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bus compression

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  109
Posts :  70
Posted : May 11, 2014 22:38:05
How do you use bus compression? Where do you see it as an application and where you would definitely not use it?

If I have a group of sounds I will glue them together with bus compressor (sometimes also to drums or hihats (without kick))

A common problem lately for me seems to be that pads are masking a lot of other stuff and you need to put them very quiet. But there would be space in the mix between lead sounds for pads to be louder. So I tought that maybe if you route pads and leads to a bus and compress it with a bus compressor you could raise levels of pads in those moments that the leads are not playing.

Or do you think that it is too easy to ruin dynamics in this way?  
Midnight Sun

Started Topics :  91
Posts :  529
Posted : May 12, 2014 01:38
Well I think you achieve this a bit different on every DAW, but basically you need to route the instruments you want to compress to another new channel and then add compression. Look for Send Channels, it's very easy.

About that pad issue I think it's a bit pointless, I mean, do your mix as you want it to sound, forget about what you see on spectrum analizers, and if you want a pad to sound louder in some sections than in others you can just automate volume, I don't think you really need compression for that.
Good Luck!
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  21
Posts :  110
Posted : May 13, 2014 11:28
You can sidechain the pads using the lead as the trigger for the compressor very easy. This way the leads will stand out more and the pads will reappear when the lead stops playing. 
Trance Forum » » Forum  Production & Music Making - bus compression
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