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Can't we do better?


Started Topics :  68
Posts :  397
Posted : Jan 2, 2008 18:18
I'll be honest I'm very disappointed and I'm gonna speak strong this time.

Let's look ourselves at the mirror.

Why is it that everybody is pretty much apathetic to post interesting threads, or to answer those which are already here... There is almost no activity for positive things.

But as soon as there is the chance to argue with someone, or post random things that have nothing to do with trance, or anything that creates divisions or bad vibes, I see a lot of activity and interest.

Why is that? is this the image you want to give of our country?

Don't you have the capability to post englightening, constructive, respectful threads about positive things?

Why was it that you asked for this section of isratrance so much if this is the use you are gonna give it to it, do you really think that you deserve it??

Let's see what you guys have to say.

          Peace, Love, Light and Harmony
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jan 2, 2008 21:06
Ok i admit i got sarcastic in my post at "hi amigos"
But. it has to be a limit between a constructive respectful negative review and a degradant one like mayo did with weber and so on.

Now, i guess we have to practice and im included, in how we react with comments likes mayo`s,
would be easier if we just make like we didn`t see that post and post the comment, anyway.. hard to say, but everybody has the right to judge in its own way.
We can argue but in a respectful way too.
Mr Ponce
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 3, 2008 03:30
Forza is a good question, which must not be, which is that if it is not only a Mexican phenomenon is global, no less reprehensible, but let's be fair if it is not only in our country

The solution, sincerely unaware, perhaps a good way is simply to ignore the user who does not contribute anything to his comments, always remember that there will be people who do not think like us, it is something that we have to live

I noticed that in places like the fourth of psymexico soulseek in 2001, people are increasingly became least 200 people, many of them making large contributions ami as staff helped me a lot because this room know secrets of production that I gave people like, visua ,duendo matka, smuhg,haki , surat , jey &x who were very supportive when connecting artists to smaller cities of the country by. Clear and the exchange of files, also remember that mourn the death of cosma l chak sharigrama, everything was good wave and support among everyone, but now and here are already becoming less and the people are becoming more violent, I think the worn this genre at least in our country and all it is eaten in such a party, might even be reaching breaking point, I do not know maybe it is time to re wing roots and return to be small celebrations hidden away from the big brands, and so avoid the anonymity of the public, that we know who is on our side and we know that we are really oneself

So my comment is focused on bigger while the holidays are bigger will be the degree of anonymity for the public, and therefore there will be more problems and less input

Brain Hacked
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 3, 2008 04:36
I can only speak for me...but after reading topics that end in childish arguments or almost cat fights (tipical mexican attitude) i ask my self..why bother answering??? ive been in this forum for some years now and ive posted and anwered topics, but honestly the mexican side of the forum has lots of threads with no potential...

i like the idea of having u as a moderator and i enjoy ur threads but man after reading stuff like full on sucks,dark sucks,im evil,dj wannabe, and endless nonsense...again i ask myself..why bother answering?

As serag pointed "We can argue but in a respectful way" but as far as i know and where i live mexican have to fight instead of reaching a middle point. Myabe im wrong or getting old.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 3, 2008 05:38
i dont really have anything to say but i guess it was my foult too.. at first i was just trying to be nice but its hard put put the fire off once its on.. i let myself into the situation . im not gonna lie it was kinda fun to argue about a topic with no end .there is some times that i dont really feel like reading a whole post or making a long anwear to a topic.. im a listener and a reader .. i just like to stay back and read or listen but im also a peacefull person and thats why i didnt like Mayo's first post about weber's tunes which are really my taste of music but i really respect that he had the balls to share his music.

i also think that U (Forza) r taking this to seriously, kick back for a little while and have fun making some jokes with us man.... i think ur doing a great job with the forum but sometimes i feel like if u were my dad and u were telling what to do and not to do and very nonsense way... espero no ofenderte y ke tomes esto como solo una opinion...

peace out


i really like some of threats and ive doing some search of my own but once again i like to stay back and keep somethings to myself.

im sure we can do better!!           -PaRtYcLeS aLL oVeR tHE WoOdS

Started Topics :  7
Posts :  202
Posted : Jan 3, 2008 10:18
well there has been some really stupid attitude in the posting by these part of the forum.. that way y contribute by not spaming here..i tend to read other conutry forums or the general trance area.
these has been mediocre by my part, and i can guess that many have done this.

but if we all try to make these a little more intresting (myself included) and not just the same or trying to become a greater part of the forum by coping other countrys way.. like artis x artis mexican way or stuff like not criticiting because is everybodys fault myself included by adopting these ways.

On 2007-11-22 00:38, gazella wrote:
maybe I'm high or simplly kuku ...but its all about the vibe
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  127
Posts :  1644
Posted : Jan 3, 2008 10:22
umm, I don't like catfights, just don't mess with me, as I don't flee from anyone. For all's sake, let's have a nice party; I don't care to explode at any moment, and I don't bow in front of anyone, have that clear.

Love to everybody.

IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  269
Posts :  7826
Posted : Jan 3, 2008 14:13
Forza and Jou* have been makin a great thing in your section.

i know many of you are not aware of the free time the mods spend in the forum, trying to make the section stay with a nice level of discussions.

belive me people that is the kind of discussions that happened in the other thread that lead to the erosion of the relations inside the section.everybody is free to give their opinion but always in a civilized way.

how many of you are from the time when the Portuguese section was open?it was mainly because of threads like the other one that is completly erased.

i belive what forza is trying to make is to keep the section with a good "health", and for that he need the help of every single user.

it is not the thing that he is trying to be you father, or nobody need to bow in from of anyone, it is a matter of people know how to express their ideas without being rude or offensive.           ...
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  19
Posts :  803
Posted : Jan 5, 2008 10:30

On 2008-01-03 05:38, alfreak wrote:
t weber's tunes which are really my taste of music

Arent           -PaRtYcLeS aLL oVeR tHE WoOdS

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  11
Posted : Jan 6, 2008 04:50
Viva México C....! I´m sure that here in Mexico we´re doing great music..... so the catfights are stupid!
We are WARRIORS!!! Brain Hacked:
Where are you from?

I´m proud to be Mexican! and you!?
Brain Hacked
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  111
Posts :  442
Posted : Jan 6, 2008 23:18
Im mexican, im just saying its a tipical attitude nowadays, we as society have become less humble and friendly and instead of being grateful, society has become rude and selfish, look around u, the cat fighting attitude and the argueing its everywhere, instead of taking advantage of the forum,internet, some people decides to waste it by fighting, talking we need that???

And yes im proud..but i see this attitude almost everyday so that's why i said typical and please lets not start and argue about being proud or not...i just expressed my point of view.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  19
Posts :  514
Posted : Jan 7, 2008 00:51
Being proud of being mexican or not has nothing to do with all this.

It's hard also to make a community when there is so few interested people to make it happend , i will say it over and over again, people on the mexican forum only take it as their party,artist,tour, promotion place, and i dont say that thats wrong, cause at the end of this,we are for the music, but this place was created to show that there is more than music !! That all this spin around people who think and can bring something to this.

I would love to see all the people that post parties,tours, etc ect, to take a minute and bring something else to this forum to be more specific to the mexican section, come on mates dont be such douchebags and bring something else.

And for the rest of us that post on a more daily basis, dont get caught on stupid ego non sense talks, and dont say that all this isn`t because your ego , because it is.

Welcome to the new members and bring something people!!! Because the way i see it, this section will go off soon.

          If u are Something, Dont ask for nothing
If u are Nothing, Dont ask for something
Brain Hacked
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  111
Posts :  442
Posted : Jan 7, 2008 02:51
Well said janue!!!!!

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  11
Posted : Jan 7, 2008 05:31
OK i´m going to change my point of view....
Í try to learn something here. I heard that here(Isra Trance) are the best of the best, and i wanted to beleave that....
Thanks for the welcome!
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  34
Posts :  351
Posted : Jan 7, 2008 10:04
Well yes, here are the best of the best and the worst of the worst. hihihi
Trance Forum » » Forum  Mexico - Can't we do better?

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