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IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  48
Posts :  162
Posted : Jan 2, 2016 02:08:04
Hi isratrance,

It's time to get down and roll up the shirt sleeves. Two can play this game. New Years Eve NYC was a mountain of zombie botox. I never saw an uglier crowd at a NY psy party. I paid 95$ to sit in a corner with my head in my hands. Bottom line? Don't get into a car with strangers. Don't go private places with people you don't know or trust. Don't overtrust people you happen to know. And if you get attacked on the street, forced into a car etc use what you know, fight and escape. This is NYC and people vanish without a trace. I thank the hippies who were howling "Fie on the kidnappers" at least five or six times on the dancefloor. It's always nice to know you're not alone. However at this point we are experiencing a mandatory turnover of yes, mass murderers and kidnappers international and local, but also of lazy and stupid people. And to my mind when your telepathy and your psychic abilities produce a kidnapping or murder in progress - cmon, we know it goes on - and you don't take action that makes you one lazy and stupid criminal imo. These people are so evil and retarded they probably never wrote a report to the authorities in their lives. And weed is legal. Look, all you have to do is choose a nom de plume, sit on the internet, whip out the anonymous contact forms, and send off a bunch of ccs. I personally favor the FBI, Interpol, and the US Marshals, in that order. How hard is it to say, "I am a psychic and there is a kidnapping?" how hard?? And the lies that come out of some of these people's mouths are beyond belief. Cmon. You know they rat on the good guys night and day. Why aren't you a reliable citizen? Why do you leave your now dead friends in the lurch? Oh yeah, and along the way tell the authorities drugs are good. At the end say, "No more information until drugs are legalized." Sell the good stuff at a price. there, that should satisfy the most hardcore gangbangers. Get real! If you were marking time in a sewer you would want your real friends to bring every cop that ever was!! So get up off yer pampered --- !!! Else you will be 86'd !!!### Turnover!!### And to the leaks and rats that are reading this: Quake in your boots criminals, you're outclassed!!!!!!!

Now that I have got that out,
I suspect me there are some serious kidnappers in Goa which is by accounts a hotbed of 'em. True or false? We the advanced should find out. The rest of you get a move on and crank something out. Put your nose to the grindstone. I wana see that nonschizophrenic sweat. I want results
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  48
Posts :  162
Posted : Mar 26, 2016 01:04
Update? The particular person is alive but woebegone. What's with the organ harvesting droids and bad actors who look just like your best friend? Flex that head muscle. I've been to more psy parties than most people. This makes me an avid consumer of mug shots, most wanted lists, etc. Really, the goings-on can be such a scandal. Ontopic: be Googling "kidnapping escapes." How 'bout it
Trance Forum » » Forum  North America - ~~BRAIN ALIVE!!!***
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