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Trance Forum » » Forum  Equipment - Cheap Music Mastering and Awesome Logo Design
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Cheap Music Mastering and Awesome Logo Design

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  10
Posts :  2
Posted : Mar 3, 2014 22:43:36
Hi all,

Here's a really good thing for new and also experienced producers, DJs, labels that need masterings and graphic works. The studio is called Intrasolar Studio >

I'd just like to share my own experience and give you a nice advice for getting your music mastered and logo and artwork done. So, Modular Grid Records is my netlabel and all of my recent artworks were made by Intrasolar, as well as all of the tracks on the label were mastered by them. They even do e-mail marketing templates (which I use and must admit are very successful and eye-catching - this is good for DJs and netlabels, not sure if producers need any e-mail marketing as from my sources I found out they don't...). So, check them up if you wish. They're really inexpensive when it comes to mastering, but their logos are not too expensive either (the price that is mentioned is 100$, but I know I payed mine much less and a friend of mine who also took them payed much less than these 100$ so you can give it a shot.

Hope you have a good experience with them as much as I had,
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  115
Posts :  873
Posted : Mar 5, 2014 10:35
Ty but i don't think someone will change
this master -----> Colin OOOD

plus the prize is to much low to be true
even the website don't show any demo Tracks
(job which they mastering)

and one user which tell us this Services is good
only you
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  90
Posts :  1493
Posted : Mar 5, 2014 20:11
give him a chance eh...
he's just simply tryna make a buck ,like we all are... a simple no thanks would of been fine ..

me and u r guna fall smoker if u carry on with your shit spreading arrogant egoist attitude about the place
as for colin.. dont lick balls! he's only human like u and i... as far as i kno anyway

i will say tho i do get the feeling that you are one company claiming to be x customer, why would u waste your time just to put cash in there pockets? what do u get out of it? free mastering for free advisement of a new company.... right reserved 2014

Pictures of your studio would be nice tho
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  123
Posts :  1397
Posted : Mar 5, 2014 23:09
good luck, modular grid, have fun with your new project, it needs more then we see now to make a living i think, but you have to start somewhere. keep us informed abt developments. 
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  10
Posts :  2
Posted : Mar 5, 2014 23:49
It would be stupid not to admit that the studio is mine. Of course, we all have to make for a living, but I'm only yet a highschool student. Perhaps the approach was wrong, but I learn from my own mistakes. I was extremely curious how will this post affect the members and will it make them reply to this one and actually check the website. I've succeded in my goals, but yet, didn't get a client from here.

I also tried writting a post such as: "I would like to present you my brand new services..." And yet no one even replied with comments on that, so I wondered what will people reply here.

I'd like to thank you all for your replies and answer all your questions.

The prize for mastering is low, that is true, but the main point for that is that I'm doing that mastering because I like doing it in my free time (I'm an 18 year old who still needs a piece of day that will make him happy). My studio looks awful atm (lol) and that is the reason why there are no pics of it. It simply doesn't look a bit attractive, but for about a month I won't be doing the mastering, but another studio based in UK (I' from Croatia btw).

If you wonder for the graphic part, it really does go well and I hope it stays so.

Btw, my name is Alen, nice to meet you all
Hope we continue this discussion
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  90
Posts :  1493
Posted : Mar 6, 2014 01:05
high school student huh,... good luck man futures bright
Trance Forum » » Forum  Equipment - Cheap Music Mastering and Awesome Logo Design
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