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Connection To Movies Production

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 6, 2011 17:47
not the good place,but you can try to make some demo for games companies and get some contacts , might be more easy than movies industry .

Started Topics :  312
Posts :  8647
Posted : Mar 6, 2011 18:01
I'll call Spielberg tonight. Let's see if we can roll with it           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Mar 6, 2011 18:18
Try to gather a group of dedicated freaks and make a DarkPsy documentary

Hey don't shit on it PavelBavel, it could become reflected and good!

Started Topics :  312
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Posted : Mar 6, 2011 19:50
They already made a movie about you nutters. It's called "One flew over the cuckoo's nest"           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 6, 2011 21:04

On 2011-03-06 01:24, Freeflow wrote:
Okej lets see what happens, but if nothing has happened in the last 24 hours this thread is ours!

Nice pic man

i just imagined how someone who is in fact in the film industry in one way or another actually happened to open isratrance and
1. forgets that there were at least 100 other independent artists who asked him if he is interested in them in the last few months and the hundreds of their cds are desperately spreaded on the floor around the sound system in the kitchen and would probably not be played in the next year
2. forgets that in the meanwhile the prises for music for small independent movie productions are even down to 150 euro per cd and can be taken in packages of thousends from the major distributors who deliver databases of hundred thousends tracks

so he opens an isratrance account because he basicly even believed that the proposition could be real

and then first of all, he understands that psy trance labels are mostly truely fucking their artists and will want a percentage for themselves that is disturbingly ridiculous in comparison to other independents of other genres ( unless the artist is releasing himself). after that he is basicly attacked by 10 trolls, 10 artists on weed happening to have nothing to do and dropping down in a forum.

after that he leaves pathetically the forum and gives an ad in the proper community and advertising platforms that he is looking for musicians to work for him. if at all he ever makes the first step connecting someone, it will be because the artist gave exact infos about the style, the price, the flexibility to travel and the possibility to work in advance and be paid after the production is sold. in the ideal case there is a website where it is written that the artist is basicly doing film music and nothin else.

the deal will be done, no doubt. not to mention that most studios for film production actually give you the musician within the deal for renting the studio. all inclusive.

Started Topics :  312
Posts :  8647
Posted : Mar 6, 2011 23:52
Moki, Blockbuster just called. They want you to return the movie you live in.           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
Inactive User

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Posted : Mar 7, 2011 00:54

On 2011-03-06 21:04, moki wrote:

On 2011-03-06 01:24, Freeflow wrote:
Okej lets see what happens, but if nothing has happened in the last 24 hours this thread is ours!

Nice pic man

i just imagined how someone who is in fact in the film industry in one way or another actually happened to open isratrance and
1. forgets that there were at least 100 other independent artists who asked him if he is interested in them in the last few months and the hundreds of their cds are desperately spreaded on the floor around the sound system in the kitchen and would probably not be played in the next year
2. forgets that in the meanwhile the prises for music for small independent movie productions are even down to 150 euro per cd and can be taken in packages of thousends from the major distributors who deliver databases of hundred thousends tracks

so he opens an isratrance account because he basicly even believed that the proposition could be real

and then first of all, he understands that psy trance labels are mostly truely fucking their artists and will want a percentage for themselves that is disturbingly ridiculous in comparison to other independents of other genres ( unless the artist is releasing himself). after that he is basicly attacked by 10 trolls, 10 artists on weed happening to have nothing to do and dropping down in a forum.

after that he leaves pathetically the forum and gives an ad in the proper community and advertising platforms that he is looking for musicians to work for him. if at all he ever makes the first step connecting someone, it will be because the artist gave exact infos about the style, the price, the flexibility to travel and the possibility to work in advance and be paid after the production is sold. in the ideal case there is a website where it is written that the artist is basicly doing film music and nothin else.

the deal will be done, no doubt. not to mention that most studios for film production actually give you the musician within the deal for renting the studio. all inclusive.

you must be strong now.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Mar 7, 2011 11:16
may be this thread could become one of the very few in isratrance that are actually informative for me, if people would discuss the topic about the prices of a track they would accept. this is something that interests me.

in the trance industry ( of course it is very different from artist to artist but lets speak general about the average in my circle of friends in the last years) a track is sold to the label for about 800-1000 euro, seven-ten tracks for an album for about 6000-10000 euro. of course correct me if i am wrong , this is what i know.
so what would a track cost if you sell it to someone who wants it for a small film production ?the same track that was already made and released once? what are the general prices you would accept? one hundred? two? five? 1000? percentage of the sold dvds with lots of risk and lots of chances?

just to remind you, a small budget productions of independents, that are usually covered not by sold dvds but by cultural financing istitutions vary between 5000 and 20000 euro for all expenses.
and on the other hand, there are a lot of commercial projects, 100 percent commercial, which also need music. i mean, to make video advertisement of jaguar or of parfum vercace noir , you migh also need some twisted psy too, you know, but there is noting visionary in that except the "noir" element. so would you generally work for commercial things that are not visionary and sell yourself there?

hm, just curious. as always. although i see almost no potention for serious topics in isratrance any more:). pavel, please tell blockbuster i ve highjacked the movie of my life but i will speak to myself late in the eveningm and conversate with the other five myselves, if i could do something
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  116
Posts :  2562
Posted : Mar 7, 2011 12:18

On 2011-03-06 23:52, Pavel wrote:
Moki, Blockbuster just called. They want you to return the movie you live in.

i cudnt stop laughing.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  50
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Posted : Mar 7, 2011 16:22
ask OOOD!           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
Cardinals Cartel
Black Machine

Started Topics :  191
Posts :  3097
Posted : Mar 7, 2011 16:24

Moki ..

Dont be worry about the price's , The procedure and those .. By now this is the last thing i care or thinking about

My question for you .. Do you have an address , E mail or telephone number of someone in the movies industry ?

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Mar 7, 2011 16:41
@ Cardinal Cartels,
well, you look for "someone"? i have the adresses of thousands of people in the movies industries, if it is only about an adress. i have all adresses of all students of my university that are now in the movie industry, and all the people who educated us, and all those that we have met in the professional conferences.

it is not an adress what you need - you should go on google and just start with at least 30 pages of results on film music and independent film music. then check all the links on the websites in their link sections. check all communities, all festivals, all conferences, search for free conferences that you migh visit and make contacts.
you need 2-3 days for that, full 20 hours per day and you are ready. then you would know exactly what you wanna do and whom you need.

if it is not the money, you should just go whereever they look for people to help for free. most people in this genre start with working on projects for free in the first few years ( incl. me). another very good perspective is the new media programm of the european union which has really a lot of money to give for educating media professionalists. there are a lot of workshops and educations for free, and if you are there once, your doors are open. but you need to search and inform yourself and send applications. and never give up.

here is one movie i watched this week on 3d, that i would die to do the music for if this is my goal. i would be happy to do even the light assistance for this one. very inspiring film. but they are projects where 300 people work together...totally different scale.

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  60
Posts :  3709
Posted : Mar 7, 2011 17:19
True words Moki, I gave some music for Movie school, a old girlfriend who was there and needed material, So i was featured in a music video which in fact made it to some independent film festival and advanced. Which was very nice to be a part of
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