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Can we start releasing 24 bit music now?

IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 2, 2009 18:03:43
Now that the CDJ-2000 is coming which supports 24 bit .wav, perhaps music could be released in this way?

By my calculation, a CD-ROM can hold a little over 40 minutes of 24 bit stereo .wav. Perhaps if tracks were released in this format, artists would not be so pressured to add filler to meet 70+ minutes!

On the other hand, the CDJ-2000 also supports DVD-ROMs, which can hold up to 4 hours of 24 bit wav, so you can go that route if 40 minutes is not enough!
Dennis the menace
DevilsDennis Sparris McHilton

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Posted : Oct 2, 2009 18:14
how many from this scene do you think will get the cdj2000 when some of the biggest festivals still use cdj100?

And who would buy it the music in 24 bit? A few dj´s maybe.. how about the rest of the peope who have the normal cd player or just listening in the car on his way to work, it would be totally useless to them.. i dont even think ipod supports 24bit wav.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 2, 2009 18:24

On 2009-10-02 18:14, Dennis the menace wrote:
how many from this scene do you think will get the cdj2000 when some of the biggest festivals still use cdj100?

This is a chicken and egg problem! Perhaps if more music were released in a format which required the CDJ2000, then more people will upgrade their inferior equipment!

And maybe this is a local thing but in SF I would say easily 1/3 the scene would get music in 24 bit if it were available.

Perhaps the 24 bit releases could be digital only so there is no need to worry about how many people buy it.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 2, 2009 18:26
I think disk innovation for music is pointless. The way forward is all about soft data formats and making them sound good. Better for the environment, more convenient and time constraints are none existant. And rather than having to buy new readers every time they update, we just update our software. way cool
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 2, 2009 18:28
We need a cheap reusable data storage container first. SD cards and USB drives are too expensive!
Demoniac Insomniac

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Posted : Oct 2, 2009 18:55
is there some standarts for making an audio dvd? that is made for dvd players, that is similar to audio cds?           VA - Spiritual Science out now!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 2, 2009 18:56
lol  - Midwest based psytrance group
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 2, 2009 19:36

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Posted : Oct 2, 2009 19:43
with the amount of compression and limiting that is present in most modern psy (and most other music), is there really much point to doing 24bit releases?
Krono Psy

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Posted : Oct 2, 2009 21:47
i think maybe in a very far future when everyone is rich enough to upgrade there equipment it would b nice to release 24bits but like it was said here already how about those festivals that still use cdj100`s and the people that listen only at home in small sound systems and so on it was a nice thought my friend but still useless           KRONO_PSY/ICCRecs/LYCANTROP Recs
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 3, 2009 00:02

On 2009-10-02 18:03:43, Shiranui wrote:
Now that the CDJ-2000 is coming which supports 24 bit .wav, perhaps music could be released in this way?

By my calculation, a CD-ROM can hold a little over 40 minutes of 24 bit stereo .wav. Perhaps if tracks were released in this format, artists would not be so pressured to add filler to meet 70+ minutes!

On the other hand, the CDJ-2000 also supports DVD-ROMs, which can hold up to 4 hours of 24 bit wav, so you can go that route if 40 minutes is not enough!

I'll be annoying here: Ideally, 19 bit 80KHz compressed at 700Kbps would give even the sharpest theoretical ear all it could ever need under any circumstance. On a normal CD, that translates to over 150 minutes.

More stands to be gained by fixing the quarter of a century old audio standard people still use. And even that is mostly theoretical. Argue with me if you want, but I can back my words. 

Started Topics :  312
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Posted : Oct 3, 2009 04:46
I think people should be more concerned with the quality of their music and not the amount of bits that are being used to store it. Needless to say that in a party situation no one would hear the difference anyway. And if you do, you are not enjoying the party.           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 3, 2009 11:05
Maybe it would be a better idea to burn all the bad sound systems first so you could actually hear all the 16 bits released so far properly.
Inactive User

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Posted : Oct 3, 2009 11:28
mp3 is fine , thanks
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

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Posted : Oct 3, 2009 12:15

On 2009-10-02 18:28, Shiranui wrote:
We need a cheap reusable data storage container first. SD cards and USB drives are too expensive!

40$ for 16 giga. thats atleast 10 albums dude!!
i think its cheap allready.
hgow much is "fair" you think???

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