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buying files vs buying lps, vinyls cds etc

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Dec 5, 2009 10:19:31
well i have been buying both of these and feel that when i buy a file i do not get an adrenalin rush or excited when i finish downloading...but whenever i order cds, and when it comes by post to my home the excitement is much higher..i find ripping the plastic covers of the cd and removing them from the box very trance like and for a few minutes i always spread the news on my bed and look at them for 10-15 minutes and go aaaah wooow...with files from beatport etc its like why the hell is my d/l speed so low and by the time it finishes i have already lost my appetite for the track...and its just another file on my comp...
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Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

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Posted : Dec 5, 2009 13:51
combine that with the beatport topic and its still same like 10 years ago.. we can get files (for too expensive and even for free) and its not worth as much as the cd like the artist ment it to be.. simple to me , always been like that.

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Dec 5, 2009 20:36
i meant like wheres the fun in buying a track as compared to buying a cd...either ways if you are buying, u buy something that you can hold and touch...i mean i find buying files very impersonal and its disconnects the artist from the listener...i am not talking about about free and illegal downloads..i think the economists are solely responsible for the losses of the artists..some banker at goldman or ubs came up with a model that made selling one file more profitable and thus began the downward spiral..yes this may be a good way for emerging artist, but for established ones going doing it is quite frankly lack of confidence in their work..instead of making the whole album a 60 minute or 45 minute smooth journey, or experience, they are just going for what is called SAMPLING- buy one for sample , i think a confident artist instead of selling such "samples" should rather give it away for free, for if he/she is truly good they will find patrons...i simply inquiring and seeking opinion on the other 10,000 files on your computer ...i think the artist deserves more respect that just 5gb of disk space...just curious
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Horrordelic Records

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Posted : Dec 6, 2009 05:53
buying a cd is like buying art... you get artwork and its an object you can touch (and also wont get lost as fast a file can disappear.....)

long live artwork!!            3o~ kriz aka krize 3o~ ....Horrordelic Records....
- Think for yourself -
Inactive User

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Posted : Dec 7, 2009 02:52
I only buy files online for songs I really want for my listening pleasure that are unavailable on cd any more, like the early Hallucinogen singles.

CD's are great to own, but they do take up a lot of space and money... think after 10 odd years my music buying is going on hold now for a loooooong time...           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 7, 2009 03:34
Well i think it reflects our society! We build and build(buy and buy) and in the end we dont know what to do with all these things! it has given us happiness but no longer serve us the happiness it once did... only certain things do..

Happiness is hidden in the moment!
The moment you build that house, the moment its done
The moment you receive that CD, the moment you open it... The moment when you listen to that track...
But once its there and you own it, its not so special any more... but if you dont see it for a while it gets some magic back...

This is why i think live music is more of healthy way to consume music! Not CD´s or computers! Collecting things never made anyone truly happy...

Creating things is of course one source to happiness, but i think humans need to consider the means to all of her creations! Cause true happiness is also to be honest and respectful! to both mother nature and the beings that live of her...

So building highspeed cars which needs lots of fuel is in my opinion not true happiness, even if driving one can feel like a big rush... but so can skiing or snowboarding down hill do... So its all about choice and what is good...
one can also argue what is best for nature, CD´s or digital download, well both are bad...

haha yesterday i woke up and there was a electric power failure! i remember i always get this feeling of! okej now its time to make a fire, start building a shelter, this apartment wont do me good if there is no heating.. lol
i kind of like the idea of not having all these gadgets and things to care about...

Would be so simple and liberating to live in the nature, banging on drums, making fire, farm, and hunt.... yeah yeah...

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Dec 7, 2009 04:27
Downloading files is defiently impersonal and less satisfying than owning the physical product.

On my uTunes I try hard to create an experience as close to having the product in your hand wit artwork and proper written album/track titles.

As Kriz said, Music ~ ART

Freeflow are you zenning Out or what ? Join the Rainbow gatherings and/or retire in the woods when the time and beard is right.

smk'n sleep

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  60
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Posted : Dec 7, 2009 05:06

On 2009-12-07 04:27, psytones wrote:
Downloading files is defiently impersonal and less satisfying than owning the physical product.

On my uTunes I try hard to create an experience as close to having the product in your hand wit artwork and proper written album/track titles.

As Kriz said, Music ~ ART

Freeflow are you zenning Out or what ? Join the Rainbow gatherings and/or retire in the woods when the time and beard is right.

smk'n sleep

hahaha! yes =)
But its too lonely to be there by my self! i want some jam and hunting buddies and enough ladies to keep all happy!

You know i often go here! nature bla bla bla... i guess its a vision i hold strong, but im stuck here with Cd´s, computers and synthesizers... well maybe its not the big issue, maybe i got some other issues, hehe..

Still i totally agree with the thought of a artwork! Still i guess you can make a digital release appealing enough sometimes. just have to give that little extra..

But it will never compare to holding something in your hands, and tearing off some nice plastic! hehe
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