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Compiling a cd

Gilad Refael
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 28, 2003 17:51
Do you think that what makes a good compilation is a good compiler?           REHAB is for quitters

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Posted : Mar 28, 2003 20:37
Yes absolutely.

You might have ten unknown artists that nobody knows but the compiler has found ten amazing tracks from these people so that makes the cd a must buy for everyone.           Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!
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Posted : Mar 29, 2003 17:43
Compiling a CD in these days can be easy and hard at the same time.
Since many more ppl are making music (it gets easier everyday), the flow of new material is bigger and here comes the connections part. U need to be connected to ppl in order to get new music for release.
Now comes a harder part: to have a musical saying, something u want to say that others do not. So many new labels really dont have anything new to say, it seems that they exist just to exist in the scene.
On the other hand, a producer also has to think of the commercial value of the music, and this is a very delicate part: I dont come to say here that giving the crowd exactly what they want and get from other labels (like reproducing Astrix or GMS just because it works...), but at least consider the impact potential of the music. I get many tracks that are really good, but either dont say anything new or cannot be used since they dont have the right impact - placing one or two like these in a compilation is nice, but has to be placed carefuly and balanced also with more popular/easy trax.
The bottom line in making a production for release is the ability to sale and reach the biggest crowd, while maintaining your musical 'word'. Once you become a label (music company) and release music (have a product), you have to consider the sale potential and crowd reaction to your product.
I know of many ppl who want to release only their 'quality' stuff, but there is a really small crowd to it and they cannot justify themselves economicaly.

Delicate work, lots of patience, connections and understanding of the scene we are in.
Good luck,
Com.pact rec' 
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Mar 29, 2003 22:20
I agree with DETOX, and helen said great words.

In order to make a good compil, people must show different stuff from a style, else it will become just another compilation.
IMO, Sesto Sento did it great on their BPM2. Just amazing!
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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 31, 2003 01:29
The big problem with compiling CDs is getting the rights to license tracks. Quite often a commercially released mix CD won't have the same tracks a DJ would play out because certain labels wouldn't license a track or they wanted too much cash for it - or the label issuing the CD wanted some of their own stuff on etc etc

My fave mix CDs tend to be ones DJ knock up themselves and sell at parties as they give a true picture of what a dJ is playing.
Blind Mind

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Posted : Apr 1, 2003 07:14
There are a lot of great Compilers, a lot of Compilations with a lot of different Musical concepts, etc which provides a lot of choice.

There are Compilations you can't even touch because everything fits perfectly and it's to listen since beginning till end but i don't complain so much for one Compilation with 4/5 GOOD tracks in 10/12 tracks, for me it's already ok and worth having in the collection.
Just because i select that tracks and mix them with more 4/5 of another Compilation/Album and, with a CD Recorder, i make my onw CDs, with my favourites Artists, with my favourite sequence of my favourites tracks (i'm just a listener).
To sum it up:
Almost 80m of what i really like, ready to play When/How i want (and can:).

Just a small "frustation":
I can't make the mixes between the tracks, there are always 1/2 seconds of "empty space" between each track, which is really annoying

By the way, while i'm "studying" the best way to build my onw Compilations, sometimes i have a kind of "emotions", not easy to explain but maybe easy to understand:
Sometimes, it's just like you are, at the same time, the Musician/DJ & the Crowd
          - BEing mySELF
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Mar 5, 2011 23:46
.. nobody4 said some nice words about this.

I think one of the best compilations I've heard recently, thinking about track'n plaments is from Lucas (like God Save the Machine)
Inactive User

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Posted : Mar 6, 2011 01:01

On 2003-03-31 01:29, John wrote:
The big problem with compiling CDs is getting the rights to license tracks.

yes, i know but you must be strong now John.
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Mar 6, 2011 01:27

On 2011-03-06 01:01, Jacynth wrote:

On 2003-03-31 01:29, John wrote:
The big problem with compiling CDs is getting the rights to license tracks.

yes, i know but you must be strong now John.

Yes John, be strong. Strong like John Rambo.

Mike A

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Posted : Mar 6, 2011 22:23
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 7, 2011 00:44

On 2003-03-29 22:20, full_on wrote:
I agree with DETOX, and helen said great words.

In order to make a good compil, people must show different stuff from a style, else it will become just another compilation.
IMO, Sesto Sento did it great on their BPM2. Just amazing!

same for a album
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