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Cool CD idea?

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 29, 2009 16:03:44
I was thinking it might be a cool concept for a release to have the art on the cd be in black and white. Then when you get it you can color it in however you want (yes, kind of like a coloring book). I thought of this because a lot of people do face/body painting at events I do, so it would be fun to have someone color a cd for me so it's unique. UV paint on a cd would look cool imo.

Thoughts?  - Midwest based psytrance group
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 29, 2009 16:39
It`s sounds like it could be fun,would like to have one of those
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 29, 2009 17:22
cool idea for sure!
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Posted : Dec 29, 2009 17:28
Only if you provide the pens free with it. 

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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 29, 2009 18:06
I want crayons.
Or perhaps a puzzle...
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Dec 29, 2009 18:25
i already booked a domain...will tell you later what i called it ...lets try it
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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 29, 2009 19:23
Awesome, I'm glad people like this idea.

There needs to be more allure to buying a physical cd if that medium is to survive.  - Midwest based psytrance group
MorNinG MaGiC

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Posted : Dec 29, 2009 19:47
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 29, 2009 21:31
great ideas....
But why not just slip in one that you can do your self and one that is the original... black and white seems a little boring and colors do attract...

There are tons of ideas that one can come up with!
but i agree Cd´s needs more innovation...
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 29, 2009 22:23

On 2009-12-29 21:31, Freeflow wrote:
great ideas....
But why not just slip in one that you can do your self and one that is the original... black and white seems a little boring and colors do attract...

There are tons of ideas that one can come up with!
but i agree Cd�s needs more innovation...

I was talking about the art on the actual cd, not the cover in the cd case. Could have the cd case colored and the actual cd with the same patterns, but black and white.  - Midwest based psytrance group
Shahar Indepth
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Posted : Dec 30, 2009 11:40
definetly a good idea mate !

There's already a CD with this idea, check this out:

"Originally released as a limited edition 6-song EP (on May 13, 2008).
The original artwork included a box of colored pencils in the album package to customize the albums inside booklet."

Endless Spamoia

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Posted : Dec 30, 2009 14:08
it's a cool idea for children in kindergarden...
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 30, 2009 15:06

On 2009-12-30 14:08, Endless Spamoia wrote:
it's a cool idea for children in kindergarden...

It's a shame that this is what you think of when someone is trying to present an idea to increase creativity and try to give people another reason to buy cds.  - Midwest based psytrance group
Endless Spamoia

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Posted : Dec 30, 2009 20:21

On 2009-12-30 15:06, Ascension wrote:

On 2009-12-30 14:08, Endless Spamoia wrote:
it's a cool idea for children in kindergarden...

It's a shame that this is what you think of when someone is trying to present an idea to increase creativity and try to give people another reason to buy cds.

the reason the people don´t buy cd's cause they have empty pockt's, if you talk about multimedia cd's with videoclips wallpaper's & other stuff i agree with you but now "painting"!!?? i don't see anyone buy the cd cause of that...

Started Topics :  36
Posts :  366
Posted : Dec 30, 2009 20:23

On 2009-12-30 20:21, Endless Spamoia wrote:

On 2009-12-30 15:06, Ascension wrote:

On 2009-12-30 14:08, Endless Spamoia wrote:
it's a cool idea for children in kindergarden...

It's a shame that this is what you think of when someone is trying to present an idea to increase creativity and try to give people another reason to buy cds.

the reason the people don´t buy cd's cause they have empty pockt's, if you talk about multimedia cd's with videoclips wallpaper's & other stuff i agree with you but now "painting"!!?? i don't see anyone buy the cd cause of that...


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