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Commandos of Summer Night Entropy on War against the Immoral


Started Topics :  2
Posts :  2
Posted : Jul 23, 2010 05:51:01
International Chamber of Dissemination of Acid Revolution

Commandos of Summer Night Entropy(Military Fraction of the Ultra Psychedelic Front I.C.O.D.O.A.R.)

Grand Declaration of War against the Immoral

"Elimination of Public Relations slavery and non-psychedelic goods, destruction of the Scene and any form of pseudo-authority over the movement which opposes the law of causation , destruction of Totalitarian Party Promoting Organizations and the whole mechanism of repression of the Psychedelic Capital. “

Our Thesis does not need longer analysis ... We act under the light of our moral standing and dignity and we know that the petty bourgeois-raver ear does not hear anything other than ads for new consumer products.

We are with those who resist, turning Theory into practice and practice into Theory by raising the flag of destruction.

Our aim is the total destruction of the so-called Psychedelic Trance Scene and the creation of pervasive insecurity and panic among those who have reason to worry....

We aim for Utopia.

Outside of any logic of competition and growth, outside of the morals and values of Contemporary Electronic Dance Music , far from any logic of concentration of wealth, a new Psychedelic Trance Scene shall arise and will be determined by the Psychedelic Massive itself with the main values being economic equality, horizontal management, quality in work and production, protection of the environment, the quality of all produced products and the discovery of new technologies that will suit our revolutionary undertaking and will finally leave behind the technologies of mass production of Psychedelic Capitalism that only suits a centralized economic model.

What matters is the formation of an Acid Revolutionary Society that will decide for itself. The Free Massive Parties, the small private parties, the squat parties shall become the core of a new Psychedelic Trance Scene, the holder of social wealth and the main pillar of decisions, Psychedelic and Musical.

We ourselves should take over every Psychedelic and music activity, we should at last, take life in our own hands. If we do not rebel now against the modern dictatorship of Public Relations, Capital and Police, if we do not fling off the shackles of Public Relations slavery immediately, if we do not raise our head high today, there will be no future for us and we will have condemned future generations to live in the Cheesiest Times of Psychedelic Trance history.

The only solution we have in our hands to get out of this dead end is Acid Revolution.
We will not tolerate the denigration of our struggle, which is a struggle for life, freedom and dignity against death, enslavement and humiliation both of the individual and of society; a struggle against inequality, hierarchy and injustice, against any form of exploitation and oppression.


No peace with the Current Scene – Public Relations Slavery is Terrorism

The struggle continues…
for Acid Revolution, Freedom and the Future of Our Children

Commandos of Summer-night Entropy

Military Fraction of International Chamber of Dissemination of Acid Revolution

This Declaration of War against the Immoral is dedicated to Romolo Cheri A.K.A. a Conscious Acid Revolutionary since Start.

You will Always Live WITHIN US, comrade .
See you on the other Side .

Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - Commandos of Summer Night Entropy on War against the Immoral
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