second paragraph. Excellently put.
On 2011-04-09 00:18, Basilisk wrote:
I am unwilling to accept the excuse that integrating a live element into psytrance is next to impossible. The standard mode of performance today, namely a producer DJing their own tracks, simply demonstrates lack of initiative or sheer laziness. No one is saying you need to be forming whole tracks on the fly but you sure as hell can be tweaking track structure and twiddling knobs to affect how the sounds are coming out. With all the software and hardware tools available to producers today there is absolutely no excuse to line up a bunch of pre-made tracks in Ableton, hit play, and call it a "live" performance.
The really twisted thing is that my style of DJing these days (laptop/controllers, completely improvised track selection, harmonic mixing, and near constant sound manipulation) is way more live than what I hear a lot of big name producers doing when they perform (line 'em up and press play). Moreover, with the tendency for producers to write a lot of same sounding stuff we're sometimes stuck with second-rate DJs playing a very narrow range of music. However awesome their music might be, even great producers disappoint me when it's the same basic beat, same bass line, same sounds, and zero creative mixing for 2+ hours.
Yeah, this sounds harsh... but I feel as if psytrance culture does not benefit from having such low standards. As listeners and fans we should not be so complacent; we should demand more of the musicians whose work we value. Where is the creative and innovative spirit in all of this? I think that psytrance artists can be doing so much more to bring a live element into their shows... and I'm not about to take "it's too difficult" for an answer. At the very least, if artists can't bother to integrate a live element into their performances let's just call it what it is: DJing.
| |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 9, 2011 21:13
look, i'll agree that they shouldn't be billed as live if they aren't live, but as someone around here has a a signature "if you want apple pie from scratch, you have to invent the universe"
i think we can all benefit from that idea.
if ya'll are dead set for live acts to be 100% live, ok. throw your own parties and book folks that, to you, are 100% live.
aside from that, who the hell cares?
if i can get a bunch of midi clips together on ableton, wiggle my knobs for an hour, and keep people happy, who're you to tell me i didn't just play live?
i mean.... this shit is kinda difficult... and i'd rather see a bad livePA than a great dj, just based on the fact that someone is trying their hardest.
i mean, are you trying to go party to party? or are you going to a show to catch a band? personally, i'm more interested in the music these days, and am glad to see people trying to learn and be creative. |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 9, 2011 21:16
of course, that being said. with a proper handmade sample bank, i'm sure you could put together a decent on-the-fly live psytrance set pretty quick....
might sound alittle techno-y tho... |
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Posted : Apr 10, 2011 20:13
thank you guys for elevating the thread to an actual debate
Ive never said that lazyness should be accepted, or that its completely impossible to 'tweak around' when you play live. this is done all the time, in the darkpsy scene as well and some really go for it. Lack of motivation is definitly part of it, but also sometimes there is lack of time. Some artists prefer to work more on the single tracks until the last day before the party because they think thats the real point of the whole thing, others prefer to work more on the live set so they can make it more 'dancefloorish'. Some do a combination of both but it depends very much of the individual artist.
When im talking about live sets in the darkpsy scene I refer to people who really know what they are doing and im just shedding some light as most of them dont really post here at all. For me trance is a lot of about the folklore of the studio and the meetings between artists, and a lot of that does not appear in the forums. Ive seen how a lot of well known artists build their sets and this is why I decided to participate in the discussion.
Originally the thread was about whether is ok to call what cosmo makes a live set. And I still say yes. But my real point is that i would consider what cosmo, gil or psykovsky makes, something new which cant really fall in the dj or live category. Its a long set where the artist is just guiding you through a trip, very different idea of the more common line up of nowadays where there is a million live acts playing for 1 hour and they really have to give their best in that short ammount of time. I would say that performance counts on the short sets, whereas in the long sets, its more about the trip than anything else.
About playing live I agree with what you say very much
| The really twisted thing is that my style of DJing these days (laptop/controllers, completely improvised track selection, harmonic mixing, and near constant sound manipulation) is way more live than what I hear a lot of big name producers doing when they perform (line 'em up and press play). |
This is true for 90% of the scene, its true. But, most well known respected artists do this actually, not always improvised, but for sure constant mixing, re arranging, etc. A technique which is used a lot is that artists do a mash ups of their own tracks, meaning that they tend to change the structure of the track around and even sometimes flipping from one track to the other as the term mash up suggests. This can be done by improvisation or by doing a pre-arranged set which requires you to do the actual mixes either using plugins or the mixer itself plus plugins. This also added to loops and synths triggered and modulated live is basically the only real possible way of doing a live set in the darkpsy style.
The problem with darkpsy is that some tracks its really impossible to add more layers, because its just full of them, no other styles are like this. So as many artists realize this, a lot of attention is put into mixing, rearranging, mash ups, transitions between tracks, etc. So i still say that an ellaborate dj set which consists of music that the artist himself wrote is still a live set, i still consider the fact that djs mix 99% released finished tracks, and artists sometimes play completely not finished things. The experience of hearing the artist himself mix his own tracks in his own way is still for me a 'live' set.
I agree also that it doesnt really matter at all. I like very much what cosmo makes, and Im very sure he could keep it going for 10 hours, I think the same thing of Psykovsky for example. Thats why I originally posted i guess, to let you know guys that if you are into this kind of music its definitly worth to listen to this guys play as long as its possible.  Psychedelic Trance from Argentina
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