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Can we start releasing 24 bit music now?

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 5, 2009 03:00
Kicks sound shit on mp3's to me... that's the bottom line.

I'd purchase as high quality music as is available. Other people liking mp3's isn't going to change that.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 5, 2009 06:35
I've tried offering 24-bit audio on Ektoplazm but there never was much of a response to it. In previous threads I've seen on Isratrance the emerging consensus seemed to be that it was overkill given the kind of equipment you usually find at parties.


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Posted : Oct 5, 2009 13:19

On 2009-10-04 23:03, Elad wrote:
since when 1400 and 2100 is double?
but im not here for math problems.
i just say its better quality and its available so why not use it.
also mp3 is advance technology.

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Posted : Oct 5, 2009 15:14
If it wasn't for mp3 and ipods, DVD audio would have already replaced CDs..Probly a few years ago.
If anything we are going in the opposite direction of everyone's phone becoming the stereo, not everyone becoming an audiophile.
24bit won't catch on because in the end its just a heavier, time wasting download.
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

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Posted : Oct 5, 2009 15:22

On 2009-10-05 06:35, Basilisk wrote:
I've tried offering 24-bit audio on Ektoplazm but there never was much of a response to it. In previous threads I've seen on Isratrance the emerging consensus seemed to be that it was overkill given the kind of equipment you usually find at parties.

yes but now there is new cdj2000 that can actualy use 24 bit files (from usb/sd/dvda)
hopefully it will change the cdj100 finnaly.
any leading club in europe will have them , obviously techno djs will use the higher quality , and we sound as usual less good for organizers saving money reasons.
sick of it
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 5, 2009 15:37
Why would it matter to have cdj2000s on a crappy sound rig? I'd rather put money into a better sound system, better artists, better deco... (the list goes on) than buying cdj2000s. The sound system is where the music eventually comes out of, so it has the most control over the quality. I understand that we want the music to be the highest quality from the start, but this is just thinking too ideally.

Why don't we focus on creating better music first, rather than trying to polish a turd?
 - Midwest based psytrance group
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

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Posted : Oct 5, 2009 16:02

On 2009-10-05 15:37, Ascension wrote:
Why would it matter to have cdj2000s on a crappy sound rig? I'd rather put money into a better sound system, better artists, better deco... (the list goes on) than buying cdj2000s. The sound system is where the music eventually comes out of, so it has the most control over the quality. I understand that we want the music to be the highest quality from the start, but this is just thinking too ideally.

Why don't we focus on creating better music first, rather than trying to polish a turd?

well , after you have great mix , Function 1 system (x6) , great deco and the best artists in the world... now can we switch to the new technology too? thanx.
there is no "thinking too ideal" , if you can dream it you can live it.
maybe its not attended to 50 people parties ok... there is thousands of 1000+ attending events and those are the ones should invest really as much possible for crowd to enjoy to maximum. lets not forget people pay entrance fee which in some events goes easy over 35$.
and beside in israel its the PA company that bring the cdj as part of the system , who that will work with this will actualy get more work , so its financial benefit also.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 5, 2009 16:14
I'm not talking about reaching for the stars (hence why I said better, not best), just that there are places where you can improve sound quality without spending a ton of money on a cd player that barely anyone would take advantage of the 24-bit availability.

In the end, I'd rather listen to a good mp3 than a skazi wav track  - Midwest based psytrance group
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 5, 2009 16:17
I do think that it would benefit for larger festivals where the budget isn't the same as the cost of 2 cdj2000s . Although if I were spending that money on those artists I'd rather have them use a laptop with midi controllers to make it more live...

In the end as stupid as I think this debate is, I'm glad that this scene has people in it that strive for the best- even though it's rarely achieved.  - Midwest based psytrance group
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 5, 2009 17:45

On 2009-10-05 06:35, Basilisk wrote:
I've tried offering 24-bit audio on Ektoplazm but there never was much of a response to it. In previous threads I've seen on Isratrance the emerging consensus seemed to be that it was overkill given the kind of equipment you usually find at parties.

Well I have a feeling that the reason you never had much of a response is because people were going to burn it to CD

In any case, from what I've been told: Unlike the difference between MP3 and CD quality, the difference between 16 bit and 24 bit can be heard very easily by many people, even on headphones.

And honestly lack of money is no real excuse. I have been to many very nonprofit and very underground events in scenes other than psy where a pair of shiny new CDJ1000MK3s was used, or at least 800s.

Funny story actually: I went to a party recently where they had two CDJ1000MK3s set up, and none of the DJs used them! There were two vinyl DJs, one using serato and a live PA. Robert Hood is amazing by the way
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 5, 2009 17:46
My other hope is that the (hopeful) rise of 24 bit will make people stop overusing compression and limiting on their tracks! 24bit gives you so much resolution there is no reason not to let those kicks peak as high as they can.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 6, 2009 01:31

On 2009-10-05 15:22, Elad wrote:
yes but now there is new cdj2000 that can actualy use 24 bit files (from usb/sd/dvda)
hopefully it will change the cdj100 finnaly.
any leading club in europe will have them , obviously techno djs will use the higher quality , and we sound as usual less good for organizers saving money reasons.

Laptop DJs have had no trouble playing 24-bit files all this time, right? I don't see how the CDJ-2000 is going to cause an upswing of interest in 24-bit quality; the units themselves are prohibitively expensive and, IMO, more than a little redundant given what you can accomplish with laptop and audio interface. Not that I am against 24-bit! I'm just commenting on what I perceive to be lukewarm interest at best. Perhaps I will start offering 24-bit quality again just to test the waters again.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 6, 2009 02:33
Elad just doesn't like bringing his gear to shows  - Midwest based psytrance group
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 6, 2009 02:49
So if we are getting picky, I want to see analog sources to come back and that every venue and dj uses a XOne V6 with walves.

All digital is shit compared to analog.           "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

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Posted : Oct 6, 2009 04:53
Ascension you are right i like my live to be mixing my tracks and adding on them fx's and leads in live , i dont really need laptop (plus soundcard + midi controller) for this since i allready bring synths and mixing can be done on cd just as perfect. thats still interesing (to me only it seems) more then pretend to do something and also still no chanse to really fuck it up too much. great outcomes and i really cant repeat the same twice.. as well i think looping live style sounds abit old and not very sophisticated.

and btw almost no artist in israel is actualy coming with laptop to those dusty parties hehehe just for the overseas gigs and for big festivals

@login - i really love xone mixers

Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - Can we start releasing 24 bit music now?
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