IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Feb 27, 2012 13:16:40
small documentary about a young boy in nepal meditating for months,and months in public view, an amazing demonstarion of being.
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Mar 4, 2012 10:35
No 1 is above God
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Mar 12, 2012 06:09
^on the contrary,Everyone is god!,each and everyone of us is part of a much bigger picture,that is if one can step out of his ego self and look. normal human being is a preconditioned mindless machine which reacts to stimuli of the senses,will react to desire,fear,pleasure,etc etc,it is bound by routine and habit and confined within limited actions. for one to not be easily influenced by his mindless chatter,which is filled with his egoistic desires and fears and other garbage, one must cease to be influenced by anything so ordinary, for we live in an infinite world, step out of your self and see the billions of stars in our galaxy and then step back and see the billions of galaxies in the universe and its no joke, there r billions of galaxies!! with billions of stars in them,each star with planets and maybe life on planet,and then maybe u on the planet, you should feel that infiniteness inside yourself,the endless potential,the endless energy,infinite creations within yourself,now realising all this potential is meaningless if one puts it to his material desires of egoistic cravings of flesh,but to step back and with a concious awareness make a positive envorionment not only for the self but all, everyone and everything,because everyone and everything is made up of the same thing,you are the universe,science calls it atoms,molecules,the small small bits,some ppl call it god,point being its all 1, i am you, you r me, we r them ,they r us, ,and in this environment,what comes out is totally deprived of material desires. and that is close to optimal for this plane. One must become aware of the inner workings within his being, he must be concious of what comes out of his mouth,how one reacts to emotions,why he feels hate or love, watch how he reacts,by watching his/her inner movements one finds out his inner workings, and then he can have an influence on these inner workings,that is a concious awareness, of not letting things happen,but to have an influence on the happenings.to bring this about one must remain centered and not be easily be pushed around by thoughts and other inner works.to sit like this for hours,days,months in stillness is a big deal,try sitting for 20 minutes a day, if u can do that then that is still not ordinary!
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Mar 13, 2012 09:10
quiet interesting. But, what does he want to achieve by fasting and all that publicity-thingy. Firstly Buddha learned, that fasting does not lead to liberation and enligtenment. It was just a step in his life, which he learnt doesn`t work. Secondly Buddha would only be intereseted in that publicity thing, if he could give something to the people to work on their enlightenment. Just a donation box is very unbuddha-like.
Also this "buddha boy" was reported to habe assaulted a group of villagers, who came to distrub his meditation. They (him and his followers) shased the villagers, did physical painful actions to them and locked them somewhere for some hours. Buddha-like? Eh.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Mar 13, 2012 12:08
hahaha wow,how easily you discard all this as so ordinary,and scam like.
k , let me try and explain,first thing, you cannot compare buddha's actions with anyone else, he was unique, this boy is not the incarnation of buddha, the local's or media named him that or something.second, i dont know how you view this boy sitting motionless for months, and days infront of a camera, you can see him sitting for hours,days in the documentary camera, where they use time lapse to show him sitting for hours on an end, for any human to sit even for 2 hours, or say even 20 minutes is awesome! i dont think the boy himself was involved in any violence,maybe his brothers chased away come clowns who tried to disturb his meditation, but since he is doing all this publicaly, all this bullshit comes along, bullshit like those vendors,and all the people comming to see him, and donation boxes,,, no matter what is going on, the boy is sitting!! instead of watching whatever is going on around the boy, why dont you see what is going on inside the boy! not outside him! can you explain what he does sitting for days and days like this? ok now from what i gather, if you sit in complete observation,your inner self becomes calm and aware, now when you sit for prolonged periods of awareness you begin to notice higher energy levels at play, higher knowledge,wisdom,basically the being becomes centered to his own highest truest self. now its not he will grow wings and start to fly, but his inner self is formed and he brings forth not his own will , but the will of his own highest self, the divine self.divine self relates to his own being cleansed of all the ego and manifestation of the forces which created this universe in your being, the forces which make each and everything,from planets to stars to humans to all creation,basically to become concious of yourself. now fasting, fasting has been used all over to reach states of higher awareness, basically the principle is in states of fasting the body become more aware,but those is extreme cases,and not reccommended, i think its a good thing the boy does it openly, to show everyone that its possible for all and not some magical mystery, and that each and everyone of us has potential to tap into this infinite source.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Mar 13, 2012 12:49
I have all respect, what he has done since 2005.
I think the name "buddha boy" is also what he would like to be called, since he told his brother in 2005, that he can call him from nowon "Om Namo Buddha Gyani" (hello, one who has the knowledge of buddha). At least this is written in German wikipedia. So, if he has the knwoledge of Buddha and wants to be called "Om Namo Buddha Gyani", why doesn`t he teach others? A buddha is defined by being enlightend AND teaching others. I just don`t get that.
And I just don`t know, what he wants to achieve by fasting. It gives better concentration, but only to a certain extent, and is deffenitly not, what the buddha teached. Buddha learned, that this is the wrong way.
I don`t care about all the hype. He can do what he wants. And i have respect to this. Same respect as I have for a beggar, a pilot or canoe-driver. He is just doing, what he does, like everybody else.
I will get big respect, as soon as he lets others know about his findings.
And concerning the chasing and assualting: it is reported, that he was involved and he was even going to be punished by law for that.
And I just came from a normal meditaton course of Vipassana: it is not that heavy to sit with "Adhittana" (strong determination, no moving) lets say for 2 hours. Everybody in this course (80 people) succeeded. But more then 2 hours gets a bit harder.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Mar 13, 2012 14:00
PS: But that is just what I know and think. I don`t want to stop people from being fascinated by him. It`s just my thoughts.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Mar 14, 2012 19:04
i'm more fascinated by what the boy does.not the boy, anyway may you find what you lookin for
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Mar 15, 2012 09:48
Thanks, I found, what I was looking for. Here is a video of him giving a discourse to a huge audience in Nepal:
I watched it only for one third. Only messages, which I found were: he wants to reach the highest step of enlightenment, evrybody should be vegetararian, people should be nice to each other. Will continue warching later ...
PS: Because you are fasinated by him sitting so long continously: Since I am meditating myself and have attended several nonstop courses of meditation, I can maybe give you a slight clue, how he manages to sit so long. The forces, which create the problems while sitting are a) physical pain from sitting b) psychosomatic pain (mind created the pain). The physical pain can be reduced by slight corrections or a short 5 minute walk. But the psychosomatic pain plays a much more important role. It is much more dominant. Anyways it is possible to change the normal pattern of the mind to react with abortion / antipaty to "pain"-sensations. If one trains the mind to look at every sensation with the understanding of the rule of nature (rising and passing away) one develops an equanimous state of mind and watches the sensations neutrally. So no new impurities of negativity / antipathy can be stored in the subconscious levels; and one gets a clearer view on the reality of the body, because with that equanimity the mind gets much sharper and it is possible to see, that we are just build of lots and lots of small particles, which just rise and pass away, every particle, every time. It is a very pleasant feeling to feel a pleasant flow of very such fine vibrations through the body. So it is possible to dissolve the pain into its reality of much more detailed biochemical reactions. This also gives a chance to work with the habit pattern of the mind to create craving to this pleasant feelings of subtle vibrations, which in the end means you can work with the subconsious levels. Also one realises the truth of nonexistance / egolessnes. But what I just described is a very Vipassana way of thinking. I don`t know, how the boy works it.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Mar 15, 2012 11:35
ahaha,thx for your help
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Mar 15, 2012 12:57
I am allways happy to share, what I have learnt and experienced. Try it yourself. You will find out, that it is true.
Anyways you seem to look at it as a funny thing. But just try. Give it a shot. Just experience. And be happy. everybody can do meditation. Just walk your own way.