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Chilluminati present Sacred Earth Open Air, Wisconsin, Memorial Day weekend

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  19
Posts :  201
Posted : May 25, 2006 04:49
My task for the night is to take out the dirty stomping shoes from the MAGE weekend and get them ready for the coming extra long weekend..yaay!! How come I dont get to do this more often..good things dont come easy for good..

Prepare yourselves for some high intensity times people!!
Bodhi 13:20
Bodhisattva 13:20

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  725
Posted : May 25, 2006 06:07
Alright....I'm gettin ready to take a plane ride with Arahat out to unknown territory. I'm very excited about this, cant wait to see everybody! 3 days of psytrance party at a beautiful location...wooohoooo!!!
3rd Album \\\"Equations\\\" on 2to6 records
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posts :  3171
Posted : May 25, 2006 06:37

Been waiting for this day for months. We're off tomorrow, see you guys on Friday!

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posts :  178
Posted : May 25, 2006 07:23
Long after we planned this weekend, we learned that Saturday (the 27th) is the beginning of the next Mayan tun ("year") and also the New Moon.

Our final festival this year, Crystal Sky, has a Full Moon on Saturday night, so we now know the energies are very well balanced.

Really great weather too, for a national holiday that is not known locally for being dry in the sky. Sunny and very warm every day, blessed be.

Great the continental energy coming to this event. Drive/fly safely all!

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 25, 2006 07:53
im excited too and i cant even make it to this
dance your asses off for us           Load Universe into Cannon. Aim at Brain. Fire.

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Posted : May 25, 2006 20:25
Leaving tonight!!!! Fresh to help setup and set da vibe for a rockin' time!

*bouncing off the walls waiting for the last few hours of work to end*
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posts :  475
Posted : May 25, 2006 22:54
I know Moke and Luke (Malachi) are on their way as of 6:00 this morning. They've got an 11 hour drive. Wish I could make it out, but unfortunately I can't. Everyone have fun!!!! 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 30, 2006 21:59
Best Chilluminati's party so far !!!!!!!!!!

Pics are here:



Started Topics :  27
Posts :  1075
Posted : May 31, 2006 03:47
good times, definitely. the music was very inspiring and the location was perfect. many, many thanks to everybody in the chilluminati family and extended families that represented their states.

i met people from arizona, illinois, iowa, north carolina, wisconsin, minnesota, NYC, and pennsylvania. wow! talk about connection, it felt just like being at a big family reunion with relatives that you haven't met yet. this is why i love the underground, no bullshit, just cool peeps that want the same enlightening experience on their weekends. true hardcore heads were found on the dancefloor during the whole weekend as well. many thanks to those who saw me play and danced before saturday's sunrise.

words are failing me right now because i'm jet lagged and just pulled off an 8 hour shift at work with minimal sleep. i have plenty of pic's but no place to post them. if i find a spot, i'll post the link.           We are all family. We put the fun in disfunctional.
-PsyCircle on Tribe-
- Arahat -
sharon joy

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  66
Posted : May 31, 2006 15:25
Beautiful times all around. Big Thanks to the Chilluminati Family! It was so nice to finally connect with so many of you. Bang up job, all around.

It was all amazing. The location was especially sweet, as the land welcomed us in and soon became acclimated to our wandering and stomping feet. I don't think I've ever seen birds sing and dance along with the music in quite that way before. Intense. Sacred Earth, indeed.

It was awesome to see the families from across the country - coast-to-coast... Thanks to all the artists and friends old and new for helping to make this a truly memorable weekend.

"Don't you just love it when a plan comes together."

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  40
Posts :  260
Posted : May 31, 2006 19:04
Thanks so much to all that made this possible!

It was a great weekend on the woods, very welcoming place and peeps...

So nice to connect with so many people from around the country, a great meeting of tribes.

Hope to see you all again soon!

namaste           a human's mind, once stretched, cannot go back to its old way
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  80
Posts :  1336
Posted : Jun 1, 2006 04:37
we had a blast
so much fun and smiles and friends and more!
all the music was quality. so great to hear such variety. everyone played thier best. hard to believe we are amidst such killer talent. to be among friends from all over the country we are truly blessed.

great soundsystem, it was sounding pretty good except for when the noise complaints happen nightly, save for the last night, when it was up to 124dB!!!
those custom virgin subwoofers really got a good testing.

nice lake for swimming and sunbathing. the woods were friendly and cool.

showers were hot,,,,, food decent, flush toilets that were cleaned regularly
thanks to gor and scott for thier hospitalitty
and to the rest of the crew for making it happen.
serena and i loved hanging the Zome structures for everyone to bug out on

pics are here
from everyone else:
from me:
i would write more but im off to work...
it was killer fun! 
Bodhi 13:20
Bodhisattva 13:20

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  725
Posted : Jun 1, 2006 13:04
Thanx to Chilluminati for this one.....truly an amazing time! It was so great connecting with everyone.....especially this country's wide array of talent I have witnessed....we are growing stronger.

Such a beautiful and perfect location!!! dont let that one go!

Hope to see everyone again soon!           info/tourdates/psy
3rd Album \\\"Equations\\\" on 2to6 records
mono mono

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  314
Posted : Jun 1, 2006 20:25
much thanks to the Chilluminati for offering their hard work for our amazement. I feel that some beautiful, strong, bonds have been made to the friendly souls in the midwest (and elsewhere).

Hats off to the Iowa contingent who populated the dance floor most of time.

the seekers have spoken, let the vibe be available to other seekers, party your asses off, don't let the buggers get you down, respect nature, learn the delicate art of main PA volume diplomacy (i.e. learn how to creep those main gains up, slowly, let the neighbors get to sleep before pumping it, heh heh), be open, be aware, don't preach too hard, get a job, fuck off.


IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  144
Posts :  3171
Posted : Jun 1, 2006 22:40
What a weekend!!! The music and smiles were unforgettable. The location was magical, the people were ‘vibing’, the music was relentless, the decor was full-on fluoro, the visuals were deep and that orange sun was the warmest feeling I can remember.

Some highlights for me were :

Kourosh Dini (on keyboards) & Josh Brill (on electric guitar) vibrating the chillout area with each emotional note.

Sipping on Jager while BSM sent waves through the trees with his 'Sunrise out of the forest' set. Love those Monkey sounds.

Watching in awe as Androcell played out most of efflorescence with live percussion. Ah Bliss!

Dancing like a maniac to Witchdocta and Spook on Sat-night/Sunday-morning. Full power sets... Geomagnetic is sitting on a goldmine of killer tracks. The samples that go something like 'Look at that sun' and 'Put on those goggles'... whoooo... gave me goosebumps!

Bodhi13:20 playing tracks from his new album. Super deep psychedelic stuff... very vibrational. Was the fix of controlled-chaos that I needed.

Screaming and jumping like a nut from one end of the floor to the other while LOUD dosed out some good ol' Israeli morning psytrance. Had some Goa deja vu on the floor that time.

Swimming in that oh so wonderful lake. Made me feel like a million bucks! There were a bunch of smiley little kids hanging around the shore too... it all added to the magic.

Reality Engine's VJ sets ... What a mind-bending opening sequence. Wont ruin it for you guys since they might be using it at Gaian Mind too.

Onnomon's set into the sunrise. My highlight of the main floor. I've never heard music like this before and that element of surprise just kicked it all into high gear. Its bouncy, its dark, its light too, melodic, twisted.... an overall gem of a set. Hope someone recorded it.

Big thanks to :

Chilluminati for believing in the midwest!
Alberto for the main stage deco (kickassss)
BSM for the Zome structures. (I'm inspired!)
NCN camground crew for keeping it all functional
Shai for putting together a kickass lineup and partying with us all the way to the end hehe
Iowa crew, what would we be without you guys’ energy!
Damon and Robyo... thank you for sharing your lineup time with me.
The fire spinners who kept it burning
Everyone who helped keep the venue clean
Everyone who danced
Everyone who smiled
Everyone I forgot to mention

I loved that I got to meet so many people and a whole bunch of isratrancers. Thank you for sharing your minds and your hearts.

I'm not recovering from this one... I feel rejuvenated!

Trance Forum » » Forum  North America - Chilluminati present Sacred Earth Open Air, Wisconsin, Memorial Day weekend
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