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Started Topics :  30
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Posted : Mar 5, 2011 04:52:55

alien message!

<3 Love is the Key <3
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  236
Posts :  6106
Posted : Mar 5, 2011 15:54
This thread needs more music.

Love the love, Love the music. Love the cosmos, Love the you and Love the me. Love is the key, the answer and path to all that we see. But here (the video’s main theme) is where I drop out (while still keeping intact my open mind and spiritual development). Why is it that it is so hard to imagine that these so called ,,evil” (there is no evil, only wrong choices of life which often lead to corrupt paths which is hard to get out of because of locked down notion of self, the world and ego) aliens are nothing but human beings making terrible choices because of greed, ignorance and stupidity. Why does it have to be ie. reptile beings from other galaxies and/or dimensions alla V trying to rule and mislead us? We create our own happiness and if it makes it more easily or for some reason, more reasonable that the world is infested by alien beings doing us harm. Then this notion of belief is what is creating your happiness, a medium to put the world in order that makes fantastic sense to you and your developing happiness (Which goes for me as well, so touché on self, hehe).

The world is super remarkable and complicated yet sort of easy to understand and grasp when you take a ride on its beautiful logic. We are all sensitive spiritual beings having a human experience, this is for sure. What harms our growth and path in this life is abuse (mental and physical) through our upbringing and life which will set and lock our minds and emotions when we become responsible adults, politicians, friends, lovers and parents. It is this harm that gets repeated centuries by centuries that does the real harm and fear as it keeps us in a loop, which takes nothing yet it seems like everything to get out of (become aware, step out of the loop and develop yourself and the ones around you to be the potential you are and have always been). To blame evil harmers from other galaxies lets us, you and me (aka them) off the hook and we have some external force to blame instead of looking even deeper inward in our self and fellow human beings and seeing and realizing that we are all one in this struggle to become aware and total conscious about our spiritual dimensions and possible ‘real’ magic. There is no them and us, there is only we and us. As soon as we realize this and stop blaming external sources, be it government or alien beings, we will step further into the extraterrestrial development which we all seek and know is truth of the heart. I strongly believe there is a force out there which is trying to put us down and dumber, in control. But to blame this on alien beings instead of on our self (fellow human beings) is to drift too far into lala-land.

Other than that I believe and agree with what ‘Alaje’ speaks of. It is obvious truth of the inner self which cannot and will not be neglected. Because we are free, we are we and we will never stop to love! Try to keep the mumbo jumbo for the fantasy books. Friends, it is time to change this, you are living in a reality, no matter how fantastic it might seem and be. The moon might be inhabited by ancient aliens, the stars might host intergalactic warp travels and higher developed alien races. The earth might be a protected area, a discussion of intergalactic warfare and peace. But before we even try to dive into these plausible realities we need to develop our self to get over our self-inflicted struggles.

All this said, I am not ignoring or refusing to believe or see that we, the Earth might be surrounded by 1000’s of ,,galactic federations”. it is just as or even more likely than that we are the very first spring of intelligence in this and these vast universes of ours. I have seen (unidentified flying objects – people coming to me with eyelids blinking sideways) and felt deep inside (the connection with the oneness and the trail to other dimensions hidden from our clear eyes) that what I know and strongly believe is true and might even be more fantastic than I could ever dare to dream about. I have found my own truth which is in constant development and I am trying to make cosmic sense out of it all. I will not be shocked if the sky one day becomes full of flying objects from outer space. I embrace and welcome it. I just try to keep my feet on and in the earth while having my head in deep into outer space.
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  236
Posts :  6106
Posted : Mar 5, 2011 16:24
Peace, Love, Music, Patience, Understanding and Respect. Most of all we need Love.
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