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CD Players...Denon vs Pioneer?

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  30
Posts :  270
Posted : May 3, 2003 18:38
Getting some decks asap, and obviously Pioneer's are the way to go...

problem being they are expensive, and the 100's in short supply second hand! How do you rate the Denon's? Namely the 1800F?

Would like to stick to Pioneer but the Denon's are a shitload cheaper.

Cheers guys
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  88
Posts :  326
Posted : May 3, 2003 20:31
the 1800 will be good for you for a really short amount of time. there are good dennon cd players, the 1800 is not exactly one of them (proplems with the jog dial, too much warp in the sound when you spin it one way or the other).
if you are only starting up and would like a dj set that will last you half a year to a year, go for dennon. but if you have been at it for a while, or you just know that you going to be djing 1 year from now.... then its a waste of money.

Started Topics :  258
Posts :  3252
Posted : May 4, 2003 01:54
If you can go for CDJ 100 because nowdays thats the standard in most DJ sets specially in Psytrance party... Its got built in effects and is very sturdy.. I bought mine almost 2 years now and it has never given me one problem so far... by now the prices over here have dropped so its about $350 each and used/second hand should be even cheaper.. look around and see whats best for you.. try working with both in the store and then make ur decision,.!
Trance Forum » » Forum  DJing - CD Players...Denon vs Pioneer?
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