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CinderVOMIT - The Beast Within


Started Topics :  7
Posts :  8
Posted : May 30, 2013 17:22:54

Artist: CinderVOMIT
Genre: Darkpsy, Psycore, Experimental
Label: Jellyfish Frequency Recordings
When: May 2013
Size: 335MB
License: CC
Price: Free and Donations (The artist is raising money to help fight off his disease. Help support him!)

Track List:

01 - Is This a Dream???
02 - Inside Out
03 - Absence of Light
04 - Walk Through Walls
05 - Nuclear Tuna!!! [Feat. EkimSkrid]
06 - Whispers
07 - The End
08 - The Trinity Through Infinity
09 - Mama Mimosa
10 - In A World Of My Own

A celestial tower climbs far into space, spiraling towards another dimension full of distant, shadowy figures that shatter the souls of the living. An evil rests at the very top, waiting and craving for something to discover its horrifying lair. As travelers approach the end of the structure, interested and curious about the alluring tower, a strange figure begins to boast its bellowing laugh. The ground beneath their feet shakes, and an unknown entity rises from hell to engulf the reality they so desperately attempt to live in. Slime covers their bodies and pulls them downwards into oblivion, sinking them into nothingness. They cry and scream for help, but high in the caverns of the castle, no soul exists to hear their pleas. The eyes of the beholder melts their brains as the acid tears them apart. They make one last gasp, and go insane as the world around them implodes from the beast within.

I find myself knees deep in complete terror. Ever curious, I listen carefully as I am carried through a universe of melting shadows, untold legends, and exotic creatures from the deepest depths of unknown worlds. Surrounded by pure, thick, and juicy soundscapes, the mystifying and intense stragness of this experience pulls me into confusion, chaos, and bewilderment. CinderVOMIT maniacally twists knobs, rapidly tips and taps on keys, and organizes the thoughts from his journeys into nothing short from a spectacular masterpiece. Truly, the road opened is an innovative, original, and simply incredible opportunity for any psychedelic connoisseur.

I approached this album with an open mind, surrounded by nothing but a dimly lit candle in the corner of my room. I put on my headphones, closed my eyes, and a wave of color raced across my mind. It is rare for an album to put me into such a true form of trance. It is scary, hideous, and almost makes me scream as if I am waking up from a nightmare only to realize it was all a dream. In fact, I jumped at one moment and realized I was asleep. It took me somewhere in my mind I have never been before.

The psychedelic spectrum is only one good thing about this incredible album. In fact, I can't find anything wrong with it. There are many, many good things. A series of well thought out, mastered, heavy bass lines carry a terrorcore theme against slowly evolving pads and steady synths. It is all quite beautiful. I never knew what was going to pop up from beneath the intricate layers of glorious creations embedded into vibrations. Every track features a different BPM, varying from 150 - 200. Wonderfully varied, I yearn for more at every second. I never want the journey to end. Through gorgeously crafted, mysterious soundscapes, this album blows light out of the world and lets in the darkness. If you are brave enough to experience it for yourself, you will be taken on a journey into an organic wilderness covered in mist where you will be alone, shaking, and turning your head in all directions in paranoia that some strange beast is out to get you and rip you to pieces. Being greeted by this atrocity is entirely up to you. Your going to have to run through the violent world and explore the isolated landscape to come across discoveries never before understood, until now. Maybe you too will come across the tower and climb high into the night until the seemingly endless hallways come to an end.

It is quite possibly one of the best albums I have ever listened to. As terrifying as It may seem, the album itself is extremely enjoyable. I love the beats. I love the voices. I love the progression. I love the sounds. I love the vibes. I love every single thing about this album. I can not get enough of the beats used here. The Trinity Through Infinity, for example, has some of the greatest sounds I have ever heard. There are different perspectives, sure, but all in all the music is so tasty, engulfing, and addicting that you will love it. It is certainly a more advance album, offering more than the casual listener looks for. Go into it thinking outside the box. Let it take your reality and twist it up. Challenge your boundaries and bend the rules a bit. It will be well worth it. Only then will you truly understand what The Beast Within is.


Download here on Bandcamp

- Review by FatKidWitaJetPak (Nick Sumbles)
- Special Thank to Bandcamp for the download bandwidth.
- Special Thanks to Jellyfish Frequency Recordings for the review request.

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  148
Posts :  1681
Posted : May 31, 2013 07:55
Horrible cover but nice music indeed!           Cuntus Maximus.
Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - CinderVOMIT - The Beast Within
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