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Club EXIT Brooklyn, WTF ???

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  19
Posts :  172
Posted : Jan 5, 2006 21:16
Club EXIT in Brooklyn where Aladdin Project host their parties sent me a promotional email , I would like to know how did the get a hold of my email address (I know how I would like to know how come they have my F$%@ING address)
Ps: did anyone from last party over there get this shit ???
"Make love and not war! 'Cause we don't need no trouble.
What we need is love (love)" Bob Marley
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Jan 5, 2006 21:32
does alladin project have your details?           "On the other hand, you have different fingers."
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 5, 2006 21:37

On 2006-01-05 21:16, grguy wrote:
(I know how I would like to know how come they have my F$%@ING address)

They collected the email on one of the parties, but why did they provide the club with it, I have enough junk mail as it is
"Make love and not war! 'Cause we don't need no trouble.
What we need is love (love)" Bob Marley
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Jan 5, 2006 21:41
nobody said they did... i'm just trying to give possible sources for club exit to get this info.           "On the other hand, you have different fingers."
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 5, 2006 21:43
alladin prolly gets paid to give exit their email list. it wouldn't be the first time, they've already shilled for tsunami and coast II coast...
good carma
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 5, 2006 22:20

We don’t share our email list with no one!!!
Karmakanik do us a fervor talk from knowledge and facts not from assumption and develop imagination.

Peace & Love in Trance
Alladin Project Crew

          Peace & Love 'n Trance
"Everyone dies but not everyone lives"
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 5, 2006 22:37
And still good carma I provided my email only to people associated with you at your parties, and I don’t think club exit sends emails randomly to Brooklyn residents, or is it?           <^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^>
"Make love and not war! 'Cause we don't need no trouble.
What we need is love (love)" Bob Marley
good carma
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  121
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Posted : Jan 5, 2006 22:45

Well grguy all I can tell you that we didn’t share our email list with no one.
I’m assuming that you gave your email address to the wrong person.

Alladin Project Crew

          Peace & Love 'n Trance
"Everyone dies but not everyone lives"

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Posted : Jan 6, 2006 00:20
i to have gotten promotional e-mails and has nothing to do with alladin project.. it is kinda of annoying..

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  660
Posted : Jan 6, 2006 00:30
i'm pretty sure some of the people working with the club itself were collecting e-mails as well, and you probably gave it to one of them           We are all visitors to this time, this place. We are just passing through. Our purpose here is to observe, to learn, to grow, to love... and then we return home.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 6, 2006 22:10
It's not that bad GrGuy. I receive flyers in my physical MAILBOX, that thingy attached to my know, with MY NAME on the flyer!!!!!? And this is from a Jersey type of club where they play chearleader "techno" and reggaeton. The most mind-boggling thing is-i have never been to that club!

So don't worry. It's just an email.

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Posted : Jan 6, 2006 22:15
Me too, get mail from Spirit some other techno clubs, some peeps have tools to try te recuperate email adresses when you might have bought a ticket online or filled out something
On the other hand Tsunami is sending me emails for many years now and after asking them to remove me several times, first politely, then not so nicely anymore, they still send me stuff,wtf
I block them now from my inbox
You can do that too with Exit ....
Peace out
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 7, 2006 10:45
At the DS/Zion party there was this girl going around with a pad for ppls emails but I didnt recognize her as one of Alladins Projects crew, i think she was one of the bartenders but im not sure. She was blond and not psychedelic looking, kindof had that look that all the bartenders at that club have. Anybody else remember this person? Anyway I didnt give her my info, and it seems I made the right choice.

While on the topic though, if any out you promotors out there ever have thought about sharing you contact lists you should stop thinking about it because it will only piss people off.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 7, 2006 14:02
well Psycosmo, i dont know if she is one of Alladin's peoaple, but she is Israely that i know and not conected to the club as far as i know           <^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^>
"Make love and not war! 'Cause we don't need no trouble.
What we need is love (love)" Bob Marley
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posts :  787
Posted : Jan 8, 2006 01:23
Person Im talking about did not look Israelian.
Trance Forum » » Forum  North America - Club EXIT Brooklyn, WTF ???

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