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Trance Forum » » Forum  Scandinavia - CLUND presenterer Underground Orbit med Fragletrollet
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CLUND presenterer Underground Orbit med Fragletrollet


Started Topics :  111
Posts :  1748
Posted : Dec 3, 2007 03:22
C.L.U.N.D Præsentere \"Underground Orbit\" d 15 Dec 2007

Det mørke port blev åbnet ved sidste fest og nu forsætter rejsen gennem det mørke univers. Jeg holder igen en af mine DarkPsy trance fester, men til denne fest har jeg valgt at sætte indgangsbeløbet op med 50kr, for at kunne skaffe nogle udenlandske acts, festen bliver i samme stil som den sidste men denne fest bliver uden tvivl bedre end den foregående

Glæder mig, og håber på at få masser af opbakning fra folket.



Balle Kirkeby Forsamlingshus
Balle Bygade 6
8600 Silkeborg



--=Live Acts=--
Fragletrollet (Black Magik Records - Norge) []

Fragletrollet (Black Magik Records - Norge)
Freaky G (Triplag)
Woos (Protoned)
Zim (Parvati Records)


--=Deco Team=--

PsycheDeco - (Backdrups, Uv og Strækstof)
Umbrex - (String)



22.00 - 00.00 Zim (Parvati Records) DJ
00.00 - 03.00 Freaky G VS Woos (Green/Black Magik Records VS Protoned) DJ BATTLE
03.00 - 06.00 Fragletrollet Kombineret LIVE og DJ (Black Magik Records).


Til mine fester vil der kun blive spillet Psytrance og Dark Psychedelic trance, intet andet. Der vil dog være en musikalsk udvikling af musikken hele aften, så det starter ud i knap så hårdt musik, og går over i mere gakket musik hen af natten.

Konceptet af mine fester vil være, at de bliver afholdt på knap så store locations, og der vil ikke blive lagt så stor vægt på udsmykning af lokalet, men hellere blive lagt flere penge i god lyd, djs og live acts. For det er i bund og grund det, det hele handler om. Dog vil der stadig blive pyntet op og der vil være nogle fede backdrups og uv til at skabe et psychedelic univers, så det hele kommer til at gå op i en højere enhed.

Lokation bliver denne gang Balle Kirkeby Forsamlingshus som ligger godt 7 KM fra Silkeborg midtby. Det ligger forholdsvis centralt, og det er let at komme til med bus og tog. Hvis i kikker i debatten for festen, finder i bus og tog tider

Balle Kirkeby Forsamlingshus
Balle Bygade 6
8600 Silkeborg

Der vil blive billig bar så alle har råd til at være med.

Øl 15 kr.
Vand 10 kr.
Sodavand 10 kr.
Drinks (vodka ca 7 cl + sodavand) 25 kr.
Ice 30kr.

Håber at se mange ligesindede mennesker med en masse kærlighed for det lidt mørkere side af musikscenen. Kom med tasken fuld af glæde, kærlighed og masser god karma, så vi kommer til at få en rigtig lækker aften med 8 timers fed Dark Psy.



Taken from
Text is in Danish, partypromoters words. Guess you get the essentials tough!

Bring them goodvibes and let us dance to the beat of the divine

Much love and light


Horrordelic Records

Started Topics :  25
Posts :  1247
Posted : Dec 3, 2007 09:54
Enjoy and best of luck Fragle!

Killer stuff            3o~ kriz aka krize 3o~ ....Horrordelic Records....
- Think for yourself -
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  236
Posts :  6106
Posted : Dec 3, 2007 11:47
Fraglebaggel, I doubt I will have the chance to popp up with my dancing pants, but I wish you all the best for this evening.
I'm sure your tunes and moves will crash the building!

piis & løv

Started Topics :  111
Posts :  1748
Posted : Dec 4, 2007 17:07
Japp, I think this is going to be a very special night Almost all of the music I'm going to play will be new, unheard and unreleased stuff (as for now), and I think it really has a nice touch to it. Definetively something new and fresh!

Hope to see you all! 
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  22
Posts :  52
Posted : Dec 4, 2007 21:14
Think you will get visit from cph asswell ;D We are Looking farward to this one!


Started Topics :  18
Posts :  783
Posted : Dec 10, 2007 16:31
Yay! Looking fwd. to seeing you here Magnus! Nice dedicated line-up... Good party and good vibes to everyone... 
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  32
Posts :  1018
Posted : Dec 11, 2007 12:55
I wish you a safe and sweet journey to the other side Magnus Good luck, and show them what Fraglesounds is all about

Watch out for Fragletrollet guys... you better wear a helmet and buckle up for your own safety.. I know magnus has put alot of soul and effort into his latest creations, and you are all in for a big treat

Best vibes and good luck to all involved

See you guys in January


Started Topics :  5
Posts :  124
Posted : Dec 14, 2007 15:44
Wee, looking foreward to finally hearing Fragletrollet play!
I love it when liveacts also play a dj-set at the same party

C ya all there!


Started Topics :  111
Posts :  1748
Posted : Dec 14, 2007 18:52
A few more hours, and Im on the way

For your information, I will only play music that I have created (in my djset) as well as collaborations. Stricly fraggled 

Started Topics :  0
Posts :  33
Posted : Dec 15, 2007 13:11
This should be interesting. See you there, Fragle.
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  236
Posts :  6106
Posted : Dec 15, 2007 14:44
Lykke til i kveld Magnus!! People, be prepared to be Fragelized!

Acid Fragletrance


Started Topics :  18
Posts :  783
Posted : Dec 20, 2007 03:22
Had a good party... CLUND revives the underground with strictly psychedelic parties, for a small determined crowd... Was nice to have the Fragle around and get a closer impression of his psychedelic capabilities !
Big ups for all the dj's... i think it was good work in all ways !

Started Topics :  111
Posts :  1748
Posted : Dec 23, 2007 21:46
Thank you all for a very nice experience! Lotsa good peple and good vibes, nice sound and looooooots of joints... perfect!

Trance Forum » » Forum  Scandinavia - CLUND presenterer Underground Orbit med Fragletrollet
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