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Cool and funny mexican party words.


Started Topics :  68
Posts :  397
Posted : Oct 22, 2007 10:31
Love Mexico? never been here but want to go a party, maybe this could come handy

Que pedo? Que onda? Que transa? or Que trance? = what's up?

Chido, Chidito, Chidote = Cool, Coolio, Kewl

A huevooooo!!! = term that when is used in this way encourages the dj who's playing

Vengaaaaa (insert dj name here)!! = same as the above

Saca = term used when you ask a friend to share his things (like water, food, etc) with you.

No manches!!! = term that when it's used in this way serves to express disbelief about how good a dj or live is playing

Wey, Cabron = a bro, friend, homie, etc

Se rifa, Rifó = term used to approve a dj/live playing, se rifa is present tense, rifó past tense.

Matadero = literally means slaughterhouse when used in this way refers to a full dancefloor blasting with powerful fullon or dark music

Tapita de gerber = literally means gerber cap, it is a term used to describe certain kinds of kicks that sound similar to the popping sound of a gerber cap does when it's opened, like the ones from refer decree tracks.

Buena vibra = term used when the energy you are receiving from a person or the energy in the dancefloor is good

Desmadre = can have lots of meanings but in this way it means partyyyyyy!!!

A huevo weeeeey!!!

Buena vibra

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IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Oct 22, 2007 10:44
my favorite "Cabron"           ...
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 24, 2007 10:26
A Grapa: Free

A todo dar: Wonderful

Chachalaca: Crazy Man

Chavo: Young

Gasofa: Gasoline

Huevón: Lazy

Lira: Guitar

Ni madre!/¡Ni Madres!: NO!

Un friego: Too Much

Su avena pidío el caballo para correr más rápido = Very Nice


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Posts :  269
Posted : Oct 28, 2007 00:26
Chakas: ugly people that steal and make the party terrible! they jump to enter the party, bad vibes....
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Posted : Oct 28, 2007 13:53

On 2007-10-28 00:26, HaKa wrote:
Chakas: ugly people that steal and make the party terrible! they jump to enter the party, bad vibes....

Haka: the thread's title was, cool and funny Mexican party words, not Mexican party words with a nasty connotation let's stick to the former please.

          Peace, Love, Light and Harmony
Duendo Matka
Duendo Matka

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Posted : Oct 29, 2007 23:31
Fuuny phrase

Damelo todoooo!!! psychooooo!!!! = Give it all to meeeeee!!! psychoooooo!!!

The PshychoGirl phrase ( la chica psyco )


It's called the psychogirl phrase because of a girl known as la chica Psycho or the Psychogirl she became a famous figure in the parties at Mexico by screaming this everytime the energy was high, she's a world traveller that has been in lots of parties around the world like universo paralello, a true psychedelic soul

Started Topics :  7
Posts :  202
Posted : Oct 29, 2007 23:59
A la Verga..! : well this one it mostly call a ''bad word'' but depending on the situation the meaning can vary. this word is use when you are surprise like when the pary is in its extaci or when you are scared or surprise by anything.

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Posted : Oct 30, 2007 01:58
Tsssssssssssssssssssssssss: when a track rocks and you just look your friend just saying that word and do something with your hand like up and down!

(the sound resembles air escaping from a tire that has a small hole on it's surface)


i hope you undesrtand what inm tryng to say
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Posted : Oct 30, 2007 13:52
Ayudenmeeeeeeeeee!! = Help meeeeeeeeeee!!!

some people use this expression when the energy is very high, they do it to contribute to the collective trip they usually make faces that resemble mental insanity while saying this, it's good to make people have a laugh while dancing.

          Peace, Love, Light and Harmony
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 31, 2007 18:43
esta de huevos - owesome
ke paso?? - what happened?
chela - beer... also ke be a name of a girl
subele - put the volume up fool
          -PaRtYcLeS aLL oVeR tHE WoOdS
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 31, 2007 21:19
suerte - good luck           -PaRtYcLeS aLL oVeR tHE WoOdS
kin beat
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 2, 2007 04:31

Tapita de gerber = literally means gerber cap, it is a term used to describe certain kinds of kicks that sound similar to the popping sound of a gerber cap does when it's opened, like the ones from refer decree tracks.

Forza, you Kill me with this one!
i just hadnt read it properly ahahahahahaha
Tapita de Gerber!

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Posted : Nov 3, 2007 23:46
PONCHADO!, it means that the sound that u r hearing its very very powerful, talking about the bassline. "está ponchado"

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 4, 2007 03:32

Vueeelaaaameeee !!!! = Fly me haha or Trip me

Treeepaaameee Dj!!!! = Means like get me high or something

Ponteeee una de Skazi!! = Play some skazi!!

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Started Topics :  106
Posts :  269
Posted : Nov 6, 2007 16:28
que rayaaaado!! = its when something is very good or to a good dj or something cool! when somebody do the things ok!           Searching for new Sounds
Trance Forum » » Forum  Mexico - Cool and funny mexican party words.
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