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Combining DJ and live

IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Aug 6, 2010 16:17:07
I've not seen this done many times (I can only think of Psykovsky and Outersect doing this off the top of my head).

What I'm basically thinking of right now would be a combined Live/DJ set in which the backing tracks are played off CDJs and there's an improv. part done off of either a laptop, hardware or both.

I know at least the kick/bassline would be played off of the CDJ and I can think of a few different ways to do fills and such off of that as well. The main advantage to doing it off of a CDJ would be fault tolerance--if the laptop crashes at least the backing track will keep playing.

Has anyone else experimented with this?
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Aug 6, 2010 16:23
^^ i may be totally wrong, but i rememmber attending to a kindzadza party a few years ago here in portugal, it hink it was the 1st time that he camed, and we played like the way you are describing

but i can be totally wrong

ps: i think the way you speak,there must be some producers making it like that..i do not think it is so unusual

IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Aug 6, 2010 16:23
Oh crud I meant to post this in the music production forum!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 6, 2010 16:30
The major downfall I see in this is keeping the sync between the cd and the laptop. I'm not sure how this would work with more transparent styles of music either. Neuro and chill you can do a lot of things off the beat and it wouldn't sound bad.

If the main concern is having a backup, just put full tracks on cds incase ur laptop crashes...
 - Midwest based psytrance group
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Aug 6, 2010 16:40
I don't feel like keeping a sync would be that difficult. Maybe keeping a /perfect/ sync, but nothing is perfect anyway so that's a silly thing to worry about

I imagine it would just be as simple as hitting play on the DAW at the same moment you hit play on the CDJ and then pitchbending the CDJ until they are in sync (for the beginning of the set you could have the output of the laptop cued in your headphones and a clicktrack or simple drum loop playing out of it to beatmatch)
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 6, 2010 17:06
Well if it's not on the beat it'll sound noticeable and not sound good, so that's why it was the first thing I thought of. This would also be a pain for the performer to constantly have to worry about that sync.

Any cpu saving you get would be so small I don't think it'd be worth it other than to just say you're doing it this way.  - Midwest based psytrance group

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Posted : Aug 7, 2010 09:42
I don't know when you saw Psykovsky last, but I don't think that's what he was doing when I went and saw him last year in MN.
I know of several acts that either don't have a sound card, or their computer is not up to snuff in the live category so they play a backing cd and use the computer to play a few sounds.

Also, setting up that sync can be a royal pain in the ass, sure you can kinda ear beatmatch it, but if you are running anything rhythmic on your computer while the cd is running, you have to make sure it stays in perfect time. There's nothing worse than parts not being quantized to the beat...
keeping perfect sync is what Ableton Live is all about, so why not use the program to it's full capability?
Two of my friends and I tried to play live at a festival several years ago and didn't readjust the latency from the previous user of the computer and it was a nightmare.... so if you're gonna play from cd, put all the important stuff on the cd and just make some sounds from the computer, but I'm rather certain that is not what Psykovsky does.

As for the combination of Live/Dj, would you consider it a partial dj set if the act just uses one cd? Unless you're mixing with more than one playback device in some shape or form, then that wouldn't be considered a dj set.

I severely suck at the backup cd thing. I don't like to perform prearranged sets, so rendering a backup cd is kind of a moot point for me, I'd rather just have my music on cds and then it'll become a dj set. I do have an emergency push play render, but that wasn't really meant for actually performing.
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Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

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Posted : Aug 7, 2010 17:08
i play my set mixing original music (cdj's or laptop) and adding channel from synth.. quite like it - cant fuck up too much (since my dj skills are great and i have lots of tracks very different one from the other) and it can get vey creative

Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 7, 2010 17:53
I used to do a mix between a DJ set and live but since most organizers do not want to pay a fair and reasonable price (all the money goes to the Headliners) or the shipping costs I wont bring the gear anymore.

IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Aug 10, 2010 03:18

On 2010-08-07 09:42, mubali wrote:
I don't know when you saw Psykovsky last, but I don't think that's what he was doing

I saw him in redwood city a year or so ago and I'm almost positive that, at one point, I saw three channels with signal on the mixer and all three faders pushed up
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Aug 10, 2010 15:01
dead dj's cannot play live
unless they recored their sets
and left them behind           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 11, 2010 17:23
Quirk used to do this... back in the day... ah, the memories...

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