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Compelete Circle with Infected Mushroom

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Dec 5, 2007 10:24
i had an all Infected day yesterday...heard all their albums in one day
The Gathering (1999)
Classical Mushroom (2000)
B.P. Empire (2001)
Converting Vegetarians (2003)
IM the Supervisor (2004)
Vicious Delicious (2007).
and a few tracks by Shiva Shidapu

it was an amazing journey. it started with the childish curiosity so to speak. i know in my last thread i blasted them for their work with Matisyahu...but after listening intently to all their previous works combined with their new stuff, i realised just as i have grown from being a teenager to an almost thirty year adult, so have they. their music has pretty much been a part of me throught my entire adult life..their six albums so far have made me realize that getting comfortable and confined to a particular style does not allow you to experiment and discover...many may feel that they are sellouts, some feel they have deteriorated but i feel that they have evolved, unlike many artists who dont change fearing loosing their base fans, these guys have gone out and actually found newer bases. from my perspective i have seen them create their legacy..and i feel damn good about that...from the super acidified, drug promotion tracks like roll us a giant to sensible message of converting vegetarians to being deeply disturbed, to becoming insane...i feel they have come to a complete circle....Psycho Becoming Insane..its something isnt it? now with the new Doors stuff they actually venturing out into another spectrum, another circle, lets all enjoy their success...afterall they have brought in many new ears to psytrance.
          When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 5, 2007 11:00
half glass full or half glass empty
the chioce is ours

i m in the half glass full camp (a kinda of a bum licker u may say )           the problem with valuing art is, till u dont understand it, it's worthless but wen u do understand it, it's priceless!!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 5, 2007 11:01

On 2007-12-05 10:24, doughcherry wrote:

...afterall they have brought in many new ears to psytrance.

.           the problem with valuing art is, till u dont understand it, it's worthless but wen u do understand it, it's priceless!!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 5, 2007 15:50
i totally agree! they have evolved and they're still great in my opinion           When I dance, I put myself in the DJ's hands to take me to a journey - the unconscious journey to reality

KARKEIJA KREW!!!!!!!! dancing is the phrr fo da powa
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 5, 2007 21:24
Infected Mushroom will always have a special place in me but....nowadays they simply suck!!!!
Its true they evolved, searching new grounds to their music but they end up with the worst of the results....and i dont question their production skills and knowledge - they sure are on top of it!!!!
Crossing-over to other styles, destroying boundaries to their music is something i aplaude but they brought the worst of each style they the end they dont innovate anything...just a mescla of the commercial(in a bad way) side of each electronic genre.
Putting aside the "labels" in music i would say that in the past they produce/compose great music, full of identity, intensity and most of all inovation. Nowadays they simple my opnion their work as an artistc piece is bad...

Maybe its just a phase  
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 5, 2007 22:29
i love the middle of their discography

Converting Vegetarians (2003)

especially ambient cd           VA - Momentum vol.1 - Compiled by PhaseTech
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Dec 5, 2007 23:01
what is the fuckin problem with them?>!@>!#@!
the only thing is suck is the jealousy around here.

what u expect them to do ? boring full on trance ? dark stuff? gms stuff? domestic? etc etc

yes thier music is commercial, but not every commercial music is suck. but no.. most of the ppl here still dont get it.

I personaly dont care if u name thier style 'psytrance' / 'house' / 'pop' or i dont know what.
it has good energy,high production and music skills, beautiful melodys and great harmony.. for me this is great music.

I turn to all of u disappointed infected-music ppl - as Infected past-lovers, how do u want thier music will be today ? really.. give some ideas.. less vocals ? this is the only problem ?
          ..."Be yourself, let your conscience guide you...
Follow your heart, not the people around you"
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Dec 5, 2007 23:22
Not a problem at all. They can do as they wish.

However, I feel incapable of playing any NEW tune from them in any of my sets, and I play sets of progressive, full on, techtrance, Zenon stuff, chill out, night, Dark, whatever the fu#k1ng style you want me to. Maybe it is a matter of style, not sure.

I still, for example, play old tunes from them like "Return of the Shadows" and the response is awesome.

I won't turn off the sound system, or feel bad if somebody start to play their tunes, I can listen to them, but on the dance floor I don't think the NEW stuff is suitable.

I don't think it has anything to do with jealousy, at least from my side. If you want some ideas, I'd suggest them to make some tunes more based on structure than on vocals and huge breaks & build ups. Things more trippy and effective on a psy dance floor than on radio, things people on progressive psy could stand. That's it.
Respect!           .
...Be gentle with the earth...
...Dance like nobody's watching...
...I don't mind not going to Heaven, as long as they've got Coffee in Hell...
Bender B. Rodriguez
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 6, 2007 01:35
moving on to a commercial sound is ok... but their music sounds like a gone bad experiment fromf an crossover of a good electronic music band and a really crapy pop/rock/metal/punk band.

if you want to explore new sound ideas then do it properly like juno reactor or younger brother.

anyway a big respect for them and their contribution to psytrance. i hope they improve beyond todays music, and creat something really good... i think they have the capabilities to do so.          SPQR
Lesser Soul
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 6, 2007 02:30

On 2007-12-05 23:22, full_on wrote:
If you want some ideas, I'd suggest them to make some tunes more based on structure than on vocals and huge breaks & build ups. Things more trippy and effective on a psy dance floor than on radio, things people on progressive psy could stand. That's it.

^^ This man is right music is about structure and the story that you tell with the same and not vocals

IM still suck .           Being, a bundle of minute, unique particulars in which, by some unspeakable and yet self-evident paradox, was to be seen the divine source of all existence.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 6, 2007 06:35

On 2007-12-05 23:01, Sputer wrote:

I personaly dont care if u name thier style 'psytrance' / 'house' / 'pop' or i dont know what.
it has good energy,high production and music skills, beautiful melodys and great harmony.. for me this is great music.

          the problem with valuing art is, till u dont understand it, it's worthless but wen u do understand it, it's priceless!!
Run Lola
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posts :  476
Posted : Dec 6, 2007 07:18

On 2007-12-06 06:35, sure_smoke_alot wrote:

On 2007-12-05 23:01, Sputer wrote:

I personaly dont care if u name thier style 'psytrance' / 'house' / 'pop' or i dont know what.
it has good energy,high production and music skills, beautiful melodys and great harmony.. for me this is great music.

i Defenitly second that!!
the complaints i hear about IM:
- they moved to LA
- their music is not psychedelic enough
- their parties are sponsored by MTV
- their music is not the same as before anymore.
- they are big stars now

but all the above does not give me an excuse to stop sppreciating their music.

i haven't heard their last album though..
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  22
Posts :  1123
Posted : Dec 6, 2007 15:39

On 2007-12-06 07:18, Run Lola wrote:

- they are big stars now

but still really nice people!!           When I dance, I put myself in the DJ's hands to take me to a journey - the unconscious journey to reality

KARKEIJA KREW!!!!!!!! dancing is the phrr fo da powa
Horrordelic Records

Started Topics :  25
Posts :  1247
Posted : Dec 6, 2007 19:09
When converting came they became EGO stars..

           3o~ kriz aka krize 3o~ ....Horrordelic Records....
- Think for yourself -
Soul Kontakt
Soul Kontakt

Started Topics :  40
Posts :  632
Posted : Dec 6, 2007 19:19
Infected Mushroom have left a mark in our hearths that will be there forvever. Todays music i don't like at all but that is my choice it does not mean anything in this ocean of sounds. Yes they have evolved into something else but they still express themselves in a completely different way than others, they don't follow they create something new and if we like it or not it does not matter they will always be Infected Mushroom and some of ther music will never die because it it is real!

          Boom :)

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