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cheap musical stuff or anything you wish

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  115
Posts :  873
Posted : Nov 26, 2016 19:13:21
hello friends i would like to share with you really cheap musical
stuff or anything you like , this is alibaba website .

how it works you buying stuff directly from the factory .
you buy product just without a label and you can buy really cool stuff and cost nothing ,

some of them don't sell by the small order

but i speak with a lot factories right now and many of them tell me they can sell by small order MOQ

you can tell them i want 1 item just to check the product . or you can buying 10 items and resell it.

watch same speaker as JBL just without a label 45$

or krk          -------------------------------------------------
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  123
Posts :  1397
Posted : Nov 27, 2016 19:54

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  115
Posts :  873
Posted : Nov 28, 2016 17:14

On 2016-11-27 19:54, vipal wrote:

why no there is people who maybe want to buy cheap stuff

i really don't care anymore about the label , just big one Hoax .

people wasting there money only because the label
believe me i buy many cheap stuff and the Quality is
batter then High end Stuff .

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  123
Posts :  1397
Posted : Nov 28, 2016 23:17
just joking, i am totally fine with it.
maybe jbl buys them there also
i would be afraid to get something that only looks like the real stuff.

what equipment did you get this way?

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  144
Posts :  3171
Posted : Dec 30, 2016 07:30
Hey don't diss cheap stuff completely. For example there is this amazing analog synth called the Gakken SX 150.

It definitely does not sound like a 45$ synth! In fact it's a secret weapon of some psy producers already.

Then there is the Modal Craft which is a digital monster!

Hear the demos here and be amazed!

Future will bring a lot of cheaper amazing sounding instruments!
Trance Forum » » Forum  Equipment - cheap musical stuff or anything you wish
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