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Copyright question

Master Margherita

Started Topics :  156
Posts :  1442
Posted : Oct 30, 2009 16:59
sorry for taking this like an attack,

i was not speaking about your web site project, i think is pretty cool idea, go for it,
reviews of album you like and mixes to downloads, is a good help to the cause,

Master Margherita

Started Topics :  156
Posts :  1442
Posted : Oct 30, 2009 17:00
wtf wrong click,,, 
IsraTrance Full Member
Started Topics :  116
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Posted : Oct 30, 2009 18:56
I am not a lawyer and this advice may vary from country to country but:

The act of even making a DJ mix without the permission of the copyright owners is illegal, even if you don't give it to anyone.

Why don't you just ask the permission of the copyright holders?

Started Topics :  82
Posts :  3087
Posted : Nov 6, 2009 13:57

On 2009-10-30 15:30, Buddha Monkey wrote:

I want to be able to post my reviews of my PURCHASED cd collection without having to conform to other peoples guidelines

mate, i fully support your initiative and can even send you some of my tracks for your mixes , but from legal standpoint those cds you purchased are only for your own audition. Any cd legal notice states "unauthorised copying, public performance, hiring or rental prohibited".  
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 6, 2009 15:28

On 2009-10-30 07:30, Xolvexs wrote:
u cannot get a copyright on a dj set, its like asking to get a copyright on arranging books in a certain way in a library. Unless you have tweaked the tracks...but even to tweak them you need copyright clearance from the original artist or label...when u buy a cd you do not buy rights to commercialize...i mean the next thing you will say you bought Paul Coehlo's The Alchemist and tore a few pages and then bought Ron Suskind's The Way of the World and tore a few pages from there and then bought Deepak Chopra's Why is God Laughing and tore a few more pages and bound them together....and you want copyright that.?

You can't copyright organizing books in a library? LOL:

Not making fun, I just thought it was hilarious that you used that example, when something like that actually exists .  - Midwest based psytrance group
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

Started Topics :  158
Posts :  5306
Posted : Nov 6, 2009 15:33

On 2009-10-30 11:51, MARGHERITA wrote:
if a dj is making money with my music on the net,
i will be very pissed off,,

-why??? it only mean they like then music no??? or you sad that you dont make the money hehe

its allready a joke on parties,
so many dj playing and earning money without buying original cds... or worse, playing only p2p mp3

-so fucking what?? they save some money for booking artists for high fee's. its not commercial scene almost every even lose money so it only make sense imo.

what the fuck is this trend to have a donation option on your web site, if you dont have nothing to offer "wich came from you",, what the point ?

-to get some money. who wouldnt want that? and who said dj mix is not doing anything??? some bad mixers can ruin great tracks

pay for your web site, spend some money in promotion, that the way to start ,,

the attitude is very lame this days,
respect the artists please or culture will be rubish in a few years....

-the culture isnt that great even now. labels and artists only losing from it (exept the bigest commercial names)

anyway you can post a proper web page for free this days
blogspot for the infos and soundcloud for the files, why pay for hosting dj mixes ?

- thats probably the smartest idea

all in all you should treat dj's better. your thought that you are so great for being artist isnt that far from dj this day you know...

Master Margherita

Started Topics :  156
Posts :  1442
Posted : Nov 6, 2009 16:19
ye sorry,,
in my humble opinion:
starting a blog or web site with dj mixes on free download is pretty cool, and if you do a proper info about the track list for sure you will have more poeple listening to your mixes
i never listen a set on the net without track list .... no time to lose ....

free download & money dont go well togeter, that the issue here,,


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Posts :  73
Posted : Nov 7, 2009 12:10
On 2009-11-06 15:33, Elad wrote:

all in all you should treat dj's better. your thought that you are so great for being artist isnt that far from dj this day you know...

Also, along with all other producers like MARGHERITA who insist to be known as the owners to only get paid should pay the Dj for their labor to listen to the track and for even playing it. A Dj combines songs to make a cohesive whole that is better than the songs are alone, that's art as well. Lot's of Dj's also write their own stuff, they just don't seek the same importance as the ones who feel they are better. Don't get me wrong, we have foolish Dj's too.

A producer's biggest fans are the Dj's, Dj's fans are the crowd who seek to know the tracks played. Dj's should get their music free for this alone since it does help the producers. The most generic Dj's are conductors with tools, although a DJ isn't completely analogous to a classical conductor, hand two Dj's the same 10 tracks and you'll end up with a completely different sounding animal.

Everyone in our psytrance World has creative expression which makes all of us artist. The ones who insist to be notice as the artist are the disease. Remember that producer that shut down Napster? Weeks later, 10 more Napster like sites were born.

Copyright laws are apart of the system that is full of greed and in our case, it just leads to more war. No track list helps keep it anonymous and since MARGHERITA said he doesn't listen to mixes like that, you will have no worries getting in trouble by using his music and other producers that do the same.

Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Nov 7, 2009 15:27
The best way to go about it is to ask the people. Personally speaking, I would be happy to say yes, to people that like what I do and want to use it for their compilation, its free marketing as far as I am concerned.

Then again I don't make a living from music, neither to I ever want to make a living from trance tunes.

Its a lot of pressure on something I love doing on my free time.
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

Started Topics :  95
Posts :  5380
Posted : Nov 7, 2009 18:18

On 2009-11-07 12:10, lockedfruit wrote:
should pay the Dj for their labor to listen to the track and for even playing it.

I spent 5 minutes reading your post and thinking about it. I've checked my hourly rate and I figure you owe me €5. Paypal will be fine, cheers!
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Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Nov 7, 2009 19:53

On 2009-11-07 18:18, Colin OOOD wrote:

On 2009-11-07 12:10, lockedfruit wrote:
should pay the Dj for their labor to listen to the track and for even playing it.

I spent 5 minutes reading your post and thinking about it. I've checked my hourly rate and I figure you owe me €5. Paypal will be fine, cheers!

3779 posts? You've wasted a fortune on Isra mate

DJs are weird creatures...overrated, especially in the trance scene since most of them can't keep a mix together long enough to make a smooth transition. They blag tunes off producers and its hard to believe that some think they deserve payment for blagging tunes, listening to them and playing them in their bedrooms...and I am talking about the bedroom DJs, the ones that have made a name for them selves, don't think that way, or at least do stuff that is worth getting paid for.

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  73
Posted : Nov 8, 2009 02:49

On 2009-11-07 18:18, Colin OOOD wrote:

On 2009-11-07 12:10, lockedfruit wrote:
should pay the Dj for their labor to listen to the track and for even playing it.

I spent 5 minutes reading your post and thinking about it. I've checked my hourly rate and I figure you owe me €5. Paypal will be fine, cheers!

I'm not a Dj but if you would like to discuss Intellectual Property, we can philosophize the use of trademarks to where you actually owe me for using my theory.

Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  53
Posts :  1752
Posted : Nov 8, 2009 17:18

On 2009-11-07 19:53, disco hooligans wrote:
DJs are weird creatures...overrated, especially in the trance scene since most of them can't keep a mix together long enough to make a smooth transition. They blag tunes off producers and its hard to believe that some think they deserve payment for blagging tunes, listening to them and playing them in their bedrooms...and I am talking about the bedroom DJs, the ones that have made a name for them selves, don't think that way, or at least do stuff that is worth getting paid for.

If you can't mix without trainwrecking in the House or Techno scene you are long gone! The psytrance scene need to get it's act together and get rid of all the wannabee's with the new "cool" unreleased killars 
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