Chemical Trolls - Mexico Tour - November
Chemical Trolls
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Posted : Sep 7, 2008 09:44:35
15.Nov - Monterrey
22.Nov - Chihuahua
06.Dec - San Luis Potosí
Info about Chemical Trolls:
Here is a direct link to our Press-Pack, The Music, Info's & picture / Paquete Promocional:
Info Español:
Chemical Trolls son David Daichman y Marian Muntian, de Beer-Sheva, Israel.
Ellos han trabajado juntos por cerca de 5 años.
El duo representa un estilo especial y original de Psytrance.
Su estilo esta inspirado sobre todo del rock, metal, Hip-Hop, rap, Pop & Electro… y todo esto mezcla un estilo musical muy interesante.
La música de Chemical Trolls mira al otro lado del Psytrance, a un lado mucho más original y más interesante.
C.T. a formado parte de muchas compilaciones en todo el mundo incluyendo disqueras por ejemplo: Planet B.E.N., Y.S.E., Shivlink,
Renno Rec, MAGMA, Enigmatic Japan, Sundance, y mas..
Chemical Trolls Utiliza bastante grabacion Real,grabaciones reales de guitarras, grabación vocal [sobre todo por David],
grabaciones de tambores y todo esto se combinan en un nivel de producción de mayor nivel.
Gracias al Excelente nivel de artistas tienen el gusto de trabajar con artistas como :E-jekt, System Failure, Ananda-Shake, Toxical, Cortex, Planet BEN, y más…
Hasta ahora Chemical Trolls han presentado su material en todo Israel,
pero en noviembre de 2008 ,Estra programado su tour por todo México
No te Pierdas este grandioso live act! y aparta tu fecha cuanto antes.
En este momento Chemical Trolls trabaja en su primer álbum excepcional que se espera que sea lanzado pronto.
No se lo pierdan!
For open dates & Booking :
Skype: ChemicalTrolls |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 7, 2008 11:06
In English, please.
Chemical Trolls
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Posted : Sep 7, 2008 11:49
Chemical Trolls are David Daichman and Marian Muntian, from Beer-Sheva, Israel.
They working together for about 5 years now.
The due represents a special and original style of Psytrance.
There style mostly inspired from Rock, Metal, Hip-Hop, Rap, Pop & Electro...and all of this blends into a powerful musical mixture.
Chemical Trolls music looks to the other side of Psytrance, much more original and interesting side.
Chemical Trolls is a part of many Compilations around the world including labels such as: Planet B.E.N., Y.S.E., Shivlink, Renno Rec, MAGMA, Enigmatic Japan, Sundance and more...
In there music CT uses lots of LIVE production, LIVE Guitars Recordings, Vocal Recording [mostly by David], LIVE Drums Recordings and all this merges into a high standard production level.
Thanks to this high standard production lots of artist like: E-jekt, System Failure, Ananda-Shake, Toxical, Cortex, Planet BEN, and more...asked for Remix's and VS's.
Till now Chemical Trolls Play'ed for lots of parties in Israel, But in November of 2008 the guys are coming to MEXICO, so don't miss the opportunity to get a Date!
This Moment Chemical Trolls working on their first outstanding album that is expected to be lunched soon.
Enjoy The Chemical Trolls!
IsraTrance Team
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Posted : Sep 7, 2008 16:02
^^ thanks Maj1KO and Chemichal Trolls
  ... |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 8, 2008 00:18
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Posted : Oct 22, 2008 13:38