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Broken track on Beyond Logic Records

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  22
Posts :  194
Posted : May 24, 2010 02:32:38
Hello, I'm very sorry to write this topic, but I bought on the end of last year the V.A " Force Of Creation " on Beyond Logic Records:

I was really insane to get it because there is a track from Bio Genesis, I very like there sound, so I listen for the track (wich one is really great) but the problem is the end of the track is only a silence for more one minute, the label got a probleme at the CD press...

So I sended many messages by e-mail, on myspace or facebook, I get one time a reply saying me they will upload the track, but still nothing!!!

So I'm very hungry of the situation, they lie to me, I bought the CD and they don't care, thank you for the spirit and thank you for respect the artists they work with, what more bad to be on a CD as broken file, it's not a good advertising for them and no one can spin the track.

So please to Beyond Records to do something and to respect people who buy the music.

Hero #1
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 24, 2010 02:45
sorry to hear, as far as i know BLR guys work very hard for the scene to make things happen. Who specifically did you talk to ? I'd suggest talking to Jafar or Bils

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  22
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Posted : May 24, 2010 18:59
I don't remember who I specialy try to contactn but I know I allready send a message to Jafar.
Of course I'm sure they do their best to make things happen, here in France it's the same and our country is specialy a hard place, we had to cancel our Open Chakra Festival, so I very know as manager on Shiva Project how things can be difficult.
But I sent messages for 6 mounths ago, I got 2 reply on myspace and no motre news since 22/02/2010.

All the best to every one.

IsraTrance Team

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Posted : May 24, 2010 19:19
i will give you one example: some time ago, i reviewed the brain busters compilation - - and it had a bad mastering, dunno why it happened, but someone involved with the label, kindly asked sorry and replaced the files via internet.there is something more in here for full story:


On 2008-04-24 09:16, BrainBusters wrote:
Thank you everyone for the honest comments. We appreciate the feedback as life is a continuous learning process and we are always looking to improve and be better.

As many people have pointed out, the mastering on this compilation is quite kick and bass heavy. Some people like it, but most, including some of the artists, have said it is just too much... In response to these comments, we have worked with Digitalist to create a new remastered version of the Goods Carrier compilation and I am pleased to say that everyone who has listened to it is very happy with the results.

The next step is to decide how to distribute (digitally) this remastered version of the compilation to everyone who has purchased the original mastered version. We obviously need some way to verify the purchase of the original CD and then provide a download link for the new mastered version. This way everyone can have both mastered versions and decide themselves which one is best.

For now, if you have purchased the original master and are interested in getting a copy of the new master once we decide on how to distribute it, please send an email to stating that you purchased the CD. When we decide a way to verify your purchase, we will send you an email with further instructions.

Thanks for your understanding, we will definitely learn from our mistakes and try to do better in the future.

Arigato Gozaimasu from BrainBusters in Tokyo, Japan.

i mean, i think it depends a lot of the person who is working on the label, and the love they have on the things they do. now it can also be lack of time to solve the issue.don´t jump into quick conclusions.           ...
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  22
Posts :  194
Posted : May 24, 2010 23:48
Yes, I know they didn't wish the track is broken, but I said them there's a problem, they reply to me and said me they will upload the track as full version, but now after 4 mounths, still nothing and no more reply, but I can see they're connected and they are activ on facebook, and when Brain Buster saw people wasn't agree with the mastering of his CD, he gave a solution, so I'm waiting for this solution from Beyound Logic Records team.

And here a link on the french forum for this V.A, if your are able to understand french, look for the 3rth message on this page (by Dj Reepai) and you will see he's got also the same problem:,trancegoa,28,,27196,1,0.html

Peace & light.

-=Beyond Logic=-
Beyond Logic Records

Started Topics :  34
Posts :  21
Posted : May 26, 2010 08:30
Hello Psyrek,

Thanks for bringing this up and to give us an opportunity to make an apology to people who got the cd with the broken track.

There were some issues with the pressing and many cd's got this problem. This was brought to our notice by few buyers and we promptly replaced the cd to them.

We have shipped about 40 replacement copies to Japan, 8 to Australia and many more to people in different parts of the world.

If you want some confirmation, I would be happy to ask those people to drop a line here confirming the same.

But yes, our apologies for missing out to send the copy to you. Please pm us your postal address with telephone number and we will courier you the copy as possible.

Also to other buyers, please feel free to get in touch, we will be happy to send you a wav file of the track by email.

We would also like to thank each one of you who bought the cd for their support and hope you give us a chance to make up for this unintentional mistake.


Beyond Logic Crew           ------------------------------------
Beyond Logic!
Euphoriactive Meditation n' Beyond...

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Posts :  79
Posted : May 26, 2010 10:08
Hey Psysrek,
I had the same issue and posted on the Beyond Logic page on facebook and got a reply from the BL crew who sent me a fresh copy of the cd. They might have missed out on your message and I'm sure you will receive your copy in the mail soon.

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  22
Posts :  194
Posted : May 26, 2010 11:15

On 2010-05-26 08:30, -=Beyond Logic=- wrote:
Hello Psyrek,

Thanks for bringing this up and to give us an opportunity to make an apology to people who got the cd with the broken track.

There were some issues with the pressing and many cd's got this problem. This was brought to our notice by few buyers and we promptly replaced the cd to them.

We have shipped about 40 replacement copies to Japan, 8 to Australia and many more to people in different parts of the world.

If you want some confirmation, I would be happy to ask those people to drop a line here confirming the same.

But yes, our apologies for missing out to send the copy to you. Please pm us your postal address with telephone number and we will courier you the copy as possible.

Also to other buyers, please feel free to get in touch, we will be happy to send you a wav file of the track by email.

We would also like to thank each one of you who bought the cd for their support and hope you give us a chance to make up for this unintentional mistake.


Beyond Logic Crew

OK, thank you, for sur you have my support, very nice sounds in each CDs you produced and no one is " errorproof ".

I sent you a pm


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Posted : May 27, 2010 09:25
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IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  22
Posts :  194
Posted : Jun 18, 2010 03:36
Hi, just to say I got a few days ago the broken track as full version, I'm very glad, killer track like about all the CD.

And I'm very sorry for beyound Logic Records, no one is safe against this kind of problem, all my support to the label, wich one I follow from the start.


IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  241
Posts :  2848
Posted : Jun 18, 2010 11:31
i bought Slash's new debut solo album and though it doesnt have broken tracks but the whole damn cd is so badly scratched it keeps skipping..the tracks are gems..except for the last track which is shit the cover version of paradise city ...           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
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